




Dear Ones,




Your dreams are shifting – yet they are not. Making you question whether you are of 3D or 5D. For if you were of 5D, would you not have different or more sophisticated dreams?




You question your validity and progress despite so many indicators that you are of 5D or beyond.




Shifting from wanting to be like someone you were competing with to who you are is one of the first indicators of you moving from 3D compliance to discovering who you are.




Even though your inner shifts might not be overly dramatic, they contain the seeds of new 5D you. You are no longer of 3D.




With that assurance, we return to an issue that requires a refresher for even though your past, present, and future segments are now part of you, these recent shifts were dramatic enough for you to forget some important elements.




It is likely there are very few people you can truly be yourself with, so your loneliness is becoming deeper the longer you are of 5D.




Causing your dreams to revolve around how best to obtain and retain interactions with like-minded people. Not necessarily that they think and act just as you do, but that they are living from their heart, that they are also striving to live from within instead of outside their being.




So it is, you are becoming more and more annoyed with your transition. You gave up this and that. You climbed your mountain of fear and rolled down your hill to the promised land. Now the promised land does not seem that inviting.




Granted, you are experiencing more joys than was true just a few weeks ago, but still not at the level you expected. You are almost pining for how you used to feel because those 3D feelings were comfortable. Even though you did not experience a great amount of joy, you knew what to expect and when.




You now feel as if you are in an emotional desert. For lovely pieces of your dreams are coming together, but your current most important element of interacting with others from your heart to theirs is not as strong as you expected.




A new car or more financial freedom is important to you, but neither is as important as interacting with others from your heart.




So it is you know without a doubt you are fully of 5D or beyond. For your life is no longer about keeping up with the Joneses, but instead of finding heartfelt interactions that provide more joy than anything else you could create.




That is not to say you will not create your dreams whether that be financial freedom, a new job, or community. But instead, it will be more important for you to create those dreams with others through a heart connection.




For you are discovering that without a heart connection, baubles mean nothing. So it is you are of 5D discovering new elements of your being that you did not foresee before this most recent shift.




Your current quest is not for outer-directed show, but for inner-directed joy and collaboration.




Those of you who have not reached this point might question our words for you continue to be most interested in dreams that do not necessarily include heartfelt connections. You will.




The cry of the New Age, New Earth, and your new being is, “We’re all one.” Such could not come to fruition if elements were created without heart as was true in 3D.




Some of you question that last thought for you have always loved your family, your community, or your nation. This concept is much larger than your immediate loves. It is knowing that someone living on a different continent is as much a part of you as are your children, significant other, or community.




It is a different love than you experienced in 3D for this love has no parameters or barriers. It is someone suffering on another continent that makes you feel the same as if your child or spouse were suffering. For all are part of all.




A fact denied for eons as you of 3D built your mansions, businesses, structures, and gover·nments based on your limited heart feelings trying to outdo your neighbors, your family, and other countries. “We are the best,”was your 3D battle cry. Your new and ongoing cry is, “We are one.”




Of course, such will not happen overnight, but inklings of your ongoing life on earth in this lifetime are starting to light up within you. So it is that not only are you of 5D but you are lonely and will be until you start acting on your new heart connections with others throughout the globe. And so you are beginning to do so finding that heart connections are your dominant need.




We are one” is rapidly becoming your reality which in turn will be true for all who wish to follow. So be it. Amen.




Brenda Hoffman510日《真心的还是什么都不是》

翻译:Nick Chan



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