Beloved emissaries of light, my brothers and sisters, this is Ashian.
亲爱的光之使者,我的兄弟姐妹们,我是 Ashian.
The colours have moved through the spectrum from muddy, sludgy red at the fall of humanity in this cycle through orange, yellow, green, blue and now, now you are vibrating at the outer edges of violet and indigo, just at the point where you will bounce into pure white light, expanding in an instant into every colour, encompassing all that you are and knowing that to be your truth.
My brothers and sisters, you stand, like a symphony orchestra –well, they sit, but you understand my point! –at the moment of poise before the greatest performance of their lifetimes.
我的兄弟姐妹们,你们昂首站立,就像一个交响乐团 --- 他们是坐着的,但你知道我要说什么! --- 处于他们有生以来最伟大表演前的平静等待期
It has not been billed as their greatest performance, because in truth there is never a certainty about which performance will be The Greatest.
Before they begin, they feel only the excitement and apprehension of a diver, in the infinitesimal space between the decision to move and the actual movement itself.
You are that close, mere heartbeats away, from the greatest changes you have hoped to see on your planet, changes that you have worked so determinedly, so committedly to manifest.
Even when you have felt defeated, exhausted and battered by the path of being sensitive souls in societies that are hard and aggressive, you have continued to shine your light, you have continued to have compassion, you have continued to be warriors of light.
Perhaps there may be a better term, wielders of light…for you have used light with the artistry and skill of mastery. You have fallen down, but you have got up and served again.
也许有着一个更好的词汇,光之执行者 ... 因为你伴随着大师般的技巧和艺术性在使用光。你跌倒,但你站了起来,再次服务
Rejoice now! Be sure to turn your compassion inwards, to be gentle to yourself now, for in the final moments, on the galactic ‘eve’of great changes: you are our heroes.
There is no need to push harder, for that requires effort. What is required is the release of effort, the flow of light that emerges from joy and spontaneity. That is the highest service you can perform.
These are the moments before the summit is reached. While you must still continue to walk forwards, do so with a light heart, with happiness humming in your ears. The quest of the ages is at an end.
Jennifer: Ashain, I’m really grateful for you coming through, but in all honesty, I don’t feel that this adds anything new, it’s just the same old, ‘keep on going’message.
Jennifer (管道) : Ashain ,我真的很感谢你能够前来,但老实说,我并没有感到什么新鲜的东西,还是老样子,“继续前进”之类的
Ashain: Sweetest sister, we are delighted to converse directly. How may we be of service?
Ashain: 亲爱的妹妹,我们很高兴能够与你直接交谈。我们如何能够服务?
J: Well, ‘moments away’is very close but very vague. I know not to ask for dates, but something about the nature of the events to expect might be helpful.
Jennifer (管道) : “ 片刻之远”是很接近但也很模糊。我知道不要询问日期,但关于可以期待什么类型的事件也许会是有帮助的
A: There are many events about to ‘kick off’in your dimension, disclosure is about to come in some dramatic, though not fear-inducing ways. There have been well respected people from your planet who have already met with delegations and the preliminaries are all in place for the public announcement of this fact.
Ashain: 有着许多事件就要在你们的维度中“起飞”,揭露就要在某些戏剧性、但不是诱导恐惧的方式中发生。地球上一些受人尊敬的人已经与代表团见面,公告的材料都已经到位
It is true that this is being forestalled by those reluctant to release power, but it will and must happen, and within a short time frame, as the required vibratory markers have been met.
J: Well that sounds exciting! Any names: is X among them?
Jennifer (管道) : 这听起来激动人心。能给个名字吗: X 是其中一员吗?
A: Yes, but he is just one of many, from many different spheres of life, including people who are unknown to the public who will serve as local liaison officers, so to speak, answering questions in their communities so that this is not a moment ‘out there’, but something that is real and tangible across the entirety of sweetest Gaia.
Ashain: 是的,但他只是其中一员,从许多不同的生活方面来说,包括一些大众不知道的人会作为当地联络官服务,可以这么说,在他们的社区中回答问题,所以这不是一个“离题”的时刻,而是真实有形的东西,贯穿整个甜美的盖亚
J: Could they not be targeted?
Jennifer (管道) : 他们不会成为攻击目标吗?
A: You may be assured that if they are doing this job, they have an enormous amount of protection!
Ashain: 你可以放心,如果他们做这项工作,他们会有大量的保护
In tandem with this, alongside this, there is to be, coinciding, some great changes in society that will remove the illusion of goodness from those have power for bad purposes. The leverage to manipulate is about to dissolve without them fully realising that their moment has passed.
J: So is that accountability?
Jennifer (管道) : 所以,这是需要担负责任的?
A: Yes. When the boards are being swept clean, then changes such as the revaluation of currency can be rolled out, this further increases the vibration bringing the start of the heart opening event much closer, in both vibration and time.
Ashain: 是的。当黑板被擦干净,然后货币重估这类的改变可以推出,这会进一步地增加振动,让开启心智的事件更加接近发生,振动上和时间上
So all is in readiness. We are in readiness and great excitement, for it has already been for us, as there is no time, so we have felt what you will experience and I can assure you that it will have been worth everything.
J: Thank you for this. It’s very heartening.
Jennifer (管道) : 谢谢。这真的很振奋人心
A: it is our pleasure, we are in your service, for that is what brings us greatest joy.
Ashain: 我们很荣幸,我们前来服务你,因为这会带给我们最大的喜悦
J: Thank you
Jennifer (管道) : 谢谢
通灵:Jennifer Crokaert
翻译:Nick Chan