Antarctic Ice Core records resolve competing Pole Shift Theories
Written by Dr Michael Salla on May 14, 2019.
Posted in Exoarcheology, Featured, science and technology
A declassified CIA document called The Adam and Eve Story has generated much controversy over predictions of an upcoming pole shift(aka crustal displacement)and catastrophic events that may sweep the planet in the not distant future.The 57-page document is based on a book authored by Chan Thomas in 1963.In it,Thomas proposed a pole shift scenario that differed in significant ways with what Charles Hapgood had earlier proposed in his pioneering 1958 book,The Earth's Shifting Crust.
一份解密的中情局文件《亚当和夏娃的故事》引发了很多争议,这些争议来自于对即将到来的极移 ( 即地壳移位 ) 和可能在不久的将来席卷地球的灾难性事件的预测。这份 57 页的文件以陈托马斯 1963 年撰写的一本书为基础。在这篇论文中,托马斯提出了一个极移场景,与查尔斯·哈普古德在他 1958 年的开创性著作《地壳的移动》中提出的极移场景在很大程度上有所不同。
Hapgood's theory,which was endorsed at the time by Albert Einstein,proposed that the geophysical poles periodically move by as much as up to 40 degrees through crustal displacements.This phenomenon was brought about by the increasing weight of the polar ice caps which accumulate more and more ice over the millennia until they eventually generate sufficient centrifugal force due to the planet's rotation,to make the crust move over the mantle as Einstein explained in the book's foreword.
哈普古德的理论在当时得到了阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦的支持,他提出地球物理极通过地壳位移周期性地移动多达 40 度。这种现象是由于极地冰盖的重量不断增加而引起的,这些冰盖在几千年中积累了越来越多的冰,直到由于地球的自转而最终产生足够的离心力,使得地壳移动到地幔之上,正如 Einstein 在书的前言中解释的那样。
In The Adam and Eve Story,Chan proposed that the pole shift was much greater,as much as 90 degrees with the poles shifting into the equatorial zone in less than a day.Chan has proposed the poles would flip back and forth in this way so that Antarctica would eventually return to the South Pole region,and the Arctic would do likewise.
在《亚当和夏娃的故事》中,陈教授提出极移要大得多,在不到一天的时间里极移到赤道区高达 90 度。陈提出两极会以这种方式来回翻转,这样南极最终会回到南极地区,北极也会这样做。
Each time the geographical poles did one of these 90 degree flips,there would be catastrophic winds and tidal waves all over the planet,especially in the equatorial region where the Earth's spin was 1000 mph.Water and wind would continue to move in the westerly direction through the law of inertia,sweeping over the landmasses that traveled over the equatorial region during the shift as Thomas explained:
每次地理极点做 90 度的翻转,地球上就会有灾难性的风和潮汐波,特别是在赤道地区,那里地球的自转速度是每小时 1000 英里。水和风将通过惯性定律继续向西移动,席卷在极移期间经过赤道地区的大陆。托马斯解释说 :
In¼to½a day the poles move almost to the equator,and all hell lets loose.The atmosphere and oceans don't shift with the shell–they just keep on rotating West to East–and at the equator that speed is 1000 miles per hour.It has to be,normally,to make one rotation per day.So,while the shell shifts with the poles going toward the equator,the winds and oceans go eastward,blowing across the face of the earth with supersonic speeds,inundating continents with water miles deep….
在¼到½天内,极地几乎移动到赤道,所有的地狱都放松了。大气层和海洋不会随着壳层而改变——它们只是不断地从西向东旋转——而在赤道,这个速度是每小时 1000 英里。正常情况下,每天必须进行一次自转。因此,当外壳随着两极向赤道移动时,风和海洋向东移动,以超音速的速度吹过地球表面,用数英里深的水淹没大陆 ..... 。
You can see,then,that ice ages are not a matter of advancing and retreating ice;it's simply that different areas of the Earth are in polar regions at different times,for different durations of time,with the changes between positions taking place in a fraction of a day.[The Adam and Eve Story,pp.13-14]
因此,你可以看到,冰河时代并不是冰的前进和后退的问题 ; 只是地球的不同区域在不同的时间、不同的时间段处于极地地区,位置的变化发生在一天的几分之一。亚当和夏娃的故事,第 13-14 页
The following video illustrates what happens during one of these 90 degree shifts,and what Thomas was proposing for what's to come.One can easily see how devastating such a 90 degree shift could be and why the CIA may have been motivated to suppress such information.
下面的视频说明了这些 90 度转变中的一个发生了什么,以及托马斯对即将到来的事情提出了什么建议。人们可以很容易地看到这种 90 度的转变是多么具有破坏性,以及为什么中央情报局可能有动机压制这类信息。
According to Ben Davidson,author of the popular Earth Catastrophe series,this flipping back and forth would address paleomagnetic studies that show that the magnetic poles have been in their present locations for millions of years.Davidson concluded that this made Thomas'pole shift theory much more compelling than Hapgood's.In fact,Davidson believed Hapgood was putting out his theory as a"limited hangout"by the CIA in order to put the truth out in a way that later could be easily discredited.
根据广受欢迎的地球灾难系列的作者本·戴维森的说法,这种来回跳动将解决古地磁学研究的问题,这些研究表明磁极已经在它们目前的位置上存在了数百万年。戴维森得出结论,这使得托马斯的极移理论比哈普古德的更具说服力。事实上,戴维森认为哈普古德把自己的理论作为中央情报局 " 有限的出没地点 " ,是为了以一种以后很容易被怀疑的方式公开真相。
Unfortunately for Davidson,ice core samples from Antarctica clearly support Hapgood and not Thomas'theory.Ice core samples from East Antarctica date back as much as 1.5 million years.The following diagram illustrates ice core samples taken from different Antarctic regions and show how far back in time the ice sheets date.
不幸的是,来自南极洲的冰芯样本显然支持哈普古德的理论,而不是托马斯的理论。来自东南极洲的冰芯样本可以追溯到 150 万年前。下面的图表说明了从南极不同地区采集的冰芯样本,并显示了冰盖的年代可以追溯到多久以前。
Figure 1.Antarctic ice core drill sites with depth and record duration.From the US ITASE project.
1. 南极冰芯钻探地点的深度和历时记录。来自美国 ITASE 项目。
The results from the ice core drill sites show that East Antarctica has been covered by ice for hundreds of thousands years,with Lake Vostok having some of the oldest discovered ice(220,000 years).Older ice core samples than those recorded in the above map have subsequently been found both at Lake Vostok(400,000 years),and the Dome C area(800,000 years)as shown in NOAA records.
来自冰芯钻探地点的结果显示,东南极洲已经被冰覆盖了数十万年,其中 Lake Vostok 拥有一些最古老的已发现的冰 (22 万年 ) 。在 Lake Vostok(400,000 年 ) 和 Dome c 区 (800,000 年 ) 都发现了比上图记录更古老的冰芯样本。
A subsequent 2013 study asserted that ice core samples of up to 1.5 million years are most likely to be found in the Dome C area of East Antarctica.Put simply,scientists agree that East Antarctica has been covered by ice sheets for at least 1.5 million years,and likely much longer than that.
随后 2013 年的一项研究断言,最有可能在东南极洲的圆顶 c 区域发现长达 150 万年的冰芯样本。简而言之,科学家们一致认为,东南极洲被冰盖覆盖的时间至少有 150 万年,而且可能要长得多。
In contrast,the ice core samples in West Antarctica are only a few centuries old,with only one so far matching the age of many of the East Antarctic sites.This site is in the drilling area designated Boyd whose ice was found to be 70,000 years old as the above map illustrates.
相比之下,南极洲西部的冰芯样本只有几个世纪的历史,到目前为止只有一个与南极洲东部许多地点的年代相符。如上图所示,这个地点位于被指定为博伊德的钻探区域,博伊德的冰层已被发现有 7 万年的历史。
The ice core records show conclusively that much of the Antarctic continent has been located in the polar zone(latitudes greater than 66 degrees)for at least 1.5 million years,and not in the equatorial zone(O-23 degrees latitude)as proposed by Thomas.Hapgood's theory offers a better explanation for why only part of Antarctica has been ice-free for significant periods.But how do we explain the 70,000 year old ice sample found in the Byrd region of West Antarctica?
冰芯记录确凿地表明,南极大陆的大部分位于极地地带 ( 纬度大于 66 度 ) 至少 150 万年,而不是托马斯提出的赤道地带 (O-23 度纬度 ) 。哈普古德的理论更好地解释了为什么南极洲只有部分地区在相当长的一段时间里是无冰的。但是我们如何解释在南极洲西部伯德地区发现的 70,000 年前的冰样本呢?
To find a definitive answer to where the geographical poles have been located and then move via crustal displacements to new positions,preserving some but not all the ice accumulated before the displacement,we can turn to the work of Rand and Rose Flem-Ath,authors of When the Sky Fell.
为了找到地理极点所在位置的确切答案,然后通过地壳位移移动到新的位置,保留一些但不是所有在位移之前积累的冰,我们可以求助于《当天塌下来》的作者兰德和罗斯·弗莱姆 - 阿斯的工作。
In their well-documented book,they used a range of archeological and fossil records to show where ice sheets have been found over the last 100,000 years,and how these positions had changed due to crustal displacements as first proposed by Hapgood.To date,I have found no other authors laying out such a compelling case for using available scientific data to track the respective positions of the geographic poles during the last 100,000 years.
在他们记录完整的书中,他们使用了一系列的考古和化石记录来表明在过去 10 万年中在哪里发现了冰盖,以及这些位置是如何由于哈普古德首次提出的地壳位移而发生变化的。到目前为止,我还没有发现其他作者提出如此引人注目的案例,利用现有的科学数据来追踪过去 10 万年中地理极点的各自位置。
Their findings provide a clear explanation for the varying ages found in the ice core samples extracted from different regions of Antarctica;and why Hapgood,rather than Thomas,provides a more accurate explanation for how the crustal displacement theory works.
他们的发现为从南极不同地区提取的冰芯样本中发现的不同年代提供了一个清晰的解释 ; 为什么哈普古德而不是托马斯,为地壳位移理论如何运作提供了一个更准确的解释。
First,I begin with Flem-Aths'illustration of the positions of the North and South poles prior to 91,600 BC.It shows how the bulk of East Antarctica was inside the Antarctic circle,while West Antarctic lay in the temperate zone–similar to the present day location of New Zealand.Note the South Pole was located just off the coast of East Antarctica at the time,while the North Pole was located in Alaska.
首先,我从弗莱姆 - 誓言开始,描绘了公元前 91,600 年之前南北极的位置。它显示了南极洲东部的大部分是如何进入南极圈的,而南极洲西部是在温带地区——类似于新西兰现在的位置。请注意,当时南极点位于东南极洲海岸附近,而北极点位于阿拉斯加。
Importantly,the Dome C area containing some of the oldest ice core samples found to date was located within the Antarctic circle,thereby preserving much of the ancient ice sheets acquired over the previous 1.5 million years or more.
重要的是,包含迄今为止发现的一些最古老冰芯样本的圆顶 c 区域位于南极圈内,因此保存了过去 150 万年或更长时间获得的大部分古代冰盖。
Figure 2.p.83 from Rand and Rose Flem-Ath,When the Sky Fell
2. 第 83 页,兰德和罗斯弗莱姆 - 阿斯,当天塌下来
The next diagram shows the Antarctic continent in relation to the South Pole after a crustal displacement led to a pole shift around 91,600 BC.Consequently,during the period from 91,600 BC to 50,600 BC,much of lower region of West Antarctica,along with the Transantarctic mountains,lay within the Antarctic circle,while the Palmer peninsula and significant areas of East Antarctica lay within the temperate zone.
下一张图表显示了南极大陆在公元前 91600 年左右地壳位移导致极移之后与南极的关系。因此,在公元前 91,600 年至公元前 50,600 年期间,南极洲西部较低地区的大部分地区,连同南极横贯南极山脉,都位于南极圈内,而帕尔默半岛和东南极洲的大部分地区则位于温带内。
Once again the physical South Pole was located over the ocean,rather than the Antarctic continent–this time off the coast of West Antarctica–adjacent to the Ross Sea.The geophysical pole had moved approximately 40 degrees from off the coast of East Antarctica to just off the West Antarctic coast during the 91,600 BC pole shift.
自然的南极又一次位于海洋上方,而不是南极大陆——这次是在南极洲西海岸——罗斯海附近。在公元前 91600 年的极移期间,地球物理极点从南极洲东海岸向南极洲西海岸移动了大约 40 度。
This is very close to what Hapgood had proposed was the crustal displacement that would occur during a pole shift.Significantly,it is far less than the 90 degree pole shift claimed by Thomas.
这非常接近哈普古德所提出的极移期间会发生的地壳位移。值得注意的是,这远远低于托马斯声称的 90 度极移。
Importantly the Dome C area remained entirely within the Antarctic circle thereby preserving its ancient ice sheet.Furthermore,the Byrd area where the 70,000 year old ice sample was found,had been moved from its prior location in the temperate zone prior to the 91,600 BC pole shift,to deep inside the Antarctic circle.This allowed the accumulation of ice to begin,thereby accounting for its estimated age.
重要的是,圆顶 c 区域完全保留在南极圈内,从而保留了其古老的冰盖。此外,发现 70,000 年前冰层样本的伯德地区,在公元前 91,600 年极移之前已经从温带地区移动到了南极圈的深处。这使得冰开始积累,从而解释了它的估计年龄。
Figure 3.p.84 from Rand and Rose Flem-Ath,When the Sky Fell
3. 第 84 页,兰德和罗斯弗莱姆 - 阿斯,当天塌下来
The next pole shift occurred around 50,600 BC,and an illustration provided by the Flem-Aths shows the approximate locations of the poles from 50,600 BC to 9,600 BC.
接下来的极移发生在公元前 50,600 年左右,弗莱姆誓言提供的图表显示了从公元前 50,600 年到公元前 9,600 年极地的大约位置。
Around 50,600 BC,the South Pole has flipped back to the other side of the Antarctic continent,where it again lay just off the coast of East Antarctica.An approximate 30 degree pole shift had occurred,which is again consistent with Hapgood's estimate for the cyclic crustal displacements that the Earth undergoes.It's important to emphasize that the 50,600 BC pole shift was far less than the 90 degree shift predicted in Thomas'theory.
大约在公元前 50,600 年,南极又回到了南极大陆的另一边,在那里它再一次位于南极洲东海岸的附近。发生了大约 30 度的极移,这与哈普古德关于地球经历的地壳循环位移的估计再次一致。必须强调的是,公元前 50,600 年的极移远远小于托马斯理论中预测的 90 度的极移。
Most of East Antarctica was again located inside the Antarctic circle,both preserving its ancient ice sheets and allowing them to expand.The Byrd region,containing the 70,000 year old ice core sample,was now located just outside the Antarctic Circle.Its marginal position marginally inside the temperate zone,which would allow the Byrd region to preserve the bulk of its ice sheets similar to the glaciers of southern New Zealand.
南极洲东部的大部分地区再次位于南极圈内,既保留了其古老的冰原,又允许它们扩张。伯德地区,包含了 70,000 年前的冰芯样本,现在正好位于南极圈之外。它的边缘位置稍微靠近温带,这使得伯德地区能够像新西兰南部的冰川一样保存其大部分的冰原。
Figure 4.p.85 from Rand and Rose Flem-Ath,When the Sky Fell
4. 第 85 页,兰德和罗斯弗莱姆 - 阿斯,当天塌下来
The period from 50,600 BC to 9600 BC is significant since it corresponds to the last time major portions of the Antarctic continent lay outside the polar circle.The bulk of West Antarctic lay in the temperate zone,and its coastal area would therefore have been ice free.Significantly,West Antarctica's coastline and interior would have been navigable,just as the 1513 Piri Reis Map showed.
从公元前 50,600 年到公元前 9600 年这段时期意义重大,因为它相当于最后一次南极大陆的主要部分位于极圈之外。西南极洲的大部分地区都处于温带,因此它的沿海地区是没有冰的。值得注意的是,正如 1513 年的皮里雷斯地图所显示的那样,西南极洲的海岸线和内陆地区本来是可以通航的。
In the following diagram,the Piri Reis map is superimposed over a map of the globe showing how the Antarctic coastline from the tip of the Palmer Peninsula,all the way down its eastern flank to East Antarctica was known to ancient sea captains.
Fig 5.Piri Reis Map superimposed over map of the globe
5. 皮里雷斯地图叠加在全球地图上
Also vital to understand is that this period,50,600 BC to 9600 BC corresponds to the Atlantean civilization that Plato wrote about in his famous dialogues,Critias and Timaeus.Plato explainedAtlantis'extensive island system and waterways deep into its interior,and how it was the hub for a mighty empire that ruled over much of Africa,Europe,and Asia.
同样重要的是,这个时期,公元前 50,600 年到公元前 9600 年,对应着柏拉图在他著名的对话录《克里蒂亚斯与提迈乌斯》中描述的亚特兰蒂斯文明。柏拉图解释了亚特兰蒂斯广阔的岛屿系统和深入其内部的水路,以及它如何成为一个强大帝国的枢纽,这个帝国统治着非洲、欧洲和亚洲的大部分地区。
This finally takes us to the 9600 BC pole shift that led to the entire Antarctic continent,being moved to wholly inside the Antarctic circle.The magnitude of the Earth crustal displacement moving the South Pole from its previous location just off the East Antarctic coast to its present location was approximately 20 degrees.Again,significantly less than what Thomas was proposing in his crustal displacement theory.
这最终把我们带到了公元前 9600 年的极移,导致整个南极大陆完全进入南极圈。地球地壳位移的幅度大约为 20 度,它使南极从以前南极东海岸附近的位置移动到现在的位置。同样,明显少于托马斯在他的地壳位移理论中所提出的。
The Flem-Aths contend that Atlantis was located in Antarctica and that the remnants of this legendary lost civilization today lie under the West Antarctic ice sheets.This is consistent with what several whistleblowers and insiders have been revealing concerning the discovery of a a flash-frozen civilization under the ice sheets.
If the Flem-Aths and others are right that Plato's Atlantis is buried under the Antarctic ice,this gives us a means of estimating the devastation that would be caused by a crustal displacement of approximately 20 degrees.It would be sufficient to wipe out the coastal regions all over the globe such as the low-lying archipelagos such as Atlantis,but allow those living in elevated or mountainous regions to survive the subsequent tsunamis,earthquakes,and hurricanes accompanying a pole shift.
如果弗莱姆 - 阿特兰蒂斯和其他人是正确的,柏拉图的亚特兰蒂斯被埋在南极冰层之下,这就给了我们一个估计由大约 20 度的地壳位移造成的破坏的方法。它将足以消灭全球的沿海地区,如亚特兰蒂斯等低洼群岛,但允许那些生活在高海拔地区或山区的人们在随之而来的海啸、地震和极移带来的飓风中幸存下来。
When ice core samples are examined in relation to what we know about Earth crustal displacement theories proposed by Hapgood and Thomas,they lead to a clear conclusion.The examination of ice core samples from different parts of Antarctica support Hapgood's theory that earth crustal displacements happen periodically,and involve Pole Shifts of up to 40 degrees.
当我们根据哈普古德和托马斯提出的地壳位移理论来检验冰芯样本时,他们得出了一个明确的结论。对南极洲不同地区冰芯样本的检测支持哈普古德的理论,即地球地壳位移是周期性发生的,其中包括高达 40 度的极移。
The Flem Aths book,When the Sky Fell,gives us a means of tracking the most significant pole shifts over the last 100,000 thousand years,and illustrates how these have occurred in a manner that is consistent with what ice core samples tell us.
弗莱姆誓言一书《天塌下来的时候》为我们提供了一种追踪过去 10 万年中最重要的极移的方法,并且以一种与冰芯样本告诉我们的一致的方式说明了这些极移是如何发生的。
Thomas'theory that the Earth regularly experiences 90 degree pole shifts that flip the poles back and forth from equatorial regions is not supported by Antarctic ice core records.While it is comforting to know that the Earth is unlikely to experience anything like the cataclysmic 90 degree pole shift predicted by Thomas,it is sobering to know that even a 20 degree pole shift devastated the worldwide Atlantean civilization 11,600 years ago.
托马斯的理论,即地球有规律地经历 90 度的极移,从赤道地区来回翻转极移,并不支持南极冰芯记录。虽然令人欣慰的是,地球不太可能经历托马斯预测的 90 度大变动,但令人清醒的是,即使是 20 度的极移也在 11600 年前摧毁了全世界的亚特兰蒂斯文明。
The likelihood that we will soon experience a pole shift due to another crustal displacement caused by solar activity,cosmic rays,collapse of the Earth's magnetic field,activity from the Earth's core,and/or a rapid melt off of the West Antarctic,appears to be quite high as I have suggested in previous articles examining Davidson's Earth Catastrophe series.
由于太阳活动、宇宙射线、地球磁场崩溃、地核活动和 / 或南极西部的快速融化,我们将很快经历一次极移的可能性似乎相当高,正如我在前几篇文章中审查戴维森的《地球灾难》系列所建议的那样。
This calls for an unprecedented level of transparency by governments in sharing data about Antarctica's history,what is known about prior pole shifts,and the disclosure of suppressed technologies that would enable the bulk to humanity to prepare and escape from impending cataclysmic events.
© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.
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