Do We Need Space Force to Protect us from Space Pirates?
Written by Dr Michael Salla on May 20, 2019.
Posted in Featured, Space Programs, US Politics
本月14日,美國參議員特德·克魯茲(Ted Cruz)發表演講,支持國會將建立太空部隊作為美國軍隊的一個新分支。克魯茲提出了一個有趣的觀點,關於擬議中的新軍事部門是為了保護國家免受太空海盜的襲擊!
克魯茲對「太空海盜」的暗指迅速在互聯網上引起關注,尤其是在推特的《時刻》新聞帖中,出現了許多人嘲笑他的推文。克魯茲對推特創始人傑克·多爾西(Jack Dorsey)的回應進行了回擊,稱他沒有對自己的回應進行同等的報導:「為什麼推特的《時刻》只引用左派人士來嘲笑我的評論,卻沒有包括我的推文解釋像中國已開發和測試了摧毀衛星武器的真正意義?」 …
儘管最初遭到美國空軍部長希瑟·威爾遜(Heather Wilson)及其參謀長大衛·戈德費恩(David Goldfein)的反對,五角大樓還是支持建立太空軍。代理國防部長帕特里克·沙納漢(Patrick Shanahan)一直在推動五角大樓支持特朗普的提議。
今年3月27日,美國空軍太空司令部現任司令,四星上將約翰威廉(John William)被特朗普提名為新太空司令部司令。
在今年2月19日的「太空政策指令4」(Space Policy Directive 4)中,特朗普提議通過立法來正式建立一支太空軍,作為一個獨立的軍事部門,最初隸屬於美國空軍。特朗普希望建立一個獨立的太空軍部門的願望,將在稍後階段重新討論。
其中一個來源是海盜特殊進入程序(Rogue Special Access Programs),它在合法政府控制之外運作。前阿波羅號太空人埃德加(Edgar Mitchell)證實,參謀長聯席會議情報部門現任負責人,海軍中將湯姆·威爾遜(Tom Wilson)1997年被拒絕進入一個涉及不明飛行物體的未經承認的特殊進入程序(USAPs-Unacknowledged Special Access Programs)。
現有影子操作的一個例子是在我的新書《美國空軍秘密太空計劃:外星聯盟和太空轉移力》(the US Air Force Secret Space Program: Shifting Extraterrestrial Alliances and Space Force)中,其中一章說到,陰森國度利用其微波激射器配備衛星,引導厄瑪颶風對麥克迪爾空軍基地發起攻擊,以報復空軍特種部隊公開反重力飛船成員的信息。結論是,USAPs就是現代形式的太空海盜。
最後,我們有一個跨國公司網絡的想法,這個網絡已發展了自己的太空艦隊,在任何國家或全球機構權威機構之外運作。據古雷古德(Corey Goode)等內部人士透露,由於與這家在南極洲分離的德國集團長期合作,這家星際企業集團擁有目前存在的最先進的太空船。
資料來源: 醒覺大勢頭
On May 14,Senator Ted Cruz(R-TX)gave a speech in support of Congress moving forward with the creation of Space Force as a new branch of the US military.Cruz gave an intriguing perspective on what the proposed new military branch would protect the country from–space pirates!
5 月 14 日,参议员特德·克鲁兹 (R-TX) 发表演讲,支持国会推进建立空间力量,作为美国军队的一个新分支。克鲁兹提出了一个有趣的观点,关于拟议中的新军事部门将如何保护国家免受太空海盗的侵害!
Cruz said the following in his Space Force speech at a hearing of the Senate Subcommittee on Aviation and Space,which he chairs:
克鲁兹在他主持的参议院航空航天小组委员会的听证会上发表了以下讲话 :
Since the ancient Greeks first put to sea,nations have recognized the necessity of naval forces and maintaining a superior capability to protect waterborne travel and commerce from bad actors.Pirates threaten the open seas,and the same is possible in space.In this same way,I believe we,too,must now recognize the necessity of a space force to defend the nation and to protect space commerce and civil space exploration.
Cruz's implicit reference to"space pirates"quickly garnered much internet attention,particularly on Twitter's "“moments”news thread,where tweets of multiple people mocking him appeared.Cruz fired back at Jack Dorsey,creator of Twitter,for not giving equal coverage to his responses:
克鲁兹对 " 太空海盗 " 的含蓄提法迅速在互联网上引起了广泛关注,尤其是在 Twitter 的 " 瞬间 " 新闻帖子上,出现了多人嘲笑他的推文。克鲁兹还击了 Twitter 创始人杰克•多尔西 (Jack Dorsey) ,因为他没有对自己的回应给予同等的报道 :
President Donald's Trump's proposed Space Force is currently being debated in the US Congress which is considering legislation officially creating it as a new military branch under the US Air Force.
The Pentagon has come out in support of Space Force being created,despite initial oppositionby the Secretary of the Air Force,Heather Wilson,and its Chief of Staff,David Goldfein.Patrick Shanahan,the Acting Secretary of Defense,has been the driving force behind the Pentagon getting behind Trump's proposal.
尽管最初遭到空军部长希瑟·威尔逊和参谋长大卫·戈尔德费恩的反对,五角大楼还是站出来支持建立太空部队。代理国防部长帕特里克·沙纳汉 (Patrick Shanahan) 一直是五角大楼支持特朗普提议的推动力。
A two stage process was outlined by the Pentagon on August 9,2018,for realizing Trump's goal.One of the four components in the first stage was was the elevation of the Air Force's current Space Command into one of the Pentagon's unified combatant commands.Currently there are ten combatant commands that are at the apex for command and control of different geographical regions and specific functions performed by all branches of the US military.
2018 年 8 月 9 日,五角大楼概述了一个实现特朗普目标的两阶段过程。第一阶段的四个组成部分之一是将空军现在的太空司令部提升为五角大楼的统一作战指挥部之一。目前有 10 个作战指挥部处于指挥和控制不同地理区域的顶端,并由美国军队所有部门履行具体职能。
On March 27,2019,John William"Jay"Raymond,a four-star general who is the current head of Air Force Space Command(2016-),was proposed by President Trump to head up the new Space Command.
2019 年 3 月 27 日,美国总统特朗普提名现任空军太空司令部 (2016-) 负责人、四星上将约翰·威廉· " 杰伊 "· 雷蒙德 (John William"Jay"Raymond) 领导新的太空司令部。
In his February 19,2019,Space Policy Directive 4,Trump proposed that legislation be created for the formal establishment of a Space Force as a separate military branch initially placed under the Department of the Air Force.Trump's desire for a separate Department of the Space Force,would be revisited at a later stage.
在 2019 年 2 月 19 日的《空间政策指令 4 》中,特朗普提议制定立法,正式成立一支空间部队,作为一个单独的军事部门,最初隶属于空军部。特朗普希望建立一个单独的空间部门的愿望将在稍后阶段再次提出。
Legislation for Space Force was submitted to Congress in February by Secretary Shanahan and is currently being debated in various congressional committees,including Cruz's.The Space Force legislation is a major test for whether or not the new military branch has enough Congressional support to have its creation passed into law.
While the partisan nature of the current Congress makes any passage of policies proposed by Trump challenging,there is still strong bipartisan support for policies supported by the Pentagon.A letter of support from 43 former Pentagon officials is proving to be very influential in overcoming doubts expressed by members of Congress.The letter states that Space Force will:
虽然本届国会的党派性质使得特朗普提出的任何政策都具有挑战性,但两党仍然强烈支持五角大楼支持的政策。事实证明,一封来自 43 名前五角大楼官员的支持信对于克服国会议员表达的疑虑非常有影响力。信中说,太空部队将 :
…develop military space culture and ethos;recruit,train,educate,promote,and retain scientists,engineers,and warriors with world-class space skills and talent;advocate for space requirements and resources;develop space doctrine and operational art;develop,field,and deliver advanced space capabilities;and steward resources to sustain America's strategic advantage and preeminence in national security space activities.
发展军事太空文化和精神 ; 招募、培训、教育、促进和留住具有世界级太空技能和人才的科学家、工程师和战士 ; 倡导太空需求和资源 ; 发展太空理论和操作艺术 ; 发展、开发和交付先进的太空能力 ; 管理资源以维持美国在国家安全太空活动中的战略优势和卓越地位。
Consequently,because Shanahan and other Pentagon officials are committed to the creation of Space Force,it's very likely that Congress will pass the proposed legislation and authorize its creation.
This finally brings us to Cruz's indirect reference to"space pirates".Was this just hyperbole for why Space Force is needed?
这最后把我们带到克鲁兹间接提到的 " 太空海盗 " 。这是否只是夸张地说明为什么需要空间力量?
In his tweet to Dorsey,Cruz tried to walk back his comment by referring to the capability of major nations such as China to destroy satellites as his real point.However,according to multiple insider sources,the idea of the US having to defend itself against space pirates is not as ridiculous as it appears.There are a number of non-state actors secretly operating in space that do threaten US national interests,and the planet more generally.
在发给多尔西的推特中,克鲁兹试图收回自己的评论,称 ** 等主要国家摧毁卫星的能力是他的真正目的。然而,根据多位内部消息人士的说法,美国不得不保卫自己免遭太空盗版的想法并不像看起来那么荒谬。有一些非国家行为者在太空秘密活动,确实威胁到美国的国家利益,甚至威胁到整个地球的利益。
One of these sources is rogue special access programs,which operate outside of lawful government control.Former Apollo astronaut Dr.Edgar Mitchell confirmed that the sitting head of intelligence for the Joint Chiefs of Staff,Vice Admiral Tom Wilson,was denied access in 1997 to an Unacknowledged Special Access Program(USAP)involving UFOs.
其中一个来源是流氓特别访问程序,这些程序在合法的政府控制之外运作。前阿波罗宇航员 Edgar Mitchell 博士证实,美国参谋长联席会议情报局现任局长、海军中将 Tom Wilson 在 1997 年曾被拒绝参与一个涉及 ufo 的秘密特别访问计划 (USAP) 。
This incident and many others point to rogue USAPs conducting various advanced aerospace projects that can impact US space operations and Earth installations.These USAPs are loosely controlled by shadowy entities such as the Deep State,which have their own distinct globalist agendas that conflict with nationalist policies.
这一事件和其他许多事件都表明,无赖的美国航天局正在进行各种先进的航空航天项目,这些项目可能会影响美国的太空行动和地球设施。这些 usap 由 " 深层国家 "(Deep State) 等影子实体松散控制,这些实体有自己独特的全球主义议程,与民族主义政策相冲突。
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An example of existing rogue operations is given in my new book,the US Air Force Secret Space Program:Shifting Extraterrestrial Alliances and Space Force a chapter discusses how the Deep State used its MASER equipped satellites to steer Hurricane Irma against MacDill Air Force Base in retaliation for Air Force Special Ops openly displaying some of its antigravity craft to members of the general public in support of disclosure.The conclusion is that rogue USAPs are a modern day form of space pirates.
在我的新书《美国空军秘密空间计划 : 转移外星联盟和空间力量》中,有一章讨论了深州如何利用其装备有脉泽的卫星引导飓风艾玛对抗麦克迪尔空军基地组织,以报复空军特种部队公开向公众展示其反重力飞行器以支持公开信息。结论是,流氓 USAPs 是现代形式的太空盗版。
We also have the idea of Space Nazis which was proposed by insiders such as William Tompkins who worked for the US Navy during World War II,and said he was part of a Navy espionage program that monitored the Nazi's flying saucer program.Tompkins asserted that the Germans successfully established a breakaway colony in Antarctica which became a space power over the succeeding decades.
According to Tompkins and other insiders,the Germans have established colonies on Mars,Ceres,and elsewhere in Deep Space,and have developed some of the most advanced aerospace technologies known to humanity Given their non-state status,the breakaway German Antarctic/Mars colonies may also be considered a modern form of space pirates.
根据汤普金斯和其他业内人士的说法,德国人已经在火星、锡里斯和外层空间的其他地方建立了殖民地,并开发了一些人类已知的最先进的航空航天技术。鉴于他们的非国家地位,脱离德国南极 / 火星殖民地可能也被认为是一种现代形式的太空海盗。
Finally,we have the idea of a transnational corporate network that has developed its own space fleet that operates outside of any national or global institutional authority.According to insiders such as Corey Goode,the Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate has the most advanced spacecraft in existence as a result of their long-time cooperation with the breakaway German group in Antarctica.
Given their official non-state status,transnational corporate entities such as the Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate may also be included in the category of space pirates that Cruz was warning the public about.
As the head of a key Congressional subcommittee dealing with space affairs,Cruz may have acquired some inside knowledge of these different non-state actors operating in space outside of any recognized lawful national or global authority.
The problem of"space pirates"is very real and not just hyperbole.Whether by design or accident,Cruz has just pointed out a major reason why Space Force is being created,and is being fast-tracked into existence by the Trump administration.
" 太空海盗 " 的问题是非常真实的,而不仅仅是夸张。不管是有意还是无意,克鲁兹刚刚指出了创建太空部队的一个主要原因,特朗普政府正在加速创建太空部队。
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