Past Life Patterns – The Savior
Thisis the description of one of the 16 PastLife Patterns. These patterns were developed by KarenDowning, in order to help you understand how past life experiences affect yourlife today. Each person carries 3 to 5 past life patterns in varying levels ofinfluence. By understanding your unique mix of patterns, you can more easilybuild up your strengths and transform your challenges. Past life patterns arethe key to uncovering your Soul Mission.
这篇是16个前世模式之一的描述。这些模式是Karen Downing总结出来的,为了帮助你理解前世经历如何影响你今生的生活。每一个人都携带着3-5个前世模式,他们有不同程度的影响。通过理解你个人的独特的前世模式组合,你可以更容易地增强你的力量并转化你的挑战。前世模式是发现你的灵魂使命的关键。
TheSavior Description – The Savior puts theirbeliefs/causes as their top priority. Whatever it is that the Savior believes,it is more important to them than anything else. The Savior usually has one ortwo causes that they vehemently support, however that is not always the case.Sometimes the Savior can put their energy into their family, their health, ortheir job. You will know if you or someone you know has the Savior pattern,because the Savior always talks passionately, and usually provides unsolicitedadvice, about whatever they are putting their energy into.
Forexample, if the Savior is focused on bargain hunting and finding the best deal,they will go to great lengths to use coupons, or negotiate every transaction.But, that is just one piece to the energy, the other part of what the Saviordoes is tell others in their life about how they either should be doing thesame as the Savior, or how they missed out by not following the Savior’sexample. The Savior always has the best intentions in their heart, and theytruly feel that they are helping others with their advice, guidance and/orexample for living. Often what they Savior does not understand is that everyperson is in their own illusion, comprised of their unique past life patternsand experiences. Thus, much of the time the Savior’s attempts to shareinformation goes unheard and unappreciated. The lesson for the Savior is tolearn to not base their own self-worth on their ability to “save,” or informothers, but to instead to detach from others emotions, and allow others to livetheir own lives.
Someof the typical past life experiences of the Savior are: being a martyr fortheir beliefs, being held to a strict standard by themselves or others,rescuing other people in some way, doing advocacy work, and/or runningcharitable and religious organizations. If you ever worry about the greatergood, social causes, charitable work, philanthropy and have a deep desire tochange the world, especially if you put those aims above your own needs, thenyou exhibit the Savior pattern.
Expressionof the Savior Pattern in Your Life Now – TheSavior will live their life by their belief system. It is very important forthem to not appear as hypocritical in their life, and that is their biggest petpeeve of others. The Savior feels that whatever their belief system is, it mustbe expressed 110% in their life. For this reason, the Savior has a difficulttime with balance, and can tend to burn out due to stress. The Savior also canfeel resentment toward others who share their beliefs, but may not feel them asstrongly, or show the same amount of “devotion” as the Savior. The Savior needsto realize that by comparing others to themselves, they are falling into thetrap of judgment, so it is of the utmost importance for the Savior to haveawareness of how they think about and relate to others. Because of the Savior’spassion for what they believe, there is also a pattern of diving into alifestyle or belief system so completely that it can adversely affect theirlife in another way. Some examples of this would be lack of sleep, extremedietary restrictions, loss of friendships, high blood pressure, etc.
Thereare two ways that the Savior theme reveals itself; The Pious Savior and thePeacekeeper Savior. If you resonate with The Savior pattern, you might discoverthat you can possess qualities of one, or even both of the ways that The Savioris expressed. Often in one area of life you can feel one way, and in another areaof life feel another way.
The Pious Savior – The PiousSavior sees themselves as an example for their chosen cause or belief system.They feel that their belief system is infallible, and they want to share itwith everyone around them. The Pious Savior also has a tendency to becomeprideful about how good of an example they are, and they are very focused onbeing pure in the expression of their beliefs. They will call out others whothey feel are hypocritical, and make examples of other people and how they arenot “walking the talk,” even if they don’t specifically identify those othersby name. The Pious Savior does not recognize how they are seeing themselvesabove others, in fact they feel as though they are very fair and honest. Thebiggest lesson for the Pious Savior is to learn to accept themselves for whothey truly are. This will only happen once they can recognize how they havebeen displacing their own self-judgment onto how they view others.
The Peacekeeper Savior –The Peacekeeper Savior is worried about how their actions will affect others,especially those whom they revere. Because of this, they are under a constantstate of stress to help, assist, and do the best possible job for their chosencause. Many people might view them as being passive, or even servant-like, butthis is how they like to express devotion to their beliefs. They put urgency onall that they do, because this comes from a deep desire to please God, or toplease others in authority. The Peacekeeper Savior often wonders why others arenot as devoted to the mission as they are. Their biggest lesson is tounderstand that by putting urgency and stress onto what they do, they are notcreating a positive energy flow for the causes they love so much. This personoften cannot recognize that they are being influenced by the Savior pattern, asthey think those they serve/help/assist are the TRUE Saviors. The PeacekeeperSavior must also learn to accept their own worthiness and put themselves as apriority in their own life, otherwise this behavior will result in the hiddenpride of believing they are above taking credit for their own accomplishments.
Past Life Pattern Breakdown:
Self-worth tied to helping others
Have a tendency to feel that others are not doing enough
Feel urgency and stress in much of their life
Can be overly passionate about their beliefs
Affirmation – “I let go of all needto compare others to myself. I accept that everyone is living in their ownillusion. I live my best life by releasing the judgments I hold about myself.”
Learn more about how the Savior pattern isshowing up in your life by enrolling in the On-Demand video course, ExploringPast Life Patterns.