Past Life Patterns – The Servant
This is the description of one of the 16 PastLife Patterns.These patterns were developed by Karen Downing, in order to help you understandhow past life experiences affect your life today. Each person carries 3 to 5 pastlife patterns in varying levels of influence. By understanding your unique mixof patterns, you can more easily build up your strengths and transform yourchallenges. Past life patterns are the key to uncovering your Soul Mission.
这篇是16个前世模式之一的描述。这些模式是Karen Downing总结出来的,为了帮助你理解前世经历如何影响你今生的生活。每一个人都携带着3-5个前世模式,他们有不同程度的影响。通过理解你个人的独特的前世模式组合,你可以更容易地增强你的力量并转化你的挑战。前世模式是发现你的灵魂使命的关键。
The Servant Description –The Servant measures their life on doing a good job, and yet they also have afear of success and public recognition. This comes from many past lives ofbeing employed by (or sometimes forced to work for) others who were affluentand held power in the community. The Servant feels accomplished when they areperforming well in their job duties, but they can have a tendency to put agreat deal of pressure on themselves, especially when it comes to the detailsinvolved in their job, or even daily life tasks. The Servant feels mostconfident when helping and assisting others, performing behind-the-scenes tasks,and when they feel their actions are helpful to the world or humanity in someway. Deep down, the Servant has a fear of disappointing others, and also ofbecoming too prideful, like many of their past life employers were.
The Servant is excellent at understanding what othersneed, and will often go the extra mile to appease the needs of others. TheServant also is someone who can see the benefit of any tasks or any job, thisquality makes them selfless and wonderful people to be in the presence of.However, sometimes the Servant is like a wallflower, coming across as shy andreserved, or appearing like they are afraid to speak up for themselves.Actually, the Servant is able to speak up for themselves, they just have more tolerancefor other people than the other past life patterns do. The Servant is here toaccept their own gifts, talents and abilities, not to defer theiraccomplishments away, and to see themselves as equal to others in their life.
Some of the typical past life experiences of theServant are: working in a household (either paid or not paid), beingsubservient to another person in their household (spouse or parent), being adeckhand on a ship, having jobs that handle details or jobs that are in serviceto others. The Servant pattern is typically not one filled with physicaltrauma, for that scenario containing past life experiences in forced slavery,please read The Victimpattern. If you can get wrapped up in the details of tasksand also have a fear of success, then you hold the past life pattern of theServant.
Expression of the Servant Pattern in Your Life Now –The Servant fears success and yet wants to be perceived by others as being ahard worker. The Servant is filled with paradoxes, they work very hard, buthave difficulty taking credit for their work. They have a drive for higherlevels of performance, and yet fear what success will do to them. This comesfrom past life experiences, where the Servant was in such close proximity tothe people whom they worked for (who tended to be affluent and/or misuse theirposition in society), and the Servant experienced the “other side” of success.This means that they often witnessed the emotional ups and downs and thechanges in behavior that so often went along with success, adoration andwealth. Deep down the Servant does not want to become this prideful person, so theyhave a tendency to hide behind modesty. There is nothing wrong with beinghumble and modest, however the danger lies in becoming so focused at deferringcredit and accomplishments, that the Servant downplays themselves, causingissues with self-confidence. The Servant needs to remember that deferring toothers, without accepting one’s own role, is just the other side of the pridecoin.
The Servant is a people pleaser, thinking of the needsof others before their own. They have to be careful that they do not base theirown identity on how they are helping someone else. For example, someone whoexhibits the Servant pattern might define themselves as so-and-so’sreceptionist, instead of using their actual job title of Executive Assistant.The Servant is here to learn not put so-and-so on a pedestal above themselves.When that takes place, the Servant defines their own self-image as hinging onthis other person in some way, and that is detrimental to the Servant’s ownview of themselves. Also, to use their actual job title makes the Servant feelthat this title could be too prideful.
There are two ways that the Servant theme revealsitself; The Overextended Servant and the Frugal Servant. If you resonate withThe Servant pattern, you might discover that you can possess qualities of one,or even both, of the ways that The Servant pattern is expressed. Often in onearea of life you can feel one way, and in another area of life feel anotherway.
The Overextended Servant –The Overextended Servant is like a whirlwind, running around handling tasks forothers. They have to stay busy, busy, busy and much of their time is spent ondetermining if every detail of a task is “just so”. They will even try toanticipate the needs of others, but sometimes they overshoot and make amiscalculation in what another person needs. Then when the recipient does notappreciate the effort, or states how it was done wrong, the OverextendedServant can become consumed with thoughts of self-punishment. The OverextendedServant also will allow their anger and resentment to build up inside. Much ofthe time they are not aware of it, until it comes shooting out, like lavaspewing from a volcano. If you are someone who stays busy with detailed tasks,anticipates others needs, and has anger outbursts once or twice a year, thenyou showcase the past life pattern of the Overextended Servant. TheOverextended Servant’s biggest lesson is to see themselves as equal to othersin their life, and thus to not put so much pressure to perform “perfectly” inthe eyes of others.
The Frugal Servant – TheFrugal Servant wants to reject anything that is connected to wealth, status orconceit. If they are born into money, the will donate or give away nearly allof it during their life. If they do not have lots of money, they will not seekit out. The Frugal Servant tends to use and re-use items as much as possible,often wearing hand-me-downs and secondhand clothes, or even making their own.The Frugal Servant usually picks one job in some type of service role and willstick to that job throughout their life. The ironic thing with the FrugalServant is that because they hardly spend any money, they usually have built upquite a savings. The Frugal Servant has a deep down fear of being viewed asprideful, posh or snooty, and so they will act in such a manner to not drawattention themselves. If you are someone who loves to bargain hunt, has disdainfor opulence and is considered shy by others, then you showcase the past lifepattern of the Frugal Servant. The Frugal Servant’s biggest lesson is to breakthe mental association they have between wealth and arrogance.
Past Life Pattern Breakdown:
Extremely hard working
Has care and compassion for others
Can get wrapped up in the little details
Fears success and being judged as prideful
Affirmation – “I willnot allow others to determine my vision of me. I have no fear of having arelationship with myself and of seeing myself as equally important as others inmy life.”
Learn more about how the Servant pattern isshowing up in your life by enrolling in the On-Demand video course, ExploringPast Life Patterns.