



Greetings dear ones, we are the Siriun High Council and we great you with our unconditional love and wisdom.




For we are the Guardians of Sirius, we watch over all that occurs within our star system and we collaborate with other High Councils, to watch over all that occurs within this Universe and upon the Earth. We have been standing by Gaia’s side for a long, long, time dear ones, since the beginning. We have watched her many rises and falls and we have allowed, as that is all part of the process, allowing.




And so, it is through the allowance of these rises and falls, that you now find yourselves at the very foot of another rise, a quantum leap we might say or as others have been calling it. For all is to shift now dearest hearts, all is to be brought back into alignment with ones True Self, their God Self and this is to be quite the shift.Know, that you, who are at the front of this shift, this return to truth, are the ones who, if you so choose, will be the teachers of the next ones that will seek out their true self, in light of what you have discovered.




For you see, many of you came here, to this plane, to move quickly through these shifts and integrate day by day and now hour by hour, your authentic self, your body of Light.And as beloved KaRa has said, through this one, it is a metamorphosis, a complete change over from your dense carbon-based structure, to one that is of the highest, purest light. For you have already done this, you already ARE that in the higher realms and it is why you have chosen to descend into this dense reality, some would call it hell, we would call it, merely a shift in focus, a placing of ones attention in another aspect of existence.




For you have many aspects of existence, some of you are starting to have glimpses of these and we will say now, that as the energies intensify, so will your visions and experiences of these other aspects. As most of you know, it is also an integrating of those aspects into your current form that you are going through.You are gathering up all those aspects you have been, and the ones that you still are, and then you are merging and aligning them with who you will soon be, and that is very exciting to watch.




And so, we are here now, in this moment, to offer assistance to those who would seek it, and ask for it.We will help guide you in ways, that will help better your experience on Earth, and assist you in going through these changes as best we can. Call on your Siriun family, and we are more than happy to assist. We may not come though as a loud voice in your head, but we will help guide you in unexpected ways, things that just seem to “pop-up”unexpectedly.




So fret not dearests, as those times you are working towards are at your fingertips, make it easier on your Being and relax, stop fighting for change and instead realise and KNOW that the change is already here, but you must see it, feel it and know it.We are the Siriun High Council and we leave you with our love, peace and blessings of our star system and beyond.






翻译:Nick Chan





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