Beloved, there is no need for you to develop a conscience during your tour this time around on Earth. Live your life as best you can, and let go of worrying about past influence in the world. It isn’t a virtue to carry a heavy-duty conscience around with you. Be of good will. Honor yourself and the world.
You are born innocent. There is the expression: As innocent as a new-born babe. Believe it. This is true.
Accept that you begin life with a clean slate. Don't carry over all presumed earlier lives stuffed in your pockets. Live your present life now. Give this present life your all. Make this new life a happy one. Should you begrudge yourself your present life and, as pay back, make it as miserable as you can and, at the same time, treat others to misery as well?
I say: “No!” I say: “Have a pleasant journey this time around. When you have a worthwhile journey, you make the world a better place. Beloved, why not make the world a better place while you are at it? Please stay away from unpleasantness and other forms of agony. Pay off presumed past debts in joy. Does anything else make sense to you? I see no virtue in suffering. I am stating strongly that no matter whatever past you might have to pay off, pay it off in joy to the world.”
Will you do this for Me and for all the others who live in the world you live in? If you presumably have a debt to pay off, consider that I paid it off for you. You now have clearance to enjoy this life and make it merry for all. I wish to say that your karma, if karma is to be considered this time around, is to be merry. This is what makes sense to Me and what I share with you.
This lifetime of yours is not meant to follow a dark past. I forbid it. Look, life is a just a dream anyway. Relax into a fine dream. Shed woe. Dance in joy. Let go of the past. The past is behind you once and for all. Consider that you know better now, for, of course, you do. All the past may have served a good purpose anyhow. The past isn’t for you or anyone to figure out. Be done with the past.
It is a good bet that you are on high ground now. Beloved, you are already born again. Peace to the world. Not by default are you to consider yourself unwelcome this time around. Consider yourself here for happiness and good will and not for any less. Consider that I hold you in the palm of My Hand, and I whisper all glad tidings to you.
To everyone I say: “Enough of the past. Be done with it. Let it go. For Heaven’s sake, the past is the past, and it is done and over with. Today is a new day. Pile on the joy of a new day. You live in a new calendar year now. Write in on your page joy and more joy in the temporal world.
You have new dances of joy to learn. Learn fast and never forget that I sing out: ‘Joy to the world.’”
Hail to today! This is a new calendar – not an old one to keep track of. Where is common sense? Is there some kind of thrill for you in being an unsavory relic from the past on Earth? You deserve more love than ever. You have new ground to lay today. Get on with it.