Past Life Patterns – The Ruler
Thisis the description of one of the 16 PastLife Patterns. These patterns were developed by KarenDowning, in order to help you understand how past life experiences affect yourlife today. Each person carries 3 to 5 past life patterns in varying levels ofinfluence. By understanding your unique mix of patterns, you can more easilybuild up your strengths and transform your challenges. Past life patterns arethe key to uncovering your Soul Mission.
这篇是16个前世模式之一的描述。这些模式是Karen Downing总结出来的,为了帮助你理解前世经历如何影响你今生的生活。每一个人都携带着3-5个前世模式,他们有不同程度的影响。通过理解你个人的独特的前世模式组合,你可以更容易地增强你的力量并转化你的挑战。前世模式是发现你的灵魂使命的关键。
The Ruler Description –The Ruler needs to feel in control of all aspects of his or her life. Do youfear making the wrong decisions? Do you feel a deep sense of obligation tothose around you? If so, you have the qualities of The Ruler archetype.
When you get to know someone who has lived the Rulerpattern, they can come across as being very well put together, like they are incharge of everything around them. However, inside, the Ruler is often wroughtwith stress, anxiety and worry out of obligation for others in their life. Thiscan be their family, friends, co-workers, pets or any individual who they arestrongly attached to. The Ruler is a take charge individual, but often can getso wrapped up in what they feel is best, that they have a difficult timelistening to others clearly. Because of this, the Ruler can develop hearingloss if they do not address their inability to truly listen.
Some of the typical past life experiences of the Rulerare as being an authoritative figure, such as an Emperor/Empress, Queen/King,etc. The Ruler can also have past lives as the leader of a union group,political party, religion, or any other type of organization. The mainchallenge of the Ruler pattern is that they were put in positions to makedecisions for others, time and time again. If you ever worry about making thewrong decisions, people trying to undermine you, or others not taking you“seriously”, then you have experienced the Past Life Pattern of the Ruler.
Expression of the Ruler Pattern in Your Life Now –The Ruler feels compelled to be the one at the helm of the decision makingprocess. However, the pressure of making the “right” decision will always bestressful. There is often struggle to choose between the people who will beaffected by the decision, or the process (situation) itself, when makingdecisions for a larger group. The Ruler can experience substance abuse (especiallyto stimulants to keep them going), insomnia, ulcers, hearing loss, kneeproblems and OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder). All of these issues have theemotional cause of the need to control the people and things around them.
There are two ways that the Ruler theme revealsitself; The Compassionate Ruler and the Driven Ruler. If you resonate with TheRuler pattern, you might discover that you can possess qualities of one, oreven both of the ways that The Ruler is expressed. Often in one area of life youcan feel one way, and in another area of life feel another way.
The Compassionate Ruler –The Compassionate Ruler is comfortable at being a leader and being in control,but only when a group, or family dynamic is working in harmony. Whenever thereis discord, it causes The Compassionate Ruler to feel a deep burden and stressto “Fix” everyone’s problems. When everyone is happy, they feel in control oftheir own life. The Compassionate Ruler has a strong desire to be the one incharge of everything; unless of course it causes a fight, then they willrelinquish perceived control of the process, but will still watch over it diligently.The Compassionate Ruler will always choose people over the process when makinga decision.
The Driven Ruler – TheDriven Ruler has a huge hidden fear of being in a position of weakness, andbecause of that fear, they have an expectation that others are out to get oneover on them. The Driven Ruler may also have difficulty connecting to otherpeople, as there is a subconscious belief pattern that people get in the way ofprogress. Progress toward an aim is the Driven Ruler’s number one goal. Ifanyone or anything stands in the way of that goal, they become enemy numberone. The Driven Ruler is a quick decision maker. This is a wonderful attributein times of pressure and stress; however they need to learn to listen to thepoints of view of others in their life. There is a great amount of pride ineverything The Driven Ruler does, that pride can lend itself to stubbornnessand conceit if not kept in balance. The Driven Ruler will always choose processover people when making a decision.
Past Life Pattern Breakdown:
- Need to feelin control
- Pride tiedto being in charge
- Stubbornness/inabilityto listen
- Can viewothers as resources or obligations
- 需要感觉处于控制之中
- 跟处于(主管)负责地位有关的骄傲
- 倔强/没有聆听的能力
- 可能会把其他人看做是资源或义务
Affirmation – “Irelease all need to be in control. I accept that the world is an uncontrollableplace, and I chose to begin the process of relaxing and learning to go with theflow of life.”
Learn more about how the Ruler pattern is showingup in your life by enrolling in the On-Demand video course, ExploringPast Life Patterns.
译注: 现实生活中的统治者模式
(爱情保卫战20170121期,前半段) 节目中男主人公表现出强迫症,是控制的极端变现;也表现出害怕让别人失望这一“恐惧”。嘉宾涂磊也是典型的统治者模式,除了他自己描述的强迫症,他的主持人工作(掌控现场)也是这一统治者能量的表达