

作者:Tom Kenyon和Judi Sion
   最近看了一本书:《抹大拉的玛利亚手稿——荷鲁斯炼金术和伊希斯性魔法》(The Magdalen Manuscript——The Alchmies of Horus & The Sex Magic of Isis)。这本书的第一部分内容是抹大拉的玛利亚通灵传导,主要讲述了她和约书亚(耶稣)之间的故事。书的作者是Tom Kenyon和Judi Sion,最初是Judi提出想连接抹大拉的玛利亚以了解她的故事,传导是经由Tom,Judi负责记录。此书之所以叫《抹大拉的玛利亚手稿》是因为,传导的这部分内容每个词句都是抹大拉的玛利仔细斟酌的,传导完成之后还会进行修正。所以也可算是抹大拉的玛利亚“亲手”写的了。估计很多朋友都会对这个传导感兴趣,篇幅也不是很长,于是打算把它翻译出来分享。为了不扭曲原意,把英文原文保留,附录是术语表。下面进入传导正文。
When I, an Initiate of Isis, joined together with Yeshua, there were specific pathways I had to open within myself. I was stunned, however, to discover that many of these pathways were spontaneously opening in his presence. I mentioned at the beginning of this story how I trembled as a woman, having to struggle with my own passions and desires; for the path of the Initiate is to use the energy of passion in a highly specific way, and not to simply be carried off by it; for alchemy requires that energy be contained so that it can be transformed.
Very quickly Yeshua and I achieved the state what is known as the Four Serpents. This occurs when both have mastered the internal Alchemies of Horus to the extent that they can activate both the Solar and the Lunar Serpents within their spines.
Clairvoyantly there is a central channel that runs up through the spine, and to the left there is a Lunar Circuit and to the right a Solar Circuit, called the Ida and Pingala by the yogis and yoginis.
In the Alchemies of Horus one causes these two circuits to be activated by magnetic fields that are snakelike.
The Lunar Snake on the left side is pitch black, the color of the Void; so indeed, it is the embodiment of the Void itself and holds the potential as the Creatrix for all things.
The Solar Serpent is gold.
An Initiate causes these Two Serpents to rise upward. As they rise upward they pierce the chakras and cross over each other. In the Alchemy of Horus these Two Serpents cross each other through the fifth seal, or throat, and all seals beneath.
They then face each other, at an area approximately where the pineal gland is, or the center of the head. Here a chalice is envisioned with the pineal gland at the very bottom of the chalice itself.
These Two Serpents are living—in that they are not static but vibrate and scintillate and ripple with energy—and the writhing of their bodies within the Ka activates an increase of magnetic potential.
There are specific practices, which I will share at a later time, but what I wish to address in this moment is the practice of the Four Serpents.
When Yeshua and I made love, as you call it, we caused our Serpents to rise up our spines, up our Djed. We did this simultaneously, and at the moment of mutual orgasm the charge released from the first seals in the pelvic areas of our bodies was sent upward, into the Throne, which is in the upper part of tht head—stimulating the higher brain centers.
At the same time during this moment of sexual ecstasy we placed our awareness fully within our Ka bodies, for the Ka is strengthened by ecstasy. Ecstatic states are nourishing and strengthening to the Ka body, and as I said earlier, with each strengthening of the Ka it becomes more magnetic, drawing to the Initiate that which he or she desires.
The Sexual Magic of Isis has to do with the innate ability of the feminine being to utilize magnetic energies to open deeper levels of consciousness through the act of surrendering to the sexual energies and pathways that are opened.
When a woman is deeply loved and appreciated, as was I by Yeshua, something lets go at the deepest levels of herself, and at the moment of orgasm there is an uncontrollable shuddering that takes place. If she feels safe and allows this shaking, this quivering, to overtake her, there is a tremendous magnetic vortex that opens, the center of which is in her womb.
Two Initiates engaged in the Sexual Magic of Isis can strengthen themselves and rapidly expand their consciousness through the power of this magnetic field.
In the advanced practices of the Sexual Magic of Isis the male Initiate causes both of his Serpents to rise through the Ka body of the female and the female causes her Two Serpents to rise through the Ka body of the male. The explosive power of this practice is like the energy released by an atomic bomb. The massive tidal waves of magnetics can strengthen the Ka beyond imagination—or destroy it, if not handled properly.
It was this advanced practice of the Ka that Yeshua engaged that night before the Garden of Gethsemane. For him this tremendous increase of magnetic potential within his Ka strengthened him for his hardships and for the task that faced him in his final Initiation through the portal of death; so that when his physical body dissolved into it's constituate elements it was done so in a flash of light and heat—that the church calls the Resurrection. But this was simply an effect of something that was occurring much deeper within him. It was caused by the magnetics of his Ka body, for it was through his potentized Ka that he journeyed through his underworld, through death itself.
As Yeshua and I engaged the Sexual Practices of Isis in our relationship we both understood that this was the purpose.
For him each union with me was a means to strengthen his Ka. This is why I said earlier that he came to my well, for the well that the woman Initiate offers to the male is an endless well of magnetic potential. But it is only opened when the female feels safe and loved. Only then will the practices work. For the practices without the nurturance of love become just techniques and will not give the result required or desired.
For me, I was both woman and Initiate. I had been trained for years and knew what to do with the pathways, but I was surprised to find myself swept away as a woman.
I found myself waiting in deepest anticipation for a look or a touch by Yeshua, and our times together alone were the most precious times I had ever experienced. Something about his touch and his eyes一the feel of him—caused something within me to open, and I found myself sometimes almost laughing at myself.
I, who had been trained in the most secret practices of the Sex Magic of Isis and had been judged by my Priestesses to be very advanced— this Initiate — found herself, a mere beginner in the presence of the woman.
For I tell you now that within the heart and the mind and the body wisdom of the feminine lie some of the greatest secrets and greatest powers—and they await to be revealed.
And all of it is laid open by the touch of another!
And so whenever I speak of Yeshua I am overcome by my love and the feelings that I hold for him throughout all time.
The Sex Magic of Isis is based upon the realization that the feminine principal holds within her nature, specifically her sexual nature, an alchemical key. This alchemical key is revealed in the act of what you call love一sexual love. When this is activated strongly enough, the Alchemies of Horus spontaneously present themselves.
Within my training it was understood that there were two paths, alchemically speaking, to the same goal.
The Alchemies of Horus were the foundation of both alchemies, or practices, since the same fundamental pathways were used. For those who did not wish to engage in partnership, the Alchemies of Horus would provide a means to strengthen and activate the Ka body to the levels of High Initiateship.
For those in partnership, the Sexual Magic of Isis would provide the wings by which they would ascend the Djed and enter the Throne of Highest Consciousness.
From my vantage point I see a great tragedy in that the secrets and the holiness of our sexual natures was made evil by the Church一 by the Church Fathers. And for nearly two thousand years now the most dynamic and one of the most rapid ways to God Realization has been made wrong.
And I find it indeed ironic that the Church has made it a sin —— and therefore terrified those who might have stumbled upon it.
While the miracles of Yeshua are considered extraordinary by many, they are from the standpoint of the Initiate, simply the expres-sions一the natural expres-sions-—of the potential of consciousness. They are a sign. There are reasons for miracles, and I wish to discuss these from the standpoint of the Initiatory knowledge that Yeshua and I possessed.
虽然约书亚的神迹被很多人认为是神奇的,但从入门者的角度,这只不过是意识潜力的表达 —— 自然表达而已。它们是一个信号。神迹是有原因的,而我想从约书亚和我所有的入门者知识角度谈谈它们。
By the time I met Yeshua, he was already demonstrating the signs. His level of creation was very high.
My task was to assist him to strengthen his Ka body for his final Initiation through the death portal to the High God Horus. This was accomplished, as I have said, through the Sex Magic of Isis and the Alchemies of Horus.
Of all the miracles that I witnes-sed Yeshua perform, the one that is most dear to me is that of the loaves and the fishes.
It was a very long hot day. The disciples, Mary and myself were following the Master as usual. A very large crowd formed, listening intently upon every word from Yeshua s mouth. We were all enraptured by his vision and his means of expres-sing.
It was as if, for several hours, we were transported into heaven itself, and I noticed that Yeshua's Ka had expanded to include everyone —— another sign.
When he had completed his speaking it was late in the afternoon and filled with compassion for them, realizing that their walk home would take some of them several days, he called upon food to be gathered and shared.So the disciples, Mary and I, and a few others who joined us from the crowd began to collect food. But when it was all gathered, there were only a few fishes and a few small loaves of bread. Hardly enough.
It was then that I witnessed a most remarkable event.
Yeshua went inside and closed his eyes. I could feel the intent of his prayer, although I did not hear the words. Running the full course of his Djed from the base of his spine to the top of his head, I clairvoyantly saw a burst of light flowing upwards through his crown, into his Ba, his Celestial Soul. And then an energy descended, as if in answer to his request; and he placed his hands over the two small baskets and began to hand out the loaves and fishes, breaking them into pieces and handing one to each person himself.
It was most remarkable; over a thousand people were fed and the loaves and fishes never exhausted themselves. After the crowd had been fed, Yeshua gave pieces to his Disciples and to Mary and myself, and the bread had the most sweet taste and the fish a wonderful flavor I have never experienced again.
Such miracles are natural to a Master of Yeshua's caliber, and from the Initiatory standpoint, such miracles are the potential of anyone if they practice what is required.
Yeshua often used the phrase, "I and the Father are One." This has led to great misinterpretation. For from the Initiatory standpoint, it is simply another word for Spirit. And in these words Yeshua was indicating that he merged with his Spirit, and that is how the miracles were accomplished.
And so he would go back and forth between two ideas, which the gospels report in their own limited way.
On the one hand, Yeshua would sometimes say, “I and the Father are One.” At other times he would say, “Without my Father, I can do nothing.” This is the oscillation that occurs with the Initiatory process in which the Initiate oscillates between the strength and conviction of his/her connection to the Spirit Source and then to the other state of mind, in which they realize that they are nothing and can do nothing without Spirit.
So the one state of mind has a feeling of omnipotence. And the other state of mind has the feeling of impotence. And the Initiate must pass between these two. That Yeshua used these phrases several times indicated to me, as a fellow Initiate, that he was in the middle of this paradox.
And he lived with this paradox in consciousness until the Garden of Gethsemane. For it was before his time in the Garden, as reported by his Disciples, that he came to me and we practiced the Four Serpents for the last time. There was an intensity in our time together, for we both knew that the time was near at hand.
With the explosive force released with the practice, Yeshua's Ka body scintillated with power and conviction, which he took with him into the final hours of his life, fortifying him for his journey through death. But the times before were often spent —— I search for the right words —— in a kind of self-questioning.
Those who followed Yeshua, who call themselves Christians, like to think that he was surefooted and always clear about his purpose and mission and that he never wavered. But I, who spent the nights with him, tell you otherwise.
Just because a being has attained a level of mastery does not mean that they are able to pass through uncertainty—untouched.
Yeshua felt the pressure of his Celestial Soul, but it is an odd thing being an Initiate. For one is human with all that goes with it —— and one is increasingly connected to, and a part of, one’s Celestial Soul.
It is the Ba, the Celestial Soul, that is the voice of God speaking. The high Initiate acts like a reflex from the mouth of God, but just because the Celestial Soul is clear does not mean that the human is necessarily so.
Yeshua saw in others the potential for God-Realization, and he spoke to this several times. One of these was mentioned in the Gospels when he said, “you shall do greater things than me.” For he understood that miracles are a natural expres-sion of consciousness, and that as the consciousness of mankind expanded, miracles would be commonplace.
And yet at the same time he was very aware of the limitations of those around him—of their addiction to hatred, ignorance and bigotry—and this troubled him deeply. We spent many evenings talking about this. And until a few days before Gethsemane, he was not sure if he could attain what was required to pass through the final Initiation.
I do not know the reason for the change in him, but a few days before the Garden and Our final Initiatory act together through the Four Serpents, a deep sense of peace came over him and he was sure in a way I had never seen him.
I stand in time nearly two thousand years after Yeshua’s crucifixion, and still I shake at the thought of that. It was very strange to be both the Initiate and the Woman.
As the Initiate, I stood by Yeshua through the crucifixion holding my Ka in fervent prayer—which is another way of saying I held steadfast in my intention to be there for him as he passed into death. This was an Initiatory action on my part that required detachment.
As a trained Initiate such a task was easy, but as the Woman in love with Yeshua, the Man, my heart was ripped apart. And so I stood at Golgotha, wavering in my strength as an Initiate, and my grief as the Woman in love whose beloved was suffering.
In that moment I did not care for the Initiation. I did not care that Yeshua was laying a trail of light through the death realms those who would follow him.
I even yelled at Isis.“How dare you,” I said.
In the greatest moment of my torment, Mary reached out and touched my hand. I had been alone in my grief and had not noticed hers. Our eyes met, filled with tears, and we sobbed in each other’s arms. She for her son, and I for my beloved.
The Gospels report that an earthquake struck right after Yeshua’s passing, and I say to you that this is true. It was as if all of nature went into travail, and the earth shook with anger and rage, that such a Master, such a being, could suffer at the hands of his fellow men.
But such is the paradox of life on earth.
A great storm came across the city as well—winds like I had not seen. The sky filled with dark clouds and bolts of lightning——the sound of thunder shaking everything. This horrific display lasted it seemed, forever, but I suspect it was only for an hour or so.
At the tomb, Mary and I washed his body in accordance with Jewish ritual and tradition, wrapped him and left the tomb. We did this in silence. The only sound the sound of our muffled tears.
I thought it odd that he had been able to raise Lazurus from the dead, but had not been able to help himself.
But after his resurrection, and I saw him in his Ka, radiant and beautiful as ever, I understood.
From the Initiatory standpoint, to become the High God Horus means that one has activated the highest potentials of consciousness within the human form. But this was traditionally done for one'self only. But Yeshua had done it on behalf of all mankind. This is his legacy.
But I say to you it has nothing to do with religion! It has to do with physics and alchemy.
The simple teaching of Yeshua was that we are all Gods——that we all have within us the power to love and to heal——and he demonstrated this as best he could.
In the early days of the Church—meaning the community of those who formed around Yeshua’s teachings—a most beautiful ritual emerged.
Those who wished to continue to be in his energy or presence would share bread and wine. Sometimes the men would share the ritual and sometimes the women. This simple act of sharing among each other was in keeping with Yeshua's intent, and yet as the years progressed the simplicity of this got lost, and only those ordained by the Church could give Communion, something which Yeshua would find most distasteful. (Having known him as well as I did, I can tell you this.)
The truth and power of Yeshua’s teaching have been perverted by the Church.
And the secrets of the elevation of consciousness through Sacred Sex, as was practiced by I and Yeshua, have been stolen by the Church.
I realize in the sharing of my story that only a handful will understand —— but that is enough.
I wish now to reveal some of the secrets of the Sex Magic of Isis.
As I said earlier, it is possible to scale the heights of consciousness alone, without partnership; and in this, the Alchemies of Horus were designed to assist the Initiate.
However, for those in partnership —— Sacred Relationship —— the Sex Magic of Isis was revealed. There are several aspects to this I wish to discuss.
The first of these is the understanding that at the moment of orgasm, magnetic fields are generated. In truth, these fields are created through what you would call foreplay 一 the stimulation of the senses through touch. This sensory stimulation begins the process of building the magnetic fields and is crucial to the alchemical practice of Sex Magic.
There are several methods available to Initiates, and I will discuss some of these —— but essential to the practice is the understanding of the nature of the interaction of the two alchemical elements within the man and the woman.
On a mundane level the semen of the man carries the information of his genetic lineage, which is passed on to the child. When the sperm within his semen joins with the egg of the woman life is created, and life is a complex interconnecting of magnetic fields. The growing child within the womb develops organs and systems, but at the magnetic level these can be viewed as interconnecting, complex vibrational and magnetic fields. And so at the mundane level, the act of sex creates new patterns of magnetics.
Initiates trained in alchemy use the sexual energy to also create complex magnetic fields —— but these fields do not become a new being, a child; they become incorporated into the Ka bodies of the two Initiates themselves, strengthening and elevating their Ka bodies. This is the first essential point to understand. Everything revolves around this.
The task of the Initiate within this system that Yeshua and I were trained in is to strengthen the Ka body beyond the confines of the physical form, or Khat.
The next level to understand has to do with the emotional tuning of the female Initiate —— for the female Initiate's receptivity is dependent upon her emotional state. This Is part of her nature and cannot be sidestepped if these techniques are to work.
Essential to the female Initiate is the authentic feeling of safety and love, or appreciation at the very least. When these are in place, something within her being lets go and allows the alchemy to occur.
The alchemy is created by the joining of the male Initiate’s Ka and the female Initiate’s Ka. As they make love, the Ka bodies interconnect, and this causes the female to open her Magnetic Floor. This is a strange term. It comes from the language used in the Temples of Isis.
The floor is the foundation upon which one stands. When we set something to be secure, we place it on the floor. So the floor was used as a type of slang within the Temples, referring to the very basic piece that is required. So when I say “the female’s Magnetic Floor,” I am saying that this is the fundamental piece that has to occur.
As the two Initiates continue in their love-making, and as the passion of their connecting increases, powerful chemicals are released in the brain and in the body. These transport the Initiates into another space than their normal ways of being. This further opens the magnetic fields and generates an increase in magnetics.
There are two options to the male Initiate at the moment of orgasm. He can ejaculate, or hold his seed. If he ejaculates, and the previous conditions have been met, there is an instantaneous reaction that occurs within the womb of the female. As the energetic essence of his sperm strikes the walls of her inner sanctum there is an explosion of magnetic energy —— worlds within worlds, spinning. And to the extent that the male Initiate has attained a high status as well as the female, the magnetics released from such contact between such sexual fluids can be enormous. So it is important to understand that this creates complex magnetics that both the male and female can draw into their bodies.
A second phenomenon occurs in which the female Initiate may begin to shake uncontrollably. As she shakes, the center of it is usually the womb itself, which sets off a cascade, a rocking effect in the pelvis. This action also creates very complex magnetic fields, again, which the male and female Initiates can draw into their Ka bodies. This is the fundamental or basic understanding.
As Initiates, it is possible to also cause the Serpent Powers to rise within the spine during the sex act and wherever the Two Serpents meet, will tend to magnetize that chakra and its attendant abilities or powers.
More than this I am not permitted to say, since the attainment of this practice can lead to a significant increase in one’s powers. I leave it to those who read this to see between the lines. If you are ready for this practice, you will know how it is done.
In the training of both the Sex Magic of Isis and the Alchemies of Horus, Initiates would be trained in the basic exercises of the Two Serpents.
In this practice, the Initiate alone generates energy through the power of RA, or the internal fire, to create an elevation in awareness —— to create complex magnetic fields within his or her own body—and then to bring these into the Ka.
I wish to share this method. It is the core practice for both those who wish to do this work alone, and for those who wish to do this work in partnership.The fundamental practice requires that the Initiate sit upright, breathing in a rhythmic, calm manner.Then the Initiate becomes aware of the base of the spine, and on the breaths draws the Black Serpent rising from the left and the Gold Serpent rising from the right, up the spine.
As the Two Serpents enter each chakra, they cross over, making their way up to the crown. But in this practice, the Two Serpents are brought up to the center of the head, to the vicinity of the pineal gland.The Initiate then, using the power of the breath, sends the energy of the inhales into the Serpents and then with the exhales sends the energy of the breath deeper into the serpentine bodies, causing them to become “alive,” so to speak.
Eventually they will writhe, or move, from the power of the breath and the intention of the Initiate.At this point, a Chalice is imagined inside the head with the Two Serpents facing off each other at the lip, the pineal gland resting at the bottom of the Chalice.
The next phase draws the energy of RA upward. The Initiate images a living ball of fire, like the sun, at the solar plexus, and with each exhale the Initiate silently repeats or intones the sound RA. This causes the light, the fire of the internal RA, to be activated, and it spontaneously begins to move up.
As this light and heat moves upward it passes through the center of the Chalice between the Two Serpents, up to the crown of the head. From here, a most remarkable phenomenon occurs.From the left side of the crown an energy descends that is liquid-like in its nature. This liquid is called the Red Serpentine Drops. From the right side of the crown another liquid-like energy moves down into the Chalice, called the White Serpentine Drops. It is the heat and light of the internal RA that causes the crown to secrete these substances.
The Red Serpentine Drops are related to the biological mother of the Initiate. The White Serpentine Drops are related to the father of the Initiate. As the two mix together several things can occur. There can be the sensation of a sweet taste in the back of the throat —— what the yogis and yoginis call Amrita —— but which we in the Isis Cult refer to as the Spring Waters, for they seem to come from the spring within the head.
Sometimes this is the first presentation; and if an Initiate focuses upon the sensation of the Spring Waters, a kind of ecstasy arises. Sometimes the Initiate senses light in their head. Again, if they focus upon this light, a kind of ecstasy arises.Sometimes as the Red and White Serpentine Drops mix, there is a spontaneous arising of ecstasy. This ecstasy, no matter what caused it, is crucial to this alchemy. For ecstasy is food and nourishment to the Ka body.
There is a tendency for this ecstasy to remain in the higher centers, since this is where they were birthed In this practice. But in this method, upon the first arising of ecstasy, the Initiate must shift his or her awareness to the entire Ka body itself. This causes the ecstasy to spread throughout the entire physical body, Khat, and is then absorbed by the Ka, strengthening and revitalizing it.
This is the basic, fundamental practice.For those in partnership practicing the Sex Magic of Isis, the ecstatic states naturally arise. For those in the solitary practice, the ecstasy must be self-generated.Both practices, however, require that the Initiate become aware of the Ka during moments of ecstasy, so that the Ka body can partake of the rich, magnetic fields created by such bliss.
In a very real sense, the male Initiate faces the greatest challenges in the practice of the Sex Magic of Isis, for it requires that he seemingly go against his own nature. By nature the male is electric from an alchemical standpoint, while the female is magnetic.It is the nature of electricity to move and to act, while it is the nature of magnetics to nest—enfold.
In the practice, the focus becomes the strengthening of the Ka body through the incorporation of magnetic fields released by the sex act. Right after orgasm, the magnetic fields generated by the female Initiate continue to unspiral and circulate. This is a time to rest and be with the magnetics, but by nature males tend to either get up and do something, or go to sleep.
So the male Initiate must train himself to nest, to allow the magnetics that have been created to spiral into his Ka and his body.This is different from what occurs normally, for in the male, orgasm is confined to the pelvic area, and in some cases it spreads. But for the female Initiate, especially one who has been able to relax into the experience, the orgasm spreads through the entire body and can continue in various levels of intensity for several hours.
Some male Initiates might be concerned that by changing themselves, by nesting, they will become less masculine—but I can assure you that nothing could be further from the truth.For the truth is, that as the male Initiate nests in the magnetics, his Ka body becomes stronger, and his sexual energy becomes more potent. One of the tasks for the male Initiate is to sensitize himself to new levels of feeling, so that he can incorporate the magnetic fields released through sex into his own body and Ka.
To clarify the term nesting, it does not mean that the male’s member remains inside the female, necessarily. It does mean that the male remains close to the female—touching, stroking, being with the physical sensations and the emotions after orgasm. It is through the portal of nesting that the male Initiate is able to enter the feminine mysteries of creation.
Another aspect that the male Initiate needs to be aware of is what is called Adoration of the Beloved.As the alchemy of the Sex Magic becomes stronger there are certain signs that occur. One of these is that the Beloved becomes adored or cherished.
This happens both for the male and female Initiate. When Adoration of the Beloved occurs from both partners, the alchemy and Sex Magic greatly intensifies, for the harmonics and magnetics created by such emotion are very beneficial to the magic.
I would like to speak to the term magic at this time.The reason the term magic is used refers to the transformation of the individual human into a God. This is indeed magic. It is symbolized by the God Horus, part man, part hawk, and through the practices of alchemy, is raised to the status of the High God Horus, meaning that one has attained the most elevated states of consciousness.
So the Sex Magic of Isis is precisely a method for the elevation of consciousness, which is, in itself, magic —— and this is done through the energies and ecstasy created through sex.
The other reason the term magic is used is that there are methods, once the Ka body is potentized, that one can use to affect one's reality in very direct ways in methods that seem magical. Take, for instance, the basic core practices of the Alchemies of Horus —— the raising of the Black and Gold Serpents up the spine, the creation of the Chalice, the activation of the internal fire of RA, and the meeting of the Red and White Serpentine Drops —— are all acts of magic, acts of intent and both personal and spiritual will. This is why it is referred to as magic.
Returning to the paradox facing the male Initiate, we find that his nature works against him to a certain extent in these practices, specifically the Sex Magic. For once a male Initiate’s Ka is charged, he, by nature, wants to act, to do something. Yet if he can discipline himself, train himself to continue lying with his Beloved, he can nest himself in the rich magnetics created through their love, their sex, and strengthen the Ka to a greater extent.
There is another aspect facing the male Initiate in this process, and it has to do with what we in the temples refer to as Obstacles To Flight, but which in your language is best stated as “psychological issues.” The term Obstacles To Flight refers to hindrances to the unfolding of one’s Horns nature, the aspect specifically that can fly upward into elevated states of consciousness.
There are attitudes, beliefs and emotional habits that are counter-productive to flight, or the elevation to consciousness, which is what we refer to when we say Obstacles To Flight. It is here for the male Initiate that one of the most intricate passages, requiring great skill, occurs.
As a child, the male was carried by his mother in her womb and protected and nurtured by his mother in his infancy, until a point where he had autonomy and could act for himself. At this point the male child pushes the mother away, so to speak, in order to face the world.
It is at this juncture in his development that he may feel confined or limited by his mother, and a battle of wills can ensue. As a man, as a male Initiate, he may still carry these emotional habits within him. If this is the case, he will find it difficult to relax into the nesting of the magnetic fields, since at a psychological level, it is experienced as surrendering to the feminine.
If the male Initiate has issues with his mother of childhood, he may engage these consciously or unconsciously with his partner.
It is important for both Initiates undertaking the Sex Magic of Isis to realize that they are embarking on a long journey and that the process is essentially one of alchemy. The purpose of alchemy is to transform one substance into another. It does this by burning off the dross, or the negativity of a substance, so that the pure substance remains or is created.
In the process of the Sex Magic of Isis the substances transformed are literally the sexual fluids, hormones, neurotransmitters and other substances not yet discovered by your science. But it also involves a transformation of one’s psychology.
By nature, the Sex Magic of Isis steps up the alchemical process. The heat gets turned up, so to speak, the dross becomes clear, that which needs to be purified comes painfully into focus.
If one does not understand that this is one of the byproducts of alchemy, one might be disturbed by the arising of difficult psychological material. But actually this is one of the results, for the internal pressure created through the intense alchemy generated through the Sex Magic of Isis causes the Ka body to extrude, or press out of itself all impurities and to clear itself of all Obstacles To Flight.
In those practicing alone, without a partner, the Alchemies of Horus also create internal pressure, extruding impurities, but the task is more difficult in that the energy required comes from one’s own personal efforts, and there is not the benefit of reflection from another. However, it can be done.
This is the basic understanding required for the practice of the Sex Magic of Isis. In the previous pages I have revealed to you the secrets of the ages, one of the most closely guarded secrets of the Temples of Isis.
Understanding of these practices was reserved for the most advanced students.
Whether one practices the solitary path through the Alchemies of Horus or the path of Sacred Relationship through the Sex Magic of Isis, one is stepping upon the road to Godhood.
The central key in this journey is the strengthening of the Ka through ecstatic states of consciousness. Whether self-generated or created through the ecstasy of sex does not inherently matter; the Ka is nurtured and potentized by ecstatic states, regardless of their source.
On the contrary, shame is a poison to the Ka body, a toxic element that decreases its vitality and potency.
I, an Initiate of Isis, find it tragic that the Church has shamed women and men around their sexual natures and closed a door on one of the most direct paths to God-Realization. Whatever you do along this path, my advice is to free yourself of all shame.
Search out the catacombs of your own mind and heart, seek out the dark places in yourself where shame resides and remove it.
Find every opportunity to create ecstasy, for it strengthens you and potentizes the Ka.
May the obstacles to your flight be few and the blessings along your journey be many.
    来源:灵音悠扬 (公众号)



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