A Hathor Planetary Message
Through Tom Kenyon
由Tom Kenyon传导的Hathor行星信息
The Fifth Perspective: Transcending Space and Time
譯者 :laoguo2
【Hathors行星信息】《第五视角之“超越空间与时间”》(上) ♥ ﹝附音頻﹞
Alien Interference
Part of what we call alien interference is genetic in nature and has to do with early genetic tampering by the Annunaki. This alien civilization created what is essentially a slave race for the purpose of mining gold, which they desperately needed to reinforce the energetics of their dwindling atmosphere. A genetic experiment was undertaken in which early primates on earth were genetically altered by the Annunaki to serve as workers, as slaves, for the purpose of mining. Thus, built into the very genetic coding of your biology is a deeply engrained tendency to be subservient and to worship what you perceive to be “divine beings.”
Early humans perceived the Annunaki (and many other galactic and intergalactic travelers) as gods, but these beings were simply so technologically advanced their mere presence and actions seemed like magic to less evolved minds.
The transition point from the constraints of third and fourth dimensional existence into the greater freedom of the fifth dimension and beyond can create an emotional challenge. This is due to the fact that the immense freedom experienced in higher dimensional reality can be temporarily disorienting. This type of disorientation is caused by two factors 1) the disappearance of perceived space and time as reference points and 2) the Annunaki manipulation.
在从第三和第四次元存在的限制,进入第五(及更高)次元之更大自由的过渡点上,会制造出一种情感上的挑战。这是由于在更高次元实相中所体验到的巨大的自由会暂时性的令人迷失。这种类型的迷失是由两个因素所导致的, 1 )所感知的作为参照点的空间和时间会消失,以及 2 )安努纳奇人的操控。
If you have not freed yourself from the Annunaki genetic template of subservience and worship, your experience of the higher dimensions can be contaminated.
This is due to the simple truth that there are a multitude of interdimensional beings, alien and otherwise, who will be happy to fill in the gap—who will feed on your subservience to their will and glory in your worship.
If this is your choice then this will be your reality. We have no judgment as to whether you choose this or not, but we do think that such a choice would be unfortunate.
The nexus of our message is one of personal empowerment and freedom, so we caution you as you enter into the fifth and higher dimensional realities to avoid alien implanted delusions that there are other beings you should bow down to. Honor them if they are honorable, yes. Bow down to anyone? Never!
Death and the Fifth Dimension
When you shift your identify into the fifth dimension your personal history in this life seems like a dream. This is because you have transcended the sensory anchors of your embodied life, and all of your history and all the histories of this universe are experienced as dream-like.
During certain states of profoundly expanded consciousness, this dream-like nature of life can be experienced directly. But for most human beings this experience only emerges through the passage you call death.
There are two types of death we wish to discuss. The first type of death is the psychological and spiritual metamorphosis that occurs when you shift into fifth dimensional reality. This can often feel like a type of death because your habitual orientation to the sensory-based realities of your life disappears. Who are you? What is the meaning of your life? These fundamental existential questions are profoundly affected by transitions into fifth and higher dimensional realities.
And so for those of you reading this who are transiting into the fifth dimension—or higher—we say to you, do not be dismayed by the feelings of your demise. Your feelings of your impending death may be arising within you as a result of your transition into higher dimensional reality and not a harbinger of your physical death.
The second type of death we wish to discuss is the death of your biological reality (i.e., your physical body). At the final completion of the death process you will no longer receive sensory input from your external world, and your experience of space and time (as you currently experience them) will be obliterated. This can be quite disorienting if you are not prepared. It can also be quite exhilarating if you understand the nature of what is happening.
If you fully and completely identify yourself solely as a biological organism the moment of your death can be frightening. If, however, you have already tasted the freedom of fifth dimensional reality or higher your transition through death will be easier.
At the completion of your biological death, from our experience and perspective, you will be confronted with three portals. The first is a tunnel of light. The second is a portal opened through the energetics of a guru or savior. And the third is a portal, or tunnel, that leads into darkness.
The tunnel of light is generated from the pranic tube that runs through the center of your body, which runs from your perineum to your crown, and it is a tunnel-like or tube-like channel. At the moment of death, your consciousness moves upward through this tunnel that opens into another dimension of consciousness through your crown chakra.
On the other side of this tunnel is a bright light, and you may find yourself sensing that you are on a bridge crossing over a stream or a river. On the other side of the bridge will be those persons of your previous life, the lifetime you have just ended. You may sense those who have died before you, including pets you have had, because the animal spirits also dwell in this realm. If there are incomplete relationships or issues still to be resolved with these persons or beings, you may feel a yearning to enter this light, and by doing so you re-enter the wheel of birth and death, and you will reincarnate—most likely on Earth.
The second portal is created by the personal will of a guru or savior. Entering this portal will lead you into the vibratory field of the guru or savior that you have a deep personal connection to. And for those of you on this path, entering this dimension of consciousness will be the completion of a profound desire to be with this being. Our caution here is that you will be entering a realm defined not only by the evolutionary attainment of your guru or savior but also by his or her limitations.
The third portal opens into darkness. And entering this portal leads you into the Void, the creatrix from which all things arise. If you choose this portal and have prepared yourself to deal with this level of freedom you will be freed to explore other dimensions of this cosmos and beyond, meaning states of being that transcend all physical phenomena. In this realm of existence you can become an explorer of other realities as you so choose.
第三种入口通往黑暗。进入这个入口会引导你们进入“空( Void )”――万物由其中升起的女性创造者( creatrix )。如果你们选择了这个入口,并且也已经准备好了让你们自己去应对这种层次的自由,则你们就能自由的去探索这个宇宙以及更远的宇宙的其他次元,其意思是指超越了所有物理现象的存在状态。在这个存在领域之中,你们能如你们所选择的那样,成为一个其他实相的探索者。
Some individuals swoon when confronted with the vastness of the Void. They rush into choosing a new reality rather than taking their time to rest in the potential of all things. We have addressed this in a previous message called Transition States.
We have no judgment as to which portal you enter through the dimensional shift you call death. But we think it is beneficial for you to know what awaits you beforehand so that you can prepare yourself for the choices that you will be compelled to make on the other side of your earthly experience.
Death is not an ending. It is merely the completion of one journey through space and time. Death is a harbinger of new potential realities, and you will create these realities through the choices you made during your life as well as through the choices you make at the moment of your death.
死亡并不是一种结束。其只不过是一次穿越空间与时间的旅程的结束。死亡是新的潜在实相的一个预兆,并且你们会通过你们在你们的人生中所做出的选择,以及你们在你们死亡之时所做出的选择,来 创造出这些(新的潜在)实相。
We will now turn our attention to a simple method for training your consciousness to enter higher dimensions and to enter the freedom of your transcendent reality—unconstrained by the limitations of perceived space and time. This method is based on the use of a simple sound meditation to explore the freedom of consciousness that arises when you shift your self-identity to higher dimensions.
As you experiment with this threshold of consciousness, which we call theFifth Perspective, we caution you to avoid the temptation of escapism. We are offering this method, not as a means to escape the realities of your embodied existence, rather we are offering it as a means to enhance and enrich your experience of life by giving you access to the fifth dimension and beyond.
Higher dimensional realities, unconfined by the constraints of perceived space and time, conjoined with the realities of your biological existence creates a potent catalyst for dimensional evolution, and in our opinion this is to be celebrated rather than avoided.
For those of you reading this who are, in fact, at the brink of your physical death this sound meditation can assist you to enter a more gracious passage.
The Fifth Perspective
The Fifth Perspective is quite simply the recognition that you are unconstrained by space or time. It is a foyer or an entrance into the fifth dimension and from there into higher dimensions as well.
It is a direct perception, not just a thought or an idea. It is a visceral experience generated through the activation of your right cerebral hemisphere’s ability for spatial mastery.
When you enter into an expanded sense of spaciousness through direct experience, a shift in consciousness occurs. You become a witness to the dream-like nature of your life, your history and all phenomena around you. This sense of freedom, this transcendence of perceived space and time, can allow you to deal with the realities of your embodied existence in more creative and resourceful ways, and this is why we are imparting this method.
As we cautioned you earlier, this is not meant to be a form of escapism. But there is indeed a temptation in the Fifth Perspective we need to address more clearly before proceeding.
When you enter the Fifth Perspective, which is the transcendence of perceived space and time, everything about your life and the world around you seems dream-like. You are detached from it all, and it may seem to you as if your day-to-day life is like a dance in which you have no interest.
If you remain in the Fifth Perspective without engaging the realities of your embodied life you will enter a bubble, but in terms of dimensional evolution you will not be benefitted by such an escape.
We can imagine that remaining in the bubble of the Fifth Perspective would be the best choice for some individuals in very rare instances. But for most persons the Fifth Perspective is best used as a springboard into deeper insight and creativity.
When you work with the sound meditation, you will be training your brain/mind to enter the Fifth Perspective. The spatial nature of the sound patterns will create a response in your brain/mind/body that opens a doorway into the Fifth Perspective, and eventually you will find yourself in an expanded state of awareness. The more you work with the sound meditation the stronger this ability becomes. Ultimately you graduate to a place where you can enter the Fifth Perspective in the midst of your daily activities—and this is the goal.
当你们练习这个声音冥想,你们将会训练你们的头脑 / 心智进入这个”第五视角”。这个声音模式的空间性质将会在你们的头脑 / 精神 / 身体中创造出一个响应,其会打开一条进入”第五视角”的门路,并且最终你们会发现你们自己处在一种扩展了的觉知状态之中。你们越多的练习这个声音冥想,你们的这种能力就会变得越强。最终,你们会毕业到达一个位置,在那里你们能在你们的日常活动之中进入”第五视角”,而这就是最终的目标。
When you are confronted by a difficult situation in your life and are able to simultaneously reside in the Fifth Perspective, the pressure of the situation decreases. This is due to the fact that your consciousness is less bound by the circumstances. You have a little “wiggle room,” so to speak, and within that inner freedom new creative insights and problem solving abilities will spontaneously arise within you.
The Meditation
We call this meditation A Bridge Between the Worlds. It stimulates a mental state that allows you to experience the freedom of the Fifth Perspective.
We suggest you listen to this sound meditation with earphones or ear buds so the acoustic information is routed more directly into your brain without the presence of other sounds in the environment.
As you begin listening you simply recall the feeling of being surrounded by an immense space. It is the feeling of being surrounded by space that activates your brain’s right hemispheric abilities. Thinking about being surrounded by a large space will not activate this potential. You must kinesthetically feel or sense yourself surrounded by a large space.
If you are an advanced explorer of consciousness you can deepen the experience by sensing that there is no barrier between the external space around you and the internal space of your body. In other words, the boundary of your body temporarily disappears, and there is nothing but space. You simply hold this state of mind as you listen to the sound meditation. When your mind wanders you bring it back to an awareness of space and the sounds you are hearing. When the meditation is complete we suggest you take a few moments to sense what is happening within you.
When you have mastered the ability to enter the Fifth Perspective using this sound meditation, you are ready to graduate and explore using this ability in the midst of your life circumstances. The union of the constraints of your embodied life with the freedom of higher dimensional realities creates a most interesting paradox, and through entering this paradox you will greatly accelerate your dimensional evolution.
The Hathors
April 20, 2015
音频文件名:A Bridge Between the Worlds(12.01mins.).mp3
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