Greetings!From heart to heart in this moment we speak,I am KejRaj.The information expressed here is that of my perspective,my point of view.For all truth awaits you in your heart.Tune into the light within you.
你好!在这一刻我们心心相印地说话,我是 KejRaj 。这里所表达的信息是我的观点,我的观点。因为所有的真理都在你的心里等着你。调整进入你内在的光。
The light quotient on Earth is increasing by the minute.The dark is crumbling and dissolving.There is no space for the unnatural in the 5th Dimensional Earth.
Unnatural things cannot exist in 5th Dimensional Earth.From the food to medication.From the paved roads to the gas powered machines.And everything else that is consisted of unnatural components,will gradually dissolve.Much will also be transmuted by advanced technologies into something that Earth can use.
The new reality is being anchored on this world similar to an ice tray being filled with water.The light flowing from Source to Earth will not stop until every dark or empty area has been filled with light.
This includes the humans as well.All blockages or dark pockets in your physical bodies are being transmuted to light.
This is why many are getting sick.Some with severe diseases.While others are snapping emotionally in various ways.
All that is not of high vibration is being transformed or released.And this includes Mother Earth's imbalances as well.She too is making the necessary changes to her physical vessel.
The dances with Terra have begun.The twisting,shaking and turning of her physical vessel is well underway.
与 Terra 的舞蹈已经开始。她的物质容器的扭曲、摇晃和转动正在顺利进行。
These changes to Mother Earths body,in extreme cases,are manifested as quakes,volcanoes,severe weather conditions,and so on.
The process of cleansing and transformation will not stop until all on Earth becomes light of the purest form.
This process will continue for another twenty years.
这个过程还将持续 20 年。
However,the major changes that are paramount to Earth's stability in the 5th dimension,are to happen within the next four years.And this has already begun.
What does this mean?
The process of ascension may not be so easy or as smooth as some have predicted.
The trembling,and other means of release of Mother Earth is not only inevitable,but necessary for her cleansing of the lower vibrational energies.
There is nothing to fear here.For only those with prior agreement may be caught up in the storms,we will say.
If you find yourself fearing any of this,you are only projecting.This may also be do to past life traumas,or similar past experiences.
These are times of joy.We will each find ourselves where we are needed and destined to be.
All the light to you.
資料來源: https://www.pfcchina.org/light-age-report/40443.html