
(2017-06-09 18:01:12)




I am The Messenger. I have been before and again they have asked me to be their spokesman. I come with a message from the worlds beyond. Collectively they have asked me to convey these words to you. We have said many times that there is a change coming over the earth. Well, you are now in the change that we have prophesied for so long. You are in the change now and the message to all on the earth plane is to think positively, think of your future not with panic and fear. Think also that you have a life ahead unknown but because you are Spirit Divine and because of the change that is here now with you, you will find that if you go inward as we have asked you to do and which is so important for you, go inward, be quiet in tranquility and peace and you will help us in this way so that we can lift you. Dont you realise that the power within each one of you is going to help to push you forward. As you go forward step by step, do so with courage and hope and the desire to help your fellow man.




You will find here and there over the earth groups of people who have come to the earth plane to disrupt you, to put hate into your heart, to put fear into your being. We want you to be aware of this because hate has no part in the future that all of you are now heading towards. Whenever you see something hateful arise and you are affected by it, take no notice but go inward and say: take away the vibrations that were sent to me. Be aware of these groups of people that are sending out these awful, low life vibrations. I want you to be aware of this because it is happening all over the world. It is happening because the change has ignited some people to form groups as their vibrations mold them together as a group from which they can spread fear. Oh, lovely fear to make you doubt yourself, to make you think that life is not worth living any more! Then they put pressure on the way you live, bring uncertainty into your life. I want you to be aware, aware of the dark forces that are about. Lo and behold there is Light, yes, and Light Workers all over the world, their Lights are growing brighter and brighter because they put self on one side.




You, children of the world, we want you to be aware of these dark forces that are making you afraid of the future. We have come to say to you today that you have a glorious future. You are on the cusp of the Aquarian Age that brings in upliftment, joy, peace, a way of living that is so suitable for each of you. The sun is shining, its shining dont you see, its shining. Look around. Look around you it doesnt matter what people say or that someone is in panic go within. This is your salvation. Go within and gradually you will find that the thoughts will go and the emotions will settle. Once again, you will be valiant and strong and you will find that you can face the unknown. That is what you are afraid of, the unknown. You have so much help, help that you are unaware that you are receiving.




There is a wonderful vibration that is around the earth at the moment and this a vibration of Light and colour. The Light and the colour are beaming down upon each person on the earth, strengthening and helping each one to have a vision of the future that lies ahead. So this day, I come, The Messenger, and those who are around the earth, they say to me: tell them, tell them. This is what I am doing. You are beginning now the golden age because of the change that you are living through and each one of you must live your day with faith, strength and courage and when you feel the shadow of doubt come upon you, there is a star that shines above you, a six pointed star. Think, please, everybody, think of this wonderful star that has come from the skies above. Three points go up into the heavens and three points go down to the earth. The Light will come down, down through those last three points and you will find that the whole world is lifted, lifted. Each one has this wonderful star above them. Think about this star as it will give you strength and it will enable you to live your lives each day in the knowledge that you are going forward. You must be patient as you have only just begun. Many people will ask how long this will take but I The Messenger say to you be patient, little ones. Live each moment of your day as though it is the last. Give to your day. Be aware of what is happening. Be aware of who is around you trying to make you afraid and saying dreadful things about different people who are living on the earth.




This day, the message is for you to know who you are. You are the Divine Spirit and it is the Divine Spirit within you that will help you. Remember the six pointed star that shines way above your head. When in solitude, in quietude and peace, you will find your wonderful helpers are around you to help you and lift you to receive the bounty and the greatness of this sparkling, sparkling star. As you find its Light coming down towards you, you are strengthened. You can see the future for your children and your childrens children. That is what it is all about. We are indeed in The Aquarian Age so lift up your hearts, people of the world, lift up your hearts because you have the help of the planets around you. You have the stars that send out their Light, you have the moon that has the greatest, greatest vibration upon each one of you and above all, you have the glorious sun that is the God within you.




I have come with this message from all around the earth and I say this day to all of you, remember my words as it is vitally important that you go within yourselves in quiet moments and be at peace within. Again a warning the dark forces will try to pull you away from the peace and the love that is within each one of you. Therefore, be aware and in your awareness, recognise those who try to change your mind by sending low thoughts, low emotions. You are on a golden path now. Walk it bravely with courage because you are doing this not for yourselves alone but for your children. Have strength to go on and walk proudly into the unknown with the help you will receive to do this. God bless each one of you. May the Light of the stars come down and shine upon each one of you giving you the upliftment that you need to live day by day being aware, doing your best and, if you can, putting self to one side. Also for those that have come into your world who are not, let us say, English speaking, have compassion, have compassion and love. Love means that you embrace and by embracing, you become God and in tune with the God within. Change the world by the way you think, by the way you feel. Do this for yourselves and for the children and also do it for The Universe, The Universe. May God bless each one. I will leave you with the star that shines down upon you to give you strength and love, knowledge and wisdom. God bless you. Thank you for receiving me but remember, it is important that you remember, think and ponder over the words that are said today. I have delivered my message. May God be with you always.






翻译:Nick Chan


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