A short energy update follows to help make sense of all the changes happening. Firstly we stress again the importance of eating light foods, as live as possible. Meaning containing as much life force as possible. If you are fortunate enough to have your own garden, harvesting foods and them eating them the same day is the way to go. If not, then purchase fresh foods daily and eat them well before they ‘expire’. The physical body is going through enormous cellular restructuring at this juncture and could use all the support it can get. Your body elemental will thank you!
The energy is mostly being felt again in the cranial and base of skull as the brain structure and spinal column receives the New Codes of Life, as one may call them. It is an appropriate enough description. The new codes enter the brain and spinal fluid flowing through the nadis and meridians into cellular tissue and structure, finally making contact with the atoms and electrons where they are engaged in their upgrading work.
Water is an important component for your physical body, as always. Before ingesting anything it would behoove you to send your life force energy into it. You can do this simply by intention and focusing your energy, infusing the water and food with the purity of your Light.
The lower 3 chakras are upgrading, merging, as they become ‘on-line’ or more in alignment with the rest of the energy centers, so that they can carry and transmit higher frequencies and codes of Light and ground them into the Earth, becoming anchored there into the 5d energy matrix.
The 4th energy center, the heart of the human is merging at a greater level with the 13th energy center, the One Heart or High Heart chakra which connects you to the Creator, your Source energy and Heart of the One. The One Heart energy, if you could see it, is all around you and encompasses your entire energy structure.
Now would be a good time to practice breath techniques to help with the flow of energy. Breathing is an integral part of your journey as the Breath of Life carries the life force energy into your cellular structure.
Overall with the great energy shifts happening now, you will feel greater alignment with your Higher Self and Consciousness, capable of achieving breakthrough’s as never before experienced. The full culmination and shift of this energetic phase will be felt following the Eclipses in July.
As always, now is the time of the merging of the feminine and masculine energy – the reunification of the twin flames energy. Allow all that surfaces in resistance to this merging to be released and replaced with the pure love and light of your Being.
It is an exciting time for you Beloveds and we are watching you with great anticipation and with much love. We are supporting you and will assist you where ever and when ever we can.
You are loved beyond measure!
通灵:Deborah Faith
翻译:Nick Chan