I am Judas Iscariot and I have come to talk to you about some other things. It has come to my knowledge that many of you are frustrated are and you release your frustration on those that are working with the economic pieces. This is not the right way dear children on Earth. There is nobody up here that has given you any dates – neither day or month or year. The only thing we have given you is hope for a bright future. We have seen that many have been working for this and our Father/Mother God have heard our dear Gaia’s wishes to ascend up in the light. Much light has been sent to Earth and many souls have woken up. Many souls have also started to build up Earth in the way that they can and with the resources they have whether it is money or knowledge. This is the right path to follow. Those that expect to get help with an honorable project and with honorable work they will get help in one way or another. They have demonstrated with their belief and heart that they are willing to leave everything in the hands of God and they get the help they need. They are already on the go so to speak.
Earth is on its way towards abundance and prosperity for all people, but one has to walk a fine line in order for everything to move forward in a secure and beneficial way for all people on Earth regardless where they live. This requires careful weighing, a great courage and large portion of love. How much love is there in hearts that judge others? Well, there is probably a good amount, but maybe they need to take a closer look into their own heart and find the peace and trust that rests there. It is the trust and love for everything that is important now. Many things happen now, not everything can be seen, but it is happening because those people have trust and belief in their hearts. They listen inside and receive the guidance they need in order to act at the pace that is possible on Earth today. It is you who decide the pace. I think this has been said before. It is your awakening and your work that determines how fast this can move forward. You have your own free will and you are now talking about in which way and at what speed you will change your Earth.
You have help dear children on Earth. You have much help from the light and all the galactics that exist around your Earth. They protect Earth from incursions and provide a shield against the most serious threats so that nothing more can be destroyed on Gaia. However, raising your vibrations you will have to do yourselves. This you do by seeking in your heart and letting your heart’s light vibrate together with the light that shines on Earth today. This is when you find your trust and the work that you are meant to carry out on Earth. These are important things dear children on Earth. Love is the highest and the best that is changing your world today. In love there is no judgment, no blame, no frustration, no fear as love is simply just love and rests in the trust in itself. It knows that everything is good and lives in the faith that the best is happening for all in the time that is now. This can be worthwhile to consider dear children on Earth. Love can change a whole world and the more that surrender to the love in their heart the larger the change. It is you who are changing this surface on Earth with the help of love in your hearts and your trust in Mother/Father God.
With these words I leave you now and send pink roses of love to open up your hearts so that more love can stream out.
犹大 20171201 你会得到你所需的帮助
通灵:Ann Dahlberg
翻译:Nick Chan
音頻來源: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UAVwf4-u4RU