Teachings From The Arcturian Mothership – Living Multiple Realities, Part 4
The Gift of Unconditional Love
By Suzanne Lie – January 21, 2013
中文翻译: 林琚月20130126
On the other hand, when you experience unconditional love your pineal gland releases DMT (Andrew: Dimethyltryptamine – see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dimethyltryptamine) into your system, which creates sensations of bliss and euphoria. At first, you may not consciously be able to feel this bliss and euphoria because it is such a novel sensation. Your Earth vessel is continually bombarded by millions of inner and outer sensations. These sensations run through a filter in your human brain known as the reticular formation, which serves as a filter to determine which sensations are sent to the conscious mind and which sensations are stored in the sub-conscious mind.
DMT (Andrew: Dimethyltryptamine – seehttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dimethyltryptamine)
Sensations that activate adrenalin go instantly to your conscious mind, as they are survival-based emotions. You can ignore bliss and still survive. However, if you ignore fear, you could become injured or even die. The Third Dimensional Operating System of the 3% of your DNA and about 5% of your brainpower is based, not on happiness or mind expansion, but on survival.
Fortunately, as your 97% DNA is activated by the greater Cosmic Light, you move into your Multidimensional Operating System with its resulting “whole brain thinking.” Whole brain thinking is the ability to use 100% of your biological computer brain. The 3% DNA of your Third Dimensional Operating System is based on survival of the species, whereas the other 97% DNA of your Multidimensional Operating System is based on the ascension back to your true, Multidimensional SELF.
When your world fell into darkness, you were invaded by the Service-to-SELF beings who manipulated your DNA to limit it to the 3% of survival consciousness. However, it is not just the outer Cosmic Light that stimulates your 97% Ascension DNA. Whenever you are able to experience the sensation of unconditional love, your pineal gland emits DMT into your system which activates the 97% DNA, if only for a short period of your time.
It is becauseunconditional love stimulates your Ascension process that most religions and metaphysical trainings encourage unconditional love. Of course during the dark times since the fall of Atlantis, even the power of unconditional love was limited and often led to the capture and execution of any group or person who ignored the indoctrination of the darkly intended Power-Over-Others rulers. In fact, even “religious leaders” were greatly threatened when others possessed the great power of unconditional love.
There are still many humans on the body of Gaia that fear unconditional love. It is foreign to them, and that which is different often creates fear. However, we ask you to send your unconditional love without any third-dimensional intentions. Instead, send out this great force as a FREE gift that you naturally exude from your ever-ascending consciousness. It is a third dimensional “hook” to have an unconscious intention attached to that which appears to be an act of your higher expression of SELF.
Even sending unconditional love as an act to heal another is an intention. Perhaps that person is learning an important lesson that is vital to his or her Ascension. Furthermore, unconditional love will naturally seek its highest purpose. Therefore, it is best to send out your great gift of unconditional love free of all intention. In fact, if you can take a few deep breaths to pull in unconditional love from the open portal of your pineal gland, and then pull it into your High Heart, you can assure that your intentions are clear.
Additionally, pulling the unconditional love through your pineal gland will activate your DMT Ascension hormone. Then grounding that love in your High Heart allows you to fully receive and understand any higher messages that are embedded in the highest frequency of light, which is unconditional love.
Once you have received and documented your higher communication, allow it to intermingle with your breath, asyou breathe out from the High Heart to share your unconditional love. In this manner, those who are prepared to receive these higher messages will, indeed, pick them up from the expanding Mantle of Unconditional Love surrounding Gaia.
Dear Ascending Ones, remember to keep your Cosmic Portal, your pineal gland, open to our ever-increasing communications. You will experience these communications by a feeling of unconditional love, bliss, happiness and/or peace and calm. Sometimes, especially if you are busily engaged in physical life, you may experience our messages as a sudden moment of overwhelming fatigue.
Your body is feeling fatigued because your resonance has just expanded due to our incoming message. Then, the juxtaposition between the higher light of unconditional love and your third dimensional activity highlights the effort that you are placing into your physical endeavor. Hence, take a deep breath, close your eyes and allow the bliss to replace the fatigue. If at all possible, expand this moment by consciously receiving our message.
Our message comes into your consciousness beyond time. Hence, all you need do is recognize the download of our message and store it in your High Heart. Then, make the time as soon as possible to relax into your High Heart to consciously absorb our communication. Before you entered into your present form you were all taught this technique so that you would never feel separate from your true Family.
Now that your personal and planetary resonance is steadily increasing, you are all beginning to remember what the Veil of Maya has hidden from your conscious awareness. Therefore, our Beloved Ones, lift your Veil, open your Pineal Portal and prepare your High Heart to receive and understand our transmissions.
We are ALWAYS with you. Listen with your Heart to hear our call.
The Arcturians and your Galactic Family
Posted by Andrew Eardleyon January 22, 2013 / Ascension / Comments Off
轉自:Rebecca_林琚月的博客 http://blog.sina.com.cn/rebeccahjlin