原创: 荷光 凯 新纪元扬升之光 今天
Lord Buddha viaNatalie Glasson, June 22nd, 2018
One of the greatest ambitions of a lightworker is to be an embodiment of the truth of the Creator, radiating thissacred truth through each action and reaction upon the Earth. To embody thetruth of the Creator is not to be a fountain of knowledge and wisdom, instead,it is to experience an intimate relationship with the Creator within your being.To know and be familiar with the presence of the Creator transmitting throughyour being. The truth of the Creator is expansive, undefinable and fulfilling,it is an alignment with and an experience of all that is the Creator.
I, Lord Buddha, oversee the PlanetaryLevel of the Creator’s Universe, ensuring that all achieve their spiritual anddivine purposes upon the Earth. In this stage of ascension, I, Lord Buddha wishto promote a cleansing and purification of your physical, emotional, mental andspiritual bodies, (your four body system.) The purpose of this cleansing is tocreate or reactivate energetic patterns and templates of truth within yourcells, aura and entire being. When you awaken energetic templates and patternsof truth you realign your entire being to the Creator, divine perfection, thedivine flow and allow yourself to experience fulfilment. This means thatblockages, stagnant energies and limitations are released promoting experiencesof liberation, acceptance of self, unconditional love for self and deephealing. Sacred wisdom and remembrance of past lifetimes can also be the resultof activating patterns of truth within your being. When you embody the truth ofthe Creator your reality becomes a reflection of your inner truth.
The energy I am transmitting at this timeis a deep healing and cleansing vibration from the Planetary Level of a purewhite colour with flecks of golden light. I wish to share with you somepractices to support you in receiving my light, awakening patterns of truthwithin your being and experiencing your inner truth.
Cleansing andAcceptance of Your Four Body System
State each statement aloud. After eachstatement inhale breathing the energy from your Soul Star Chakra through intoyour physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies, exhale into your EarthStar Chakra below your feet. Repeat the breath as many times as you feel guidedto before you move onto the next statement.
‘My emotional body and entire beingare now transforming, I am anchoring the energetic codes needed to aid myascension. I am my truth in manifestation.’
‘My emotional body and entire being are incomplete balance and alignment with my soul, soul group, and the Creator.’
‘I am my spiritual ascension, I am amaster of my being, I now let go of all unneeded energies, blockages andlimitations created by myself in my past, present, future and simultaneouslifetimes.’
‘My physical body is cleansed of allimpurities; I allow my body to exist in its perfection supporting myascension.’
‘My mental body is cleansed and purifiedby the most vibrant vibration of the Creator’s Consciousness. My mental body isa transmitter of the pure and sacred consciousness of the Creator.’
‘I welcome the sacred presence of myspiritual body, grounding the truth, sacred wisdom and profound love of myspiritual self into all that I Am on every level of my existence.’
‘I honour the purpose of my physical,emotional, mental and spiritual bodies and call upon the support of theUniverse of the Creator and Lord Buddha to ensure my four bodies can achieveall that is divinely guided to aid my health, wellbeing, vitality,happiness, and fulfilment.’
‘I realise my four body system as mycompanion for my current existence, I accept my four body system and dissolveall energies of rejection I may have created. Every part of my being exists asthe purest vibration of harmony. ‘
Lord Buddha’s Starof Cleansing
Allow yourself to sit peacefully andbreathe deeply 3 times.
I can upon the light of Lord Buddha, thePlanetary Logos to send your Star of Cleansing light into my being.
Imagine a pure white star descendingthrough the top of your head to rest in your heart chakra.
Say out loud,
‘I ask Lord Buddha’s Star of Cleansing tointegrate into my entire being.’ Inhale imagining the Star of Cleansingwithin your heart chakra, exhale allowing the light of a white colour withgold flecks to fill your entire being. Feel, sense or acknowledge a synthesisprocess taking place within your being.
‘Please cleanse, balance and heal theenergies of my physical body.’ Inhale imagining the Star of Cleansing within yourheart chakra, exhale allowing the light to fill your entire being. Breathe theenergy of the star into your physical body
‘Please cleanse, balance and heal theenergies of my emotional body and emotions.’ Inhale imagining the Star ofCleansing within your heart chakra, exhale allowing the light to fill yourentire being. Breathe the energy of the star into your auric field and imagineit purified.
‘Please cleanse, balance and heal theenergies of my mental body and mind.’ Inhale imagining the Star ofCleansing within your heart chakra, exhale allowing the light to fill yourentire being. Breathe the energy of the star into your mind and imagine itpurified.
‘Please cleanse, balance and heal theenergies of my spiritual body and spiritual reality.’ Inhale imagining the Star ofCleansing within your heart chakra, exhale allowing the light to fill yourentire being. Breathe the energy of the star into your spiritual body andimagine it purified.
‘Please cleanse, balance and heal theenergies of my entire body and auric field.’ Inhale imagining the Star ofCleansing within your heart chakra, exhale allowing the light to fill yourentire being. Expand the white star until you are the white star and itencapsulates your entire being.
‘I am a magnificent being of pure light; Ihonour, love and respect myself, truth and my light. I vow to love myself unconditionally fromthis moment forth and to love my body, knowing that my body is a sacred chamberthat holds my truth and soul.
I trust myself and know that I am apowerful being of light, I know that the love in my heart is abundant and allowall fears to be dissolved by my abundant love.
With the assistance of my guides, soul,soul group, Lord Buddha and the Creator, I dissolve and let go of all pain fromthe past, all fears and limitations held within my four body system. Iallow myself to listen to and cherish my four body system, receiving thenecessary messages that support my physical and spiritual existence on theEarth. Support me to dedicate myself to mastering my four body system,recognising the beauty and intentions of my entire being. Help me to love myentire being unconditionally, listening to my entire being with love each day.My four body system is a valuable and treasured aspect of my being, which I nowrecognise fully. My entire being is now fully aligned with my soul, theguidance of my soul emanates with power, vitality, and grace through me,supporting my actions, reactions and existence upon the Earth.
With the energetic shifts andtransformation made within my being, I now ask Lord Buddha to make me aware ofthe energetic patterns and templates of truth which have been activated withinmy four body system. It is through the cleansing light and my acceptance of myfour body system that my patterns of truth have activated, vibrating throughoutmy being. I now allow myself to experience the truth of the Creator fully.’
Sit in the light of the star for as longas you wish. When you feel the process is complete imagine Lord Buddha’s Starof Cleansing flowing out through your feet down into the Earth. Send thevibration of gratitude throughout your entire being to fortify the cleansingwork you have achieved.
In truth always,
Lord Buddha