


Teachings From The Arcturian Mothership Living Multiple Realities, Part 4

The Gift of Unconditional Love

By Suzanne Lie January 21, 2013

中文翻译: 林琚月20130126




If you sense that they do not want to change their frequency of resonance, keep your information to yourself. On the other hand, because the Cosmic Light is activating the 97% DNA, more and more humans will become very curious about why you appear to be so happy, and indeed, so different. They may not yet be able to perceive that your resonance is no longer confined within your Earth vessel, but they will have an inner sense that you have something interesting to share with them.



Hence, you, our Ascending Ones, will be living in multiple realities. At first, you may be experiencing the multiple realities of 3D Earth, as well as the overlay of New Earth. You may also be experiencing the reality of fully Ascended Earth and/or your participation in realities in which you are on a Star Ship or on your Homeworld. Many of you have been visiting our Star Ships during your sleep on a regular basis in preparation for your conscious visits into the expanding frequencies of New Earth.



We say expanding frequencies of New Earth because this world is a Parallel Reality, an offshoot, of the physical Earth. New Earth has been like a small bird in its nest in a very high tree. You, our Ascending Ones, have been feeding and nurturing this bird with your thoughts of creating a new world and your ever-expanding unconditional love. Now, like proud parents, you observe your baby bird as it flaps its wings at the edge of the nest in preparation for take off.



As this Phoenix Bird takes wing, a new era is born, and YOU our Beloved Ones are to be the caretakers of this new way of life. So many of you have entered the trauma of 3D Earth again and again to try to prepare the way for this moment. Sometimes you were briefly successful, but more often you experienced your attempts to assist Gaia as a dismal failure. Dear Ones, we wish to tell you that although your attempts could not attach to the body of Gaia, your loving intentions were stored in Her fourth dimensional aura.



In this manner, Gaia has been able to accept your great gifts of loving dedication when She was, finally, able to expand Her resonance into the higher planes of Her fourth dimensional aura. Therefore, every gift of love which many of you gave your life to plant in Gaias aura has now been collected and is greatly assisting Her planetary Ascension. Therefore, dear Ascending Ones, we ask that you clear your own fourth dimensional aura of what you perceived as failed attempts to raise the consciousness of the Beings of Earth.



ALL the plant and animal kingdoms, as well as much of the elemental kingdom of Earth are prepared to place their primary perceptions into the birthing of New Earth. There are also more humans than you would expect who are searching for the better reality that they are feeling awakening within their hearts. Gaias labor has been long and is not yet complete. However, as more and more of you, our Ascending Ones, maintain longer and longer periods of time maintaining a fifth dimensional resonance, you will greatly assist Gaia as she replicates Herself into Her Higher Expression.



Each one of you who send unconditional love into your daily life, especially into your daily third dimensional struggles, assists Gaia more than you can imagine. You also assist those who tire of fear-based emotions and the struggles of daily life. For as you attempt to expand your consciousness, they find the field of unconditional love that you have created. In fact, by creating this energy field of unconditional love in your daily life YOU are creating New Earth.



Unconditional love is the bonding force of all realties. Therefore, when your aura is filled with unconditional love, this force of love expands its emanation beyond your aura to bond with other fields of unconditional love. These many energy fields are constantly seeking to unify with each other. In fact, as more and more of you send forth your free gift of unconditional love into the aura of Gaia you contribute to the Mantle of Unconditional Love that will completely surround New Earth.




This encasement of unconditional love is the metaphor for the amniotic sac of New Earth. Just as an amniotic sac feeds and protects the growing infant, this Mantle of Unconditional Love will feed and protect the infant New Earth. As a matter of fact, our beloved Ascending Ones, if the only thing you DO is to breathe unconditional love into your world, you are contributing immensely to the birth of New Earth. Remember that unconditional love is love without condition.



Therefore, even if a person, place or situation caused you anger, fear or sorrow, you send them unconditional love for free. This gift is NOT an act of submissiveness, as whenever you send unconditional love you greatly empower yourself because you are feeding your fifth dimensional nature. Fear-based emotions send a rush of adrenalin through your system, which lowers your consciousness to the animalistic nature of your physical encasement.


















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