

 Teachings From The Arcturian Mothership Living Multiple Realities, Part 4

The Gift of Unconditional Love

By Suzanne Lie January 21, 2013

中文翻译: 林琚月20130126




Mytre Speaks: Mytre:

The next day when Mytria and I arrived at the Holosuite we found a similar scene as the day before. The Arcturian was again sending a message to the Ascending Ones on Earth into a frequency slightly above the base line frequency of humanitys consciousness. Hence, only those who have expanded their consciousness into the higher fourth and fifth dimension are able to receive the message. In this way, only those who are ready to view their world from a different perspective receive the information.



Mytria and I settled in to learn through example, which we were sure was the Arcturians intention for having us walk in on another transmission. We did not doubt the Arcturians teaching methods in any way. In fact, we found that this method of teaching by example, then encouraging us to try it ourselves, was very effective. We were quite sure that we would be teaching the Ascending Ones in the same manner.



Therefore, we listened intently to another transmission from the Mothership. In fact, as soon as I thought of the title, Transmission from the Mothership, I felt the Arcturian commending me for my appropriate choice of title. Mytria also felt the Arcturian non-verbal reaction and silently congratulated me with her eyes. Since the Arcturian kept speaking in a telepathic manner, we sat down to receive the entire message.



The Arcturian Speaks: 大角星人说:

Dear Ascending Ones, 亲爱的扬升的 ‘一’们,

Some of you will receive our message in your dreams, meditations or while engaged in a creative endeavor, and some of you will consciously get our transmission. However, all of you will initially perceive our message as a FEELING. This feeling is similar to the ringing of your phone or the opening of your computer that tells you there is message awaiting your retrieval.



Although, instead of answering your phone or opening your email you will retrieve this transmission by (1) storing it in your High Heart and (2) going into a meditative state to expand your consciousness to the frequency in which you can translate our Light Language into your current 3D language and/or creative expression.



We have been asked many questions about what will happen next. In response to your questions we recommend that you release your stress, and not worry about what others may be doing. There are still many humans who are too attached to third dimensional life to be among the initiators of your New Earth. Eventually, these humans will choose to awaken or enter into another holographic world.



You, our Beloved Ones, are the forerunners of a reality based on a higher frequency of consciousness. There is only one requisite to entering this reality, which is to expand your consciousness to embrace the higher frequencies. The illusion that YOU are a dense being of earthly matter is coming to its conclusion, but only for those who have expanded their consciousness into the higher fourth and fifth dimensional vibrations are aware of this fact.



YOU, our Ascending Ones, are aware that you are NOT your Earthen body and know that you are actually wearing your Earthen body. Furthermore, you realize that this shell in which you live has become too tight and limiting. Fortunately, much like a Hermit Crab you are looking for a new encasement for your multidimensional consciousness. However, unlike the Hermit Crab who steals its new home from others, you have the ability to create your own new body.



This process of creation will occur simultaneously with the creation of the New Earth. However, creation of New Earth, or even of your new body is not exactly the correct term. You do not need to create that which already exists. However, you will need to expand your perception into the frequency in which your new body and New Earth eternally exists.



Since you have always been a multidimensional being, you already have many expressions of SELF on myriad realities. In fact, you are a multidimensional being who simultaneously lives in multiple realities. Each of these realities is inhabited by yet another expression of your SELF. When you first took an Earth vessel on third dimensional Earth, the limited thoughts and waves of fear-based emotions disrupted your memory of SELF.



Without the memory of your true, Multidimensional SELF, your consciousness became limited to the physical shell that contained a very small component of your expanded consciousness. Because your physical reality was so constrictive, the only way in which you could imagine a higher expression of your SELF was through an external Deity who existed far away in a place that you could only enter by dying.



There are still many humans who are limited to that belief and who will become quite angry if you try to disrupt their system of thinking. Hence, we recommend that you allow these humans to awaken at a rate that does not cause them fear. Furthermore, we suggest that you be the Higher Being that you are and send them unconditional love even though they may judge you.



If you judge them in return, you have greatly lowered the resonance of your consciousness. We tell you this because dealing with those who judge your beliefs, because they are afraid to change, will be one of your greatest challenges. It is best to confront this challenge by looking into each persons aura to see if they are ready to shift their consciousness into a higher frequency before you communicate with them about the Ascension.






















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