As channeled by Suzanne Lie – January 13, 2013
Kepier Speaks:
Hello, I am Kepier. As you may know, Mytre and I were serving on the Arcturian Mothership together to assist the Nightly Visitors with their ascension process. Mytre is now serving with his Divine Complement, Mytria, and I am working with the Arcturians in the ethers just above the ever-rising baseline frequency of ascending Gaia.
哈啰! 我是Kepier. Mytre和我都在 ‘大角星人母舰’上服务 --- 我们协助 “夜晚的拜访者”关于他们的扬升进程. Mytre和他的双光子Mytria一起工作. 我则是和大角星人在以太层 --- 在 ‘扬升中的盖亚’一直不断提升的频率线上面服务.
I am working directly with my human expression who is holding a form in several of the myriad versions of 2013 ascending Earth. I speak with you now to give you a brief preamble about Multiple Realities.
我现在是直接用我的人身在工作 --- ‘我的人身’存在于 ‘几个’ ‘不同版本’的2013年扬升中的地球状况故事中. 我现在跟你们说话 --- 是来给你一个简短的序文 --- 关于 ‘同时并存的时空现实’!
Multiple Realities encompass Parallel Realities, Alternate Realities and Multidimensional Realities. Some Multiple Realities resonate to the same frequency of expression and other realities resonate to different frequencies of expression. Hence, multiple realities that all resonate to the third/fourth dimensional frequency band are known as Parallel Realities or Alternate Realities.
“多版本时空现实”包含了 “平行时空现实”, “替代性时空现实”以及 “多维度现实”. 有些“多版本时空现实”与某些一样频率共鸣, 其它现实与其它频率共鸣. 因此, “多版本时空现实”如果全都与第三\四维度频率带共鸣的话 --- 就叫做 “平行时空现实”或 “替代性时空现实”.
On the other hand, realities that represent different frequency expressions of the same experience are known as Multidimensional Realities.
换言之, 同一种经验的不同频率现实 --- 叫做 “多维度现实”.
Because planet Earth is shifting into the higher dimensions, Her Parallel/Alternate Realities are also traversing into different frequencies of form. Hence, Parallel and Alternate realities are blurring into a similar pattern of ever transmuting versions of life. Let me give you a brief description of each type of reality. To make this description simpler I will title the reality in which you are reading this message as your Base-Line Reality.
因为地球正在扬升入更高维度 --- 她的“平行时空现实”\ “替代性时空现实”也同时走向不同的频率形式. 因此, 她的“平行时空现实”\ “替代性时空现实”的差异就变得模糊了, 变得很相像, 都同时一直在改变\变形当中. (注: 可能性一直在变.) 让我向你叙述一下每种现实吧! 为了简单说明 --- 我们先把你现在在读文的现实做为你的基础出发点现实吧!
Parallel Reality“平行时空现实”
A Parallel Reality is created every time you make an important either/or decision that has the possibility of changing your life. For example, if you choose to leave a certain job, there will be a Parallel Reality in which you keep that job. Your Primary Point of Perception – the YOU to whom I am speaking – may not know about this Parallel reality, but your Multidimensional Soul does.
“平行时空现实”--- 每次当你做一个会改变你生命的决定或选择时, 你就创造出了一个. 举例而言 – 如果你选择离开一个工作 --- 那你的“平行时空现实”就是 --- 如果你 ‘不’离开的话. --- 正在思考这件事的你可能不知道你创造了 ‘两条’可能的 ‘命运线’ --- 可是你在多维度的高灵知道.
Your Multidimensional Soul has taken the long trip down from Source into the world of form and wants to experience every possible option for every experience. As your consciousness returns to the innate multidimensional thinking of your fifth dimensional SELF, you will be able to easily compute both your Base-Line Realities and all the Parallel Realities that shoot out whenever you make an either/or decision. In this manner, you can have optimum learning from every experience and share your Parallel Realities with Source.
你的 ‘多维度的高灵’从很远的源头来走了很长的路来到这物质世界 --- 祂想要经验所有可能性的体验. 随着你的觉知回到你 ‘第五维度的本我’的多维度本然的思考方式时, 你将会能够在做决定时, 容易的同时计算出你的 “基本时空现实’与 “平行时空现实”. 这样做时, 你就可以有所有经验的最大的经验值, 而且可以与源头分享你的“平行时空现实”.
While our Base-Line Reality is the physical world, you will be unconscious of the fact that every possible version of any given reality was lived out in a Parallel or Alternate Reality. Also, there is a difference between Parallel and Alternate Realities. Your personality in your Parallel Realities is similar to your personality in your Base-Line Reality.
当你的 “基本时空现实’是这个 ‘物质世界’时, 你可能没有觉知到 --- 每个可能的现实都有个“平行时空现实”或是“替代性时空现实”存在. 而且你在“平行时空现实”中的人格特质与你“基本时空现实’中的类似.
On the other hand, in Alternate Realities you explore alternate types of personality similar situations as your Base-Line Reality. Therefore, your Alternate Realities are comparable to your Base-Line Reality but YOU are undergoing the same situation through the viewpoint of a different personality. In this manner, you can explore different personality traits and even different expressions of your Divine Qualities within similar, yet slightly different, situations.
另一方面, 在“替代性时空现实”中你是探索 ‘不同人格特质’对类似情况的反应, 因此问题状况相同 --- 但人个性不同! 这样做 --- 你实验了不同个性特质 --- 甚至不同的 ‘神圣特质’ --- 在类似状况中.
As your primary consciousness expands into the upper fourth and lowest fifth dimension, Parallel and Alternate Realities often “bleed through” into your Base-Line Reality. In this manner, your Parallel and Alternate Realities converge into the ever-expanding Oneness of your ego self who is merging into your Multidimensional SELF.
当你主要的觉知扩大入第四与第五维度的低点时 --- “平行时空现实”和“替代性时空现实”会流入你的 “基本时空现实’. 在这种状况下 --- 你的“平行时空现实”和“替代性时空现实”就融入你不断扩大的 ‘小我’的 ‘合一’概念中 --- 而你的 ‘小我’也一直向着与你 ‘多维度的高我’融合中在迈进.
In fact, when your point of perceptions rises into the fifth dimension and beyond, you will be able preview all the Parallel and Alternate Realities of your third/fourth dimensional self. Consequently, you will be able to gain the most information and learning from your time in lower worlds. From the perspective of your Higher Dimensional Expression you will be able to view your many manifestations of SELF without judgment.
事实上, 当你的理解力到达第五维度以及超过的时候 --- 你就可以 ‘事先’看到你在第三\四维度的所有“平行时空现实”和“替代性时空现实”的小我剧本! 同时 --- 也能学会最多的讯息, 并从你的低维度时空学到最多. 你 ‘多维度的高我’在欣赏这些剧本时不会有 ‘评论的心态’! (注: 只是学习吸收)
One of the reasons why you choose NOT to be aware of your Parallel and Alternate Realities while still holding a 3D form is that there is a strong potential for self-judgment. This self-judgment would greatly hinder your Ascension process. Thus, most Ascending Ones choose to limit the perception of their other realities to those that they believe they can use and/or heal.
当你在3D时, 你不会觉知到其它时空现实原因 --- 是因为你很可能会 “评论”你自己. – 这样会严重影响你的扬升. 所以大部份扬升人都选择关上那觉知能力.
I am giving you this information now so that you will have a more in-depth understanding of your myriad multiple realities. Then you can more easily follow the journey of Mytre and Mytria as they experience their Multiple Realities. They share their experiences with you so that you can more easily piece together the many versions of your complicated, polarized reality.
我给你这讯息让你能有个较深入的了解你的多元现实之存在. 所以你就比较能理解Mytre and Mytria他们多元现实的旅程. 他们与你们分享他们的经验 --- 提供借镜给你自己的的几个版本的二元\复杂的现实.
Your 3D Blinders are coming off now. If you do not prepare yourself for your true world, you could become so overwhelmed that you may limit or halt your Ascension. Furthermore, it is often easier to understand another’s experience than it is to understand your own. By learning love and compassion about the challenges of others, you organically learn to be more loving and compassionate regarding your own challenges.
你3D的眼罩快要掉下来了! 如果你不为 ‘未来真实的世界’事先准备一下自己 --- 你可能会招架不住而限制或暂停了你的扬升! 而且 --- 理解别人的经验总是比理解自己的经验来得容易一些. 透过别人的挑战来学习 ‘爱’与 ‘慈悲’ --- 你就自然也会从自己的挑战中学会‘爱’与 ‘慈悲’.
Perhaps Mytre and Mytria are finally ready to complete their preparation for merging…
也许 Mytre and Mytria 已经终于准备好来完成他们的融合…
Mytre Speaks: Mytre说:
Mytria and I “prepared” for our merging by intimately communicating with our minds, our hearts and our bodies. We had been apart more than we had been together, but our time together had sent both of our lives deep into our Paths of Ascension. We made love again and again, and each time we merged our bodies more into Oneness. Then, we had an experience neither of us had ever felt.
Mytria和我 ‘准备’融合的方法就是 --- 用我们的心智, 内心与身体 ---做亲密的沟通. 以前我们分离了很长久的时间 --- 远超过在一起的时间 --- 可是我们在一起之后的这段时间 --- 把我们快速的送上了 ‘扬升’之路. 我们一直made love, 每次我们更深入 ‘合一’. ---然后我们共同有了一个前所未有的经验.
We seemed to fall asleep, but we “woke up” together in a world that neither of us had ever consciously experienced. At first, it felt as though we were in a thick fog. However, the fog was not cold, hot or damp. In fact, the fog seemed to twinkle with minute particles of light that appeared to blink on and off. We could only vaguely see each other, so we tightly held hands as we wandered through the twinkling fog.
我们好像睡着了 --- 可是我们一起醒来在一个我们两人都没有明显觉知过的世界. 刚开始, 我们感觉好像在很浓的雾中, 可是, 这雾不冷, 不热也不湿. 事实上, 这雾好像有许多闪光一直闪烁. 我们几乎看不到彼此. 所以我们紧握着彼此的手 --- 当我们一起走入这闪烁的雾气中时.