原创 2017-10-18 梅翠亚 新纪元扬升之光
Lord Maitreya via Lynette Leckie-Clark, October 16th, 2017
LordMaitreya (channeled messages)
Greetings of Light to you. LordMaitreya came forward this time with an interesting message – Lemuria Remembered.After the channeling was completed I thought how interesting, and wondered whyis he bringing Lemuria through at this time?The answer showed itself over the last month or so. It was of course to assistall souls in their awakening, especially the many souls incarnated now who hadenjoyed wonderful lifetimes in Lemuria. It is to assist in their rememberingLemurian energies and Lemurian life. It is this remembering which will createour new Earth through remembering the Light essence, holding onto all thatessence entails – the self love, the inner peace, goodwill and most of allfaith in that Light – the Essence of God.
Thisis the way forward for the millions of Light workers incarnated on Earth nowwho came with a mission. A mission to help mankind and Earth through theseturbulent times now being experienced. It’s time to strengthen your own Light,your own faith and hold strongly with all your will onto that faith and belief.In times of despair we often find our inner strength. That time is now! Itbegins with YOU. You are the first step – trust, believe, awaken to your SoulLight, love yourself first and always, warts and all. Only then can you findlove and compassion for another.
Soyou see, there was so much on Maitreya’s wonderful message to you. Till nexttime
Blessingsof Light
Maitreya, Kuthumi, Lynette and Michael
梅翠亚,库图弥,Lynette and Michael