原文 http://sananda.website/adama-from-telos-via-asara-february-12th-2017/
Adama fromTelos via Asara, February 12th, 2017
We are most joyous toconnect with you here, today, and we send you our utmost Love from the heart ofTelos.
随着能量穿过满月 / 月食和彗星的巨大门户,这成为一个周期的结束和一个新的周期开始。
As the energies are moving through the great portal ofthe Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse and Comet appearance, it is the ending of one cycleand the beginning of a new one.
Many of you might have a feeling ofacceleration and a sense that things will shift profoundly and you are correct.
With the beginning of this new cycle, agrand opening of a portal to the higher dimensions is taking place.
This will allow you to be more in the flowof what is being orchestrated by your Higher Self and your Divine Team ofLight.
Many pieces are being put in place for youto step up into your true reason for being here, at this time.
You came into this lifetime with a heartfilled with love and the deep knowing that you will be part of one of the mostimportant times in the history of your planet.
You are being prepared to contributegreatly to this experience, by directing your light and love towards yourvision of the New Earth.
Those of you, who are focusing on this newvision with unwavering love and faith will be able to see great changes for thebetter in your experience.
Hold steadfast to who you truly are:Compassionate, loving and uplifting visionaries, who are supported by theHigher Realms of Light.
Continue to raise your vibrationalfrequencies every day and continue to find ways to be an uplifter for those youare connecting with.
Continue to stabilize your emotions byconnecting with your Higher Self and your Divine Team of Light.
Continue to invite us to assist you, as weare walking with you on your path.
We champion your victory in the Light!
欢迎回家!我们给你这么多的爱 ...
Welcome Home! We send you all so muchlove…
You are carried on the wings of Angels, tobring forth The New Earth.
在你的心里你要知道,你总是被你的天使,扬升大师,指导灵,光之银河家人,当然也被你桃乐市的家人和朋友陪伴着 - 并始终如此。
Know in your heart, that you are alwayssurrounded by your Angels, Ascended Masters, Guides, Galactic Families of Lightand yes, also by your family and friends in Telos – and always will be.
亲爱的,我们正在与你一起走这个旅程上,你是尤其被爱的 - 永远。
Dear Ones, we are walking with you on thisjourney and you are loved beyond measure – always.
I am your brother Adama of Telos.