Many of you spend great amounts of your time each day searching for, yearning for, asking for things that you are sure will make your lives better. Many of you are asking for things that you understand as being able to make yourselves more complete. And you think that perhaps you are doing something wrong or perhaps that you have not yet discovered some magic key.
We will say to you that the yearning is in great part a knowing of what is possible for you. We will say that whatever you need will be yours when it is needed. Is there something wrong with desiring to have it before such a time? No, there is not. In fact, less likely would be a better term than wrong. Does that mean that you may not have it? No, of course it does not. When you were young, did you not have a bicycle even though you could have done without one? So, what’s going on?
You are learning. You are learning who you are. You learning what you are capable of. You are learning now what you are becoming – another little added piece of your life’s puzzle. You have been told recently that you are now becoming multi-dimensional beings. You have new tools, new abilities. What in the world does that mean?
As usual, we will point out that it will mean different things to each of you, even though there will be many similarities.
There are those among you who truly miss having capabilities that you know very well are a part of you. You feel as if they are misplaced in a wrong pocket. There is no question in your minds that they exist. You ask us over and over to help you claim them. You see them all around you, and yet…
We do not have control over your gifts, you see. Who would have that control? Why, of course that is you. So, what are we saying?
We are suggesting that you turn your sight, your intentions, your ‘manifesting magnets’, and your requests inward. Speak with your Self with the full understanding that you are a part of her, a part of him. And have a sure understanding of how you intend to use those manifestations when they arrive.
Be ultra-sure that having them pop into your reality suddenly would not be, shall we say, disconcerting. Suddenly you hear conversations all around you. Suddenly you see people walking through your doors and walls. You should realize that you are awakening gradually not because you have done something wrong, but because your comfort zones are being worked with. Come to an agreement with your Self. And magnetize. You know how to do that. Only point your magnets inward. Now, when you see these things emerging for others, is a time of possibilities.
It is a time of possibilities because of the current energies of the world you are living in, not because we say so. So it is rather like looking in all the pockets of your jeans instead of on the floor around you. You know those things are not on the floor around you, so stop searching there.
Now if we may, let us take a quick look at the current state of your surroundings. Things appear to be a bit chaotic and unpredictable. So allow us to make a small prediction. We predict that everything will be all right. You would not have thought so at a great many times in your history. Is that not so? If you were standing in front of the gates when the Huns approached the city, would you have thought everything would be OK? And yet, here you are, living in world that you could not have imagined then – could not have imagined a few scant years ago.
Everything will be all right. How many times have you been told, “Be not afraid?” Quite a few, we think. You will be afraid if you believe that the world is happening to you. You will be unafraid if you understand that you are its co-creator. Your thought, your emotion, your intent, your beliefs have as much effect on the outcome as anyone’s. And everyone’s has an effect. Smiling we say, “Your vote counts.” And the system is rigged. How many times do you open a door and see the dark rush in and make a lit room dark? So, the force is with you.
通灵:Ron Head
翻译:Nick Chan