翻譯:Patrick Shih
Age of Aquarius Activation Report
Our Age of Aquarius meditation was a huge success, as we have more than reached the critical mass by about 250,000 people participating.
第二階段的水瓶座時代冥想大獲成功。我們不僅達成了臨界值量,而且實際參與冥想活動的人數大約有 25 萬人。
This has further stabilized the Age of Aquarius positive timeline with very favorable long time consequences.
As a result of our Age of Aquarius activation, all significant plasma anomaly and all plasma toplet bombs have been removed. Although this will not trigger the Event as I have expected, it is a great leap forward. All the remaining obstacles towards the Event are much smaller and will take much less time to clear, so we are on a timeline that is converging faster and faster into the Compression Breakthrough.
What is remaining are ships of the Draco fleet that are hidden in quantum superposition state in sublunar space. These spaceships are being cleared by advanced quantum cannon weapons of the Galactic Confederation that are codenamed Mjolnir (Hammer of Thor):
現在殘存的主要障礙是在月下空間透過量子疊加態進行隱身的龍人艦隊。銀河聯盟正在利用先進量子火炮科技肅清這些殘存的龍人船艦。這些武器的代號叫做妙爾尼爾 ( 雷神之鎚 ):
中譯 【地球盟友】【柯博拉Cobra】2018年1月16日訊息【雷神之槌行動】:
The first attempt to clear the Draco fleet happened in late 2017 and early 2018 but had to be aborted due to the collapse of the Alpha timeline. Now, as a result of our successful Age of Aquarius activation, Operation Mjolnir has been reactivated again and is currently proceeding smoothly according to the plan, and Draco fleet is being cleared with full speed.
光明勢力原先計劃在 2017 年年底到 2018 年年初肅清龍人艦隊。不過由於阿爾發時間線瓦解,肅清計劃被迫中止。這次的水瓶座時代冥想成功之後,光明勢力已經重啟雷神之鎚行動並且按照計劃順利的進行肅清。光明勢力正在全速清剿殘存的龍人艦隊。
The Light Forces have communicated that in the last phase of Draco fleet clearing, there is about 10% probability that the Cabal will try to stage a fake alien invasion with TR-3B craft and about 5% probability that Draco will try to stage a real invasion with the remaining Draco ships emerging from quantum superposition state into the physical and attacking the surface population:
光明勢力表示 : 一旦針對龍人艦隊的肅清行動進入最後階段,陰謀集團大約有 10% 的機率會用 TR-3B 反重力飛行器發動一場假的外星入侵。此外,龍人大約有 5% 的機率會試圖利用殘存的船艦發動一次真正的外星入侵。他們會命令所有殘存的船艦脫離量子疊加態並且利用實體外星飛船攻擊地表人類 :
In both scenarios, the dark force fleets will be defeated very quickly by the Galactic Confederation, but with small but non-negligible collateral damage among the surface population. Both the Light and the dark are trying to avoid those two scenarios, the Light because it would bring unnecessary suffering to the surface population, and the dark because open combat with Confederation fleet would bring swift and absolute defeat of all dark factions.
Aside from the clearing of the Draco fleet, the Light Forces are also clearing all grid inversion technologies that the dark forces have in their possession. Those technologies distort the energy grid around the planet and are the basis of the Matrix construct.
Also, the Light Forces are clearing the underground Reptilians utilizing sonic weapons.
Also, the Light Forces are clearing directed energy weapons and EMP pulse weapons from military satellites in Low Earth Orbit.
Also, the Light Forces are clearing the quantum primary anomaly that is preventing physical materialization of Ascended beings on the surface of the planet. Clearing of the quantum primary anomaly is occurring through induced false vacuum decay:
光明勢力也在清除阻礙揚升存有在地表世界現身的量子主要異常。光明勢力會透過誘發偽真空衰變來清除量子主要異常 :
Dragon sources have communicated that at our Age of Aquarius activation, a positive timeline shift has occurred and are asking everybody to “focus only on writing your favorite, chosen life script. The more detailed visualization of the desired optimum life script one would wish for, the more confirming to the new timeline this be.”
龍族的線人們表示 : 水瓶座時代冥想期間發生了一次正面的時間線轉變。龍族呼籲大家專心譜寫對自己最有利而且符合天命的人生劇本。一旦大家能盡量具體地規劃自己想達成的人生巔峰,這條新的時間線就會變得越踏實。
Immediately after our activation there were signs in the sky around the world:
這次冥想活動結束沒多久,世界各地的天空就出現了各種徵兆 :
The positive timeline is already manifesting on the physical with the arrest of Ghislaine Maxwell:
正面時間線已經開始在現實世界顯化出正面的結果。其中一個例子是警方逮捕了季絲蘭 • 麥斯威爾 :
As a result of this, the concept of mass arrests is reaching mainstream media for the first time ever:
自從她被逮捕之後,主流媒體首次提到了大逮捕的概念 :
譯註:7月4日,Me too社會運動的先鋒-蘿絲·麥高文在她的推特帳號上發了一張圖片。圖片的意思是哈維·溫斯坦被判刑23年,愛潑斯坦在去年死了,麥斯威爾在這個月被逮捕。接下來就輪到比爾柯林頓和安德魯王子了。
And could also lead to the arrest of Bill Gates:
麥斯威爾被捕之後,比爾蓋茲也躲不掉了 :
Prince Andrew is already nervous:
安德魯王子現在真的非常緊張 :
But first, Ghislaine Maxwell needs to stay alive long enough to testify. That is why the Light Forces are asking everybody who feels so guided to participate in the following meditation:
不過現在季絲蘭 • 麥斯威爾得先平安活到她出庭作證的那一天。光明勢力呼籲所有受到內心感召的人參與這個冥想活動 :
特別每日冥想活動 保護季絲蘭 • 麥斯威爾直到她平安出庭作證 :
Next few months until November / December will see the peak of timeline war between the new positive Age of Aquarius timeline and the old Cabal dominated negative timeline. Without our mass meditation, the negative timeline would be much more pronounced, but we have managed to prevent many negative scenarios.
時間線的戰爭在進入 11/12 月之前的幾個月達到頂峰。我們會在嶄新而且正面的水瓶座時代時間線和陰謀集團主導的負面舊時間線之間來回擺盪。如果我們沒有舉辦集體冥想活動,負面時間線的影響力會比現在大上許多。不過我們已經成功的避免許多不好的事情發生。
There will be many attempts to divide the surface population and to induce violence:
黑暗勢力會用許多伎倆分化地表民眾並且煽動暴力行為 :
One of the Jesuit plans is to create the breakup of the United States (similar to what happened to USSR and Yugoslavia) by escalating the left-right polarization at the time of November elections.
耶穌會的其中一項計劃是在 11 月的美國總統大選期間炒作左派和右派的意識形態分歧,進而導致美國解體 ( 類似當年蘇聯和南斯拉夫發生的情況 ) 。
This is why they are planning to introduce Hillary Clinton as a presidential candidate to ensure maximal polarization:
耶穌會企圖讓希拉蕊 · 柯林頓成為總統候選人,進而在最大程度上撕裂美國的群眾 :
The second main Jesuit plan is to trigger a Chinese EMP attack on USA that would escalate into a new world war:
耶穌會的另一個主要計謀是透過中國對美國發動電磁脈衝攻擊,進而引發第三次世界大戰 :
One aspect of this plan is that China would use their advanced craft that are similar to TR-3B and stage a fake alien invasion from their main Secret Space Program military base at Dingxin:
中國的開戰計劃也包括利用從鼎新基地出動類似 TR-3B 的先進飛行器發動一場假的外星入侵。鼎新軍用基地是中國主要的秘密太空計劃基地 :
TR-3B-like craft would also emerge from China’s underground Great Wall:
中國也會從地下長城出動類似 TR-3B 的先進飛行器 :
And from its Iranian counterpart:
伊朗也可能發動類似的外星入侵攻擊 :
The Light Forces are estimating the probability of the fake alien invasion at 10%, of China-USA war at 12%, of breakup of USA at 25%, and of US civil war at 35%.
光明勢力估計虛假外星入侵的發生機率是 10% ,中美開戰的機率是 12% ,美國解體的機率是 25% ,美國發生內戰的機率是 35% 。
In the next few months, there might be mass meditations issued to mitigate any of those scenarios if that will be needed.
As a result of our Age of Aquarius activation, the double Paris / Versailles Goddess Vortex has been partially activated:
水瓶座時代冥想之後,巴黎 / 凡爾賽的雙重女神能量漩渦有一部份開啟了 :
What is needed now is a Sisterhood of the Rose group in Paris with regular weekly physical meetings.
What is also needed are Tachyon chambers located in Venice and Rome in Italy. We have a sponsor who is willing to finance the construction of the chambers, we only need a person in Rome and Venice who is willing to be the guardian of the chamber and host it in his/her location within any of those two Italian cities. Such persons (ONLY located in Rome and Venice) can contact project501@tutanota.com for further instructions.
另外,我們需要有人在威尼斯和羅馬安裝超光速粒子艙。我們已經找到人願意贊助超光速粒子艙的安裝費用。現在我們只需要一位生活在羅馬或威尼斯的民眾在當地的自家住宅安裝並且維護超光速粒子艙。如果有定居在羅馬和威尼斯的民眾 ( 目前我們只鎖定這兩座城市 ) 願意承擔這份工作,請來信 project501@tutanota.com 洽詢後續詳情。
The Light Forces have communicated that in this crucial time in human history, it is the highest purpose for the network of tachyon chambers to expand to areas around the planet currently not yet covered:
光明勢力表示 : 現在是人類歷史的關鍵時刻,因此超光速粒子艙的服務網路一定要拓展到尚未安裝超光速粒子艙的地區 :
Also, the Light Forces have suggested the use of Dragon developed advanced laser technologies that can help Lightworkers and Lightwarriors in those challenging times:
另外,光明勢力也建議大家使用龍族開發的先進雷射科技。這種科技可以幫助光工和光戰士們克服生活當中的挑戰 :
Although the next few months will be very volatile, we need to keep our focus on manifesting the Age of Aquarius.
Victory of the Light!
光的勝利 !
翻譯:Patrick Shih
資料來源: https://www.facebook.com/PrepareforChange/posts/2177755319036334?__tn__=K-R