(2017-07-08 21:11:34)
在南太平洋的布干維爾島( Bougainville ),有一場打了長達數十年的戰爭,當地人只用斧頭和弓等原始武器,憑着不屈的精神擊敗了先進武裝的現代軍隊。
這場戰鬥是羅斯柴爾德的一家跨國公司,試圖在當地的盤古納銅礦( Panguna mine )搶奪這個世上最大的金礦而發起的,原住民為保留世世代代祖輩留下來的土地和寶貴遺產,不惜和邪惡勢力展開血戰。經過浴血奮戰,最終,邪不能勝正,布干維爾人抗戰勝利了。以布干維爾為中心的納西瓦人( Nasioi ),成為世界上首個迫使一個強大的跨國公司放棄其貪婪慾望的族人。
這不僅是一個地方或國家的問題,而是因為島上的巨量黃金可能對全球金融體系的未來帶來巨大的影響。據國際銀行家們表示,當地金銅的不過值數百億美元,但是,如果我們用 2008 年美聯儲採用的分數儲備方法來對黃金進行定價( 700 噸黃金轉為 75 萬噸的黃金支持債券價值),那麼它值數百萬億美元。
此外,當地人說,該金礦正在掩蓋一項大規模的洗錢行動,把黃金謊稱為銅,這意味着該金礦以及島上其他 6 個已知的豐盈寶脈,即使沒有使用美聯儲的儲備魔法,也可能價值數百萬億美元。據布干維爾革命軍消息說,「他們晚上偷偷把金子拿出來藏在山洞裏。」
據當地 BRA 信息,該礦脈於 1972 年由里約停凸鋅( Rio Tinto Zinc )公司運營,後來發生長達十多年的保衛戰,直到 1989 年原住民取得最終勝利強行關閉作業為止。這場戰事導致大約 3 萬名原住民死亡,佔當地總人數的 10 %以上。一名 BRA 將軍「喬爾( Joel )」說,手無寸鐵的抵抗軍如何能擊敗那些裝備現代武器的大軍?他說:「當我們首次襲擊他們時,手中只有斧頭和長矛,而且我們知道有很多人會犧牲,」他說:「我們使用游擊戰術,打倒一名敵兵就抄他的槍,幹掉 3 、 4 名敵人後,再拿他們的武器等;這就是我們武裝自己的方式。」
大衛 · 皮伊二世國王的城堡可能看起來不怎麼樣,但它坐落在一座金山頂上。
里約停凸鋅聲稱他們已將金礦的控制權移交給了布恩維爾銅礦有限公司( Bougainville Copper Limited-BCL ),這主要是由維爾的自治政府擁有的。當局也聲稱他們不會承擔因傾倒汞和其他有毒礦漿而造成的巨大環境破壞,因為當時他們是遵守當地的法律。然而,如果看一看谷歌地球上的布干維爾島仍可清楚地看到,礦井關閉數十年後在景觀上所引起的傷疤。他們不應該破壞環境而逍遙法外,衛星照片都顯示出來了,想遁形都很難。
這個名為「米卡姆伊( Meekamui )」和「帕帕拉( Papala )」的孿生王國,是當地人的「島嶼」,由大衛 . 皮伊二世( David Peii )國王領導,他希望用戰爭罪起訴里約停凸鋅,並在海牙的國際法院起訴他們對環境的破壞。
BCL 公司的人想重新打開礦脈,承諾保護環境和友好對待當地人,然而,人們並沒有忘記他們帶來大屠殺和環境破壞,他們不希望 BCL 或布甘維爾自治政府( Autonomous Bougainville Government-ABG )有任何瓜葛。以下是大衛王如何看待這種情況:
ABG 政府只是巴布亞新幾內亞( Papua New Guinea-PNG )政府的一個代理人,它的總部設在懷加尼( Waigani )。控制 PNG 的人也控制 ABG 。正如你可能知道的, 1975 年澳洲批准 PNG 獨立。 然而, PNG 事實上仍被澳洲控制着。根據 2011 年的統計,澳洲搜刮了 PNG 大約 20 萬億 PGK ( PNG 的貨幣吉娜 -Kina , 1 吉娜 =0.31 美元),但澳洲國際發展署( AusAid )只給了 PNG4.5 億吉娜的款項,只佔總數的 3 %,而澳洲則保留了 97 %,而借款人是貸款人的奴隸。 PNG 人很樂意為自己的項目獲得贊助,但卻不知道事實的真相。
ABG 之所以成立,是因為在贏得了對 PNG 和 BCL/ 里約停凸鋅的 10 年戰爭之後,布干維爾領導層立即解散。總裁約瑟夫 . 酷擺( Joseph Kabui )決定與 PNG 政府談判,因為缺少服務資金等,而總統弗朗西斯 · 奧納( Francis Ona )並不認為談判是正確的。儘管他們都過世了,他們的後繼者仍然健在,我就是已故的弗朗西斯 · 奧納在「雙胞胎王國協定」下的繼任者。
ABG 在這個舊控制系統的國際食物鏈的最底層,因此,不能對 BCL 、里約停凸鋅、 PNG 、澳洲或它們的等級或控制集團說不,因為「借貸者是他們的奴隸」。
BCL 仍歸外國人所有(或非布蓋維爾人)。他們聲稱給 ABG 的股份仍然由外國人控制,因為 ABG 本身就是布干維爾的外國代理人。 ABG 是由其金融家( PNG 和澳洲等)在我們的主權島國中為自己的利益服務的。
大衛王所描述的大多數發展中國家的情況都是如此。殘酷的跨國公司在僱傭軍和賄賂的領導人的幫助下掠奪土地。據估計,跨國公司每年掠奪非洲高達 600 億美元的資金。
無論如何,很明顯,有權勢的人為了阻止本筆者去拜訪大衛王而費了很大的力氣。首先,在 PNG 的莫爾茲比港的所有進出港口的航班,在我們抵達後的第二天被取消,原因不明。結果推遲了大衛王的代表米拉干 . 克里斯南( Mealagan Krishnan )的到來。此外,儘管每天都有飛往 Arawa 鎮的航班,距離沙地首都有兩個半小時的車程,但這些航班在我們訪問的那一週卻神秘地被取消了。我們被迫乘飛機飛到博卡鎮,這是一個從王國出發的艱苦的 7 小時車程,當我們到達那裏的時候,發現主路被「一場巨大的意外」擋住了,迫使我們不得不乘船返回道路。
最後一個路障是由 BCL 暴徒操縱的,他們要求用 1000 美元的賄賂,我們對他們的老闆說:「你不能從石頭上榨取血液,」他回答說:「我可以從石頭裏擠出血來。」經過一番討價還價,我們支付了 100 美元的現金賄賂,並獲准繼續上路。總的來說,我們的到達推遲了 4 天。
最後,在會見了國王之後,我們在第二天被邀請參觀盤古那金礦。然而,我們卻在半夜被驚醒,我們被警告說,有 10 輛卡車的僱傭軍和腐敗的警察出現,正試圖強迫盤古納的土地所有者在金礦的權利上簽字。我們還被告知他們會把我們幹掉。
當地人砍伐道路上的樹木設置武裝路障,以阻止僱傭軍追趕我們。大幸的在最後一刻避免武裝衝突,但 BRA 告訴我們,是我們把僱傭軍引來的。
里約停凸鋅和 BCL 都忽略了作者多次試圖與他們聯繫的企圖。
【原文】The Mouse that Roared or how the people of Bougainville defeated the Rothschilds
By Benjamin Fulford
The Island of Bougainville in the South Pacific has been the scene of an epic decades-long struggle that resulted in locals, armed only with axes and bows, defeating troops armed with the latest world class weaponry.
The battle pitched the natives fighting to retain their ancestral homes against a Rothschild multinational fighting to steal the worlds’ largest gold deposits at the Panguna mine.
As a result of their victory the Nasioi people of Central Bougainville became the first indigenous peoples in the world to force a global mining multinational to give up one of its richest ventures.
This is not just a local matter because there is so much gold on that Island that it could affect the future of the global financial system. The international bankers say there are only a few tens of billions of dollars’ worth of gold and copper there, but, if we use the fractional reserve methods employed by the Federal Reserve Board in 2008 to price gold (700 tons of gold was turned into 750,000 tons worth of gold backed bonds), then it is worth hundreds of trillions of dollars.
Furthermore, locals say the mine was covering up a massive money laundering operation by claiming gold was copper, meaning the mine, and six other known rich gold reserves on the island, are potentially worth hundreds of trillions of dollars even without fractional reserve magic. 「They would take the gold out at night and hide it in caves,」 according to Bougainville Revolutionary Army sources.
The mine was operated by Rio Tinto Zinc from 1972 until 1989 before the locals shut it down, emerging victorious after a decade long war that resulted in the death of about 30,000 people or more than 10% of the population, according to BRA sources. A BRA general, 「Joel」 describes how the unarmed rebels were able to defeat a state of the art army. 「When we first attacked them we only had axes and spears and knew that many of us would die,」 he says. 「We used guerilla tactics, we attacked one soldier and took his gun, with that gun we could kill 3 or 4 other soldiers and take their guns and so on; that is how we armed ourselves,」 he says.
Red Cross officials working on the island also say that to this day there are extra-judicial murders and many 「disappeared people,」 as a result of the conflict on the island.
Furthermore, the resistance army won the war only to face a blockade that, to some extent, continues to this day.
Rio Tinto Zinc claims they have handed over control of the mine to Bougainville Copper Limited (BCL) that is mostly owned by the Autonomous Government of Bougainville (ABG). Rio Tinto also claims they are not liable for the enormous environmental damage they caused by dumping mercury and other poisonous mine slurry into a local river because they were abiding by local laws at the time. However, if you take a look at Bougainville Island on Google Earth you can still see clearly, decades after the mine closed, the scars on the landscape caused by it. They should not be allowed to get away with environmental destruction so great that it shows up on satellite photos.
The Twin Kingdom of Meekamui and Papala, the locals’ name for the island, is headed by King David Peii II who wants to charge the owners of Rio Tinto with war crimes and sue them for environmental destruction at the International Court of Justice in the Hague.
The BCL people for their part, are trying to re-open the mine and promise to be nice to the environment this time but the locals are so bitter about the mass murder and environmental destruction that they do not want BCL or ABG to have any role whatsoever in the mine.
This is how King David views the situation:
ABG (Autonomous Bougainville Government) is simply an agent of the Government of Papua New Guinea. Its headquarters are located at Waigani, PNG. Whoever controls PNG also controls ABG. As you might be aware Australia granted independence to PNG in 1975. However, Australia still de facto controls PNG. According to 2011 statistics Australia raked about K19.8 Billion PGK [Papua New Guinea Kina, 1 kina=0.31 US dollars] from its companies in PNG but only gave about K450 million PGK back in the form of AusAid. That's about 3% only; 97% is retained in Australia. The borrower is a slave to the lender. PNGeans are happy to receive AusAid funds for their projects but don't know the real story.
ABG, was established because the Bougainville leadership split up immediately after winning the 10-year war against PNG and BCL/Rio Tinto. The VP Joseph Kabui decided to negotiate with the PNG Government due to lack of funds for services, etc, while the President Francis Ona did not think it was right to negotiate. Though both have now died and gone their successors are still alive and active. I am the successor of the late Francis Ona under the Twin Kingdom Agreement.
ABG is down at the bottom end of the international food chain of that old control system, and therefore, cannot say nay to BCL, Rio Tinto, PNG, Australia or their hierarchies or controllers because "it's a slave to its lenders".
BCL (B'ville Copper Ltd) is still owned by foreigners (or non-Bougainvilleans). The shares they claim to have given to ABG are still controlled by foreigners because ABG itself is a foreign agent on Bougainville anyway. ABG was established by its financiers (PNG & Australia, etc) to serve their own interests in our sovereign island nation.
What King David describes is true of much of the developing world where ruthless multinationals pillage the land with the help of mercenaries and locally hired and bribed 「leaders.」 It is estimated that multinationals loot Africa alone to the tune of $60 billion a year.
In that sense, the battle for Bougainville’s gold could mark a global turning point because King David promises to use the vast funds from the mine to help other developing countries. Countries in Africa and other developing parts of the world would do far better being paid a fair price for their resources than receiving often useless 「foreign aid」 from the countries that are looting them.
In any case, it is clear that somebody powerful went to a lot of trouble to try to prevent this writer from visiting King David. First of all, all flights into and out of Port Moresby in Papua New Guinea were cancelled the day after our arrival for unspecified reasons. The result was to delay the arrival of King David’s representative, Mealagan Krishnan. Also, even though there are daily flights to the town of Arawa, a two and a half hour drive from the Kingdom’s capital, these flights were mysteriously cancelled during the week of our visit. We were forced to take a flight to the town of Boka, a grueling 7 hour drive from the Kingdom and when we got there we found the main road was blocked by 「a huge accident」 forcing us to go by boat and back roads.
One final literal roadblock was manned by BCL thugs who demanded a $1000 bribe to let us pass. When I told their boss 「you cannot squeeze blood from a stone,」 he answered 「I can squeeze blood from a stone.」 After much haggling we paid a $100 dollar cash bribe and were allowed to continue on our way. Overall, our arrival was delayed by 4 days.
Finally, after meeting the King we were offered a tour of the Panguna mine on the following day. However, instead we were roused in the middle of the night with a warning that 10 truckloads of mercenaries and corrupt police officers were on their way to try to force the land-owners of the Panguna mine to sign over the rights of the mine to BCL. We were also told they would try to kill us.
The locals felled trees across the road and set up armed road-blocks to stop the mercenaries from chasing us after we left. Armed conflict was avoided at the last minute but the BRA told us it was our arrival that led to the dispatch of the mercenaries.
In any case, as a result of our visit, we will be appealing for international help to allow the locals to develop the mine on their own in an environmentally friendly manner. The King promises the billions or trillions of dollars that will flow from the mine will be used to help the people of Bougainville and the world.
Though many of the Bougainevillians we met were barefoot, they carried smart-phones and knew more about the true nature of the international financial system than the average reporter from the Wall Street Journal seems to (I have met many of them over the years). I would rather have King David in charge of the Bougainville gold than the ruthless and incompetent Khazarian central bank gangsters who have done so much harm to this planet and its people.