Humanity’s awakening process is moving along very nicely indeed, as increasing numbers of people become aware of how, and for how long, those in governmental positions of authority have been willfully misleading the electorate that they have been elected to serve. This increasing awareness is a necessary part of your awakening process, because it leads you to realize that it is in yourselves that you must trust, allowing your intuitive knowingto guide you powerfully and lovingly along your chosen life paths. That guidance is always with you, you just have to learn to trust it by practicing using it, first in situations that are non-threatening, and then, as your trust strengthens, in situations that are more demanding.
You were created as sovereign beings with free will, but over the eons many have been trained and encouraged to give their power away to others – parents, teachers, the military, the police, multi-national organizations, religious leaders, and governments – supposedly for their own good. And as your history clearly shows, those to whom power is given nearly always abuse it, and then conflicts erupt, either small and local, or on a massive scale, setting good people at war with one another to satisfy hidden agendas which are then presented to you as necessary and in your own and everyone else’s best interests.
With the present ongoing global lock-down and governmentally imposed limitations on your personal freedom it is becoming very apparent that the present systems of government, seemingly different in different countries and nations, are most definitely not in humanity’s best interests and need to be drastically changed so that everyone – every individual – is heard, honored, and respected. The idea of democracy and of establishing democratic societies has existed for a long time, and has occasionally seemingly been put into practice, however, almost without fail, those who are elected to or take upon themselves positions of power and authority become consumed by their own egotistical desire for ever more of it. Sometimes this leads to a particular person being criminally indicted by others in the group, who then choose a replacement, and on other occasions it leads to conflict, suffering for many, and revolution, whereupon the whole process starts over again. That is human history.
Your ongoing human awakening is the process by which this long term systemic societal, cultural, and governmental incompetence and/or corruption will be brought to a conclusion, to be replaced by loving and harmonious worldwide cooperation on a scale that has never before happened on Planet Earth. Humanity’s future is bright now because there are enormous possibilities arising that will be seen and most creatively used to bring about the essential changes for which all are hoping, but which, at present, only a few can conceive of.
Every human on Earth at this moment is in the process of evolving spiritually – whether they are aware of this or not – and they chose to be here in this moment to assist and take part in the awakening. For the vast majority all that they need to do is to set the intention, at least once daily, to be only loving no matter what may arise to confront them in their daily lives. To be loving is your divine assignment, while at the same time living lives of honesty and integrity in which you most consciously and mindfully love, honor, and respect everyone with whom you interact in any manner at all. As ever larger numbers of people do this the energy field of Love, in which all of God’s divine creation is eternally enfolded, becomes more intensely felt, moving you gently and very positively into a strong desire to allow Love to embrace you wholeheartedly and unconditionally. This is what It has always wanted to do – and of course, this is what everyone is seeking when they search for love outside themselves – and it is your allowance that permits It to do so. However, very many of you have been brought up to believe that you are not worthy of God’s Love, and so, because of this invalid belief, you have drawn an apparently impenetrable and invisible cloak or veil between yourselves and Love. It is this that provides the unreal, but seemingly intensely real experience of separation.
You CANNOT be unworthy because you are divine creations, Beings like unto God, and therefore you are absolutely perfect. But, while you believe in your unworthiness you are seeing yourselves only as your human forms. You are not your human forms, they are just vehicles that make it possible for you to experience a life limited by form, and those forms are fearful because their life span is very short, and therefore apparently terminal for you. This severely time limited life of form is not an inspiring concept, and so distraction is urgently sought in many ways, one of which is the recently developed addiction to social media.
Now, as the global lock-down continues to restrict your freedom, there is a marvelous opportunity for you to make a personal retreat by going within for an hour or two daily to rest in mindful awareness. As you do so, set the intent for people everywhere to open their hearts to one another in mutual support. This is most effective as the energy field enveloping each one of you is the divine field of Love that is Mother/Father/God, Source, All That Is, and by setting that intent you make it happen. With this opening Love is not only given permission but is most warmly invited to fill the hearts of all on Earth.
Love filled hearts dissolve fear, most positively encourage loving social interaction, and mightily strengthen the collective intent to awaken. You are all presently incarnate to awaken from the dream, the illusion, and to establish Heaven on Earth. That is what you are actually doing in this now moment, and as the intent to do so intensifies more and more of you will begin to feel the Love in which you are always enfolded. Remember, separation is unreal and utterly impossible! You just feel separated because of the cloak or veil that is an aspect of the unreal state you collectively built and chose to experience. When you awaken, as you will, the cloak or veil of separation will dissolve.
Use this special time wisely and lovingly to address and release any deep seated resentments, hatreds, blaming, and the resulting judgments that then flow into your minds. They are just thoughts from which you need to disengage, because they interfere with your intentions to be only loving whatever arises.
Everyone wants only to be loved, because Love is your divine nature, so make a point of being mindful of this as it strengthens your intent to be only loving. Doing that is to do the divine Will, which is also your will, because there is only One Will. This is the reason each one of you incarnated at this moment in the awakening process, and your presence in form is an absolutely essential presence in this now moment.
With so very much love, Saul.
传导:John Smallman
翻译:Nick Chan