Awareness of pure consciousness, light of light and love of love. Today is now, the past is now and the future is now – and it is the perspective or frequency that creates the illusion of yesterday, today or tomorrow. You do not have to keep this busy, because you have chosen and entered this life.
对纯粹意识的觉知,光中之光,爱中之爱。今天是现在,过去是现在,未来是现在 --- 是视角或频率创造了昨天、今天或明天的幻象。你不需要保持它的忙碌,因为你已经选择并进入了这个生活
You have chosen as fully conscious gods, masters of light, who go into the dimly-lit world to experience a journey, an adventure in which you discover new facets of being.
During these travels you create light and light. Whatever it is, there is no guilt at the end of this journey. What is there, is an amazement of the experience and understanding what the journey is and what makes you yourselves.
So responsibility is defined at this level, not by gliding into guilt – which causes you to hang your head and drain your life energy.
所以责任在这个层面上被定义,不是通过滑入内疚 --- 会导致你窒息,耗尽你的生命能
There is no fault!
Be aware, Master: You are innocent – from the beginning of time to the end of time. You are creator and responsible – yes – guilty – no!
意识到,大师:你是纯真的 --- 从时间的开始到结束。你是创造者,负有责任的 --- 是的 --- 内疚 --- 不
This is said here for you to live a life of happiness. How can you be happy when you feel guilty at every step? It is an impossibility.
Therefore: Do not let anyone tell you that you have blamed yourself. Understand the karma correctly. Any being that does injustice to another being has the inner need to correct it at a certain point of consciousness.
It wants to live up to this responsibility. This is an entirely natural need and mastery appropriate – and so you go life for life on the journey to the Old to heal and learn new things. However you make a living, in the end self-responsibility remains your own creator – and in the end there is no guilt.
它想要履行这个责任。这是一个完全自然的需求并被恰当地精通 --- 所以你在通往旧事物去疗愈以及学习新事物的旅程中花费生命。无论如何,你生存了下来,在最后,自我负责成为你自身的创造者 --- 在最后,没有内疚
This is how the grace of God is created, which allows every being every possibility and every conceivable thing to be experienced.
How could it be otherwise, as you rise as a creator on a light-poor planet and there provides low-light acts. Why should you be guilty if it is the plan of God and your will to know this?
God’s grace is to accompany you on this earthly adventure and to reproach you no matter what you do.
Stay pure action and grow through experience. The more experiences you gain, the closer you get to the point of boredom, which means that you no longer want to participate in certain things.
If the boredom occurs, because you already know this or that, then you are best ways to enlightenment.
The more boring you are in this world, the closer you come to heaven – the seven heavens into which each of you returns and comes in at the end of time.
你在这个世界感到越无聊 / 厌倦,你越接近天堂 --- 在时间的尽头你们每个人都会返回和进入的七个天堂
Let us now dedicate ourselves to the consciousness work and the healings that accompany it. It is the best preparation for the subsequent anchoring of cosmic columns of light. Because only a clear and focused consciousness can make its contribution to this process. Why? Because someone who is not focused can not put enough energy into it.
How is lasting happiness achieved?
There are three points that matter, if you want to live and be happy – and this “happiness” should be lasting:
有着三个重点,如果你想要活得开心 --- 这个“幸福”会是持久的:
Point 1: clear thoughts
Point 2: own feelings
Point 3: free and authentic action
Did you realize this, then you are bathing in quiet happiness.
To point one – the clear thought: How can you achieve this state?
对于第一点 --- 清晰的想法:你如何实现这个状态?
Through regular physical and mental cleansing, that is, pay attention to what you eat, pay attention to who you surround yourself with, and in what environment you are. Gather up a lot of things that burden you and cloud your mind – you always realize that – then choose meditation and transformation with the Masters of Light.
通过定期身体和精神的清理,那就是,注意你的饮食,注意你周围都是些什么人、你处于什么样的环境中。收集让你感到负担、遮蔽你头脑的东西 --- 你总是知道 --- 然后选择冥想 / 沉思并与光之大师们一起转变
Do not postpone, never say “tomorrow” or “the day after tomorrow”. Get to the root of the problem as quickly as possible – and you will always be with you and stay in your right mind.
不要拖延,永远不要说“明天”或“后天”。尽可能快速地到达问题的根源 --- 你总是会与你在一起并处于你正确的头脑中(正常的心智)
To point two – to express one’s own feelings, instead of living unrecognized foreign occupations: How can you reach this state?
对于第二点 --- 表达自己的感受,而不是生活于未被认识到的陌生的日常活动:你如何到达这个状态?
Through regular physical and mental cleansing, this too presupposes that you are aware of what you eat, with which people you surround yourself and in what environment you are.
Expressing clear thoughts or expressing one’s own feelings is possible as soon as YOU are yourself and YOU remain yourself. On this sluggish level, that means dipping into your essence – inside yourself. Where are you blocked and what is blocking you?
表达清晰的想法或自己的感受会成为可能,只要你是你自己,你保持你自己的样子。在这个迟钝的层面,这意味着触及你的本质 --- 你之内。你在哪里堵塞,什么在阻碍你?
Are you not behind it, then ask for help and it is given to you. This is the way! Do not push anything!
This is the path that leads you directly to point three: For on this ground free and authentic action becomes possible!
It takes the fruitlessness of it and it is only given when clear thoughts prevail and when you nurture your own feelings and express them uninfluenced by anything that weakens you.
Everybody knows where he stands! If not, then go into it, because without profound self-determination, nothing that moves you forward can begin.
Master, you are whole, you are perfect, you are what you are – and here and now your life can begin in happiness. Are you ready?
大师,你是完整的,你是完美的,你是你所是 --- 此时此刻你的生活就可以在幸福中开始。你准备好了吗?
And here and now the following 20 cities are ready to receive the cosmic pillars of light, which save people from harm and bring them back to themselves, as explained here. The people are freed from the debris, can think clearly again, cherish their own feelings and fearlessly occur. Because:
以下是 20 个准备好接收宇宙光之柱的城市,可以让人们免受伤害,带他们回归自己,正如这里所解释的。自由于残骸,可以再次清晰地思考,珍惜自己的感受,无畏。因为:
Fear is the death that precedes death.
I hand over the scepter of luck to LADY VENUS KUMARA, the logo of this creation. We are all-one with ALL-THAT-IS.
[Concluded in Part 2 Tomorrow]
通灵:Jahn J Kassl
翻译:Nick Chan