Ashtar - Three Phases OfImmersion
Going back in time amid all these events, from the thousands of ages that have passed, many others similar to you that have become like “special cards for special moments” have descended into your midst,as many have stepped in and out of the game.
These beings came down and, as part of thedeal, would remember much more quickly who they were to just help you rememberwho you are.
They would also sacrifice themselves. Manygave their lives for this experience, for its loving ending.
Many have arrived at key moments that haveforever transformed the history of the earth.
They were the helping hand you were waitingfor when you said before the big dive, “But what if we get lost so deeply, sodeeply that we can’t do it, to return?
And you heard from us: “Flags will be sentthrough the ages. You will always be pulled back, always! We will never leaveyou! ”
In fact, your antennas are becoming morepowerful and the expansion and return to your original consciousness is justbeginning.
I say ‘only’ because there is so much morecoming as you return to your original states of consciousness.
It is the beginning of a great return to theoriginal starting point.
The beginning of remembering more deeply whoyou are – which is really far beyond even your galactic identities.
这是你们深深地回忆起你们是谁的开始 — 这甚至远远超出了你们在银河系的身份。
The beginning of a merger with ALL.
So many of these came and incarnated amongyou.
Abraham was one of them. He came with themission to intensify the Light on the planet and give a great new sign. Anyway,many, many came down.
Moses, Muhammad, Siddhartha Gautama, Krishnaand so many others. The one you knew as Jesus began the deconstruction phase ofPhase 2 as it was, because until this period, shortly before Him, there werepreincarnations in the astral/plasma dimensions.
Upon his arrival, he entered the second Phase,occupied an astral/plasma body there, and spent 2,000 of his linear years inthis phase, preparing for the descent into Phase 3, the hardest, densest, mostdifficult and challenging.
In this period, before Jesus arrived, beforeincarnating into physicality, Phase 3, everyone went through Phase 2 as deeppreparation.
Some years incarnated in that environment forthe definitive descent into Phase 3. At that time, when the incarnates of Phase3 disincarnated, they did not return to Phase 2. They were in a kind of“vacuum” that was not in Phase 2, not even in Phase 1.
There was simply no proper “stopping point andbreath” (this was also foreseen in the plan, it was part of the game).
In this vacuum, the Higher Self rapidly beganto redirect reincarnation into the physicality, Phase 3, collecting theenergies generated in the previous incarnation and thereafter mapping the newentry into that Phase.
Thus, the incarnations were faster and withoutmuch pause. Consciousness, as soon as it left the body in Phase 3, it mighteven be “loose” over “Phase 2”, but it would not incarnate again in it in theastral/plasma bodies, nor did it access Phase 1 (Galactic Consciousness).
There were few souls who, just for specialreasons, reincarnated in Phase 2, and did not even access some of the Phase 1Galactic Consciousness. Only very few, only in special cases.
The normal, the common were just the Phases,as previously described.
With the arrival of Jesus, all that changed.He deconstructed Phase 2.
During the two thousand years in which he wasincarnated in this Phase preparing for Phase 3 physicality, he createdspiritual temples for soul restorations, powerful crystalline chambers,“spiritual hospitals,” or so-called “temporary houses”.
Environments to receive souls when they leavetheir physicality. Environments of preparation for these souls so that they canreenter their physicality and follow their soul plans.
Here, the souls were no longer in a vacuum,“he managed” so that they could have a place “to rest” and schedule theirreentries in Phase 3.
Then, at this point, when souls left theirphysicality and reached the plane astral/plasma (Phase 2), it was alreadylighter, much lighter, completely modified and subtle, making it instantlypossible to access many packages of your galactic identities when you enter it!
So from this moment on, when you left thePhysical Plane, you entered this already lighter Astral Plane, accessing withpartial and sometimes full remembrance of your galactic identity.
Even though you did not ascend completely – afact that would lead you into Phase 1 Consciousness – you were already feelinggreat relief, and it was a new impetus for Phase 3 reentry, physicality.
从此之后,当你离开物质层面的时候,你进入了这个已经变得更加光亮的星光层,激活了部分,有时候是全部的有关你们星际身份的记忆。即使那个时候你没有完全完成扬升—引领你回到阶段1的意识 — 你已经感觉到舒适多了,这样会为重新进入阶段3,物质层面,灌注新的动力。
That was a great balm for everyone. Everythingwas prepared by him, Jesus, even before his incarnation in Phase 3.
After all this was done and having placedangels in the four corners of the earth to ensure that his buildings weremaintained he began his descent into Phase 3, taking with him a huge group ofsouls also prepared for the great mission.
And give the signal that would forever changethe fate of the earth, a fact that would ensure that you successfully completedthe entire journey, a true teamwork.
He himself, Jesus, even today says this whenhe try to boast about his mission. He says: “I was a human and still am. I justgave my share of help throughout the process. But they, they who stay there, domore than me. I kiss your feet for courage and determination. I went to take aflag, that of Love and this, the sign. The sign that would keep the hope ofremembering deeply who they really are, and they have held it ever since. Soit’s not me who deserves applause.”
When he incarnated in physicality, there was a“howl” from the negative forces of the planet that definitely saw that nothingelse could do to prevent the loving conclusion of the experience.
After that, several other Gaia signals werefired throughout the Cosmos.
There was then an avalanche of beings fromvarious other systems making themselves available to assist in the experimentas well.
The dark forces tried at all costs to preventthe Elliptical Force from remaining active, also firing signals across thegalaxy for unauthorized races to somehow help to continue the experiment, butwith even more pain, and that if it perpetuated forever, it was never-ending,without the expected love conclusion.
In the midst of all this “spiritual battle”,Astral environments were also built by our Fleets (Ashtar Command) around Earthto contain certain more disconnected souls who wanted to cause more trouble.
As these desperate conflicts on the part ofthose most disconnected and desirous of keeping the darkness deep, more angelsbegan to incarnate, and beings of thousands of stars from this galaxy andbeyond, causing a drastic energetic acceleration of the planet, greatlyincreasing consciousness and starting the deepest process of breaking theMatrix from Phase 3.
And here you are!
You had until about the late 1980s to sustainan energy that would prevent drastic and traumatic changes in physicality, andyou were very successful in this task.
It did not have to be traumatic. You haveprevented a nuclear destruction and the celestial bodies from being attractedby vibration force to destroy the planet.
You had until 2012 to secure the sustenance ofanother light energy that would ensure more help arrived, and it happened! MoreIndigos, Crystals, Diamonds and Rainbows began to incarnate en masse.
And you had until the middle of this presentyear (2019) to sustain another energy that would ensure our approach and closercontact with you all as soon as possible.
Andhere we are.
Youguys were brilliant! You are brilliant! Let’s go home?
作者:Gabriel RL
資料來源: 灵魂与扬升 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/wS756J4lcqjJmF4j004H8g