Ashtar - Three Phases OfImmersion
There was still some work being done toharmonize the Earth’s atmosphere, balancing the oxygen and preparing the wholeatmosphere, as well as the bodies that would be used by you, as you werealready preparing in a layer, the astral, for the incarnation into thephysicality.
Thisperiod lasted a long time until the final adjustment, so that the first bodies were completely adjusted to the planet’s atmosphere, enabling a pleasant andharmonious “breath” that properly sustained their biological life.
You went through three specific phases when you came to Earth(from other stars) and/or when you began to incarnate.
Before citing the three phases of the Immersion, I need to citePhase 0. This is without galactic body, without galactic personality/clothing.You are only Consciousness. For this experience on Earth, you went through thisquick reset.
When most of you left their homes of origins in other stars, youquickly divested yourselves of your galactic identities and returned to Phase 0(zero), you absorbed much Light and Strength in the Source, assumed yourgalactic garments again, then, as states in the next phase (1).
This reset was necessary to give you an extra boost to the verydifficult experience you would experience. Phase 0 (zero) happened veryquickly, because in a matter of seconds they went to Source and returned.
I could just say that you did a meditation, reconnected with theSource, absorbed the PRESENCE and then opened their eyes for the course of theday.
Here some might say, “Oh, but if we are back in Phase 0, and ifthe purpose of the experiment is to return to this Phase, then why don’t westay in it anymore?”
Oh, because there was so much baggage to be rescued… much to bereviewed, accessed, lived. There was a whole story to be rewritten, written,felt, expanded, and it couldn’t happen without “The Round Trip” at theappointed time.
Beginning Of The Immersion – Phase 1
整合的开始 — 阶段1
Themigration of consciousness mentioned in Phase 0 to this Phase begins. In this,you are still fully aware of your high spiritual expressions, without anyenergetic condensation of the Earth (or Plasmic Covers or Astral Bodies, as youcall it).
Here youare again after the reset, assuming the galactic personality (Sirian,Pleiadian, Arcturian, Capelin, Orione, Alpha Centaurian, Andromedana, forexample…).
Youhave left Phase 0 state and have quickly taken over your galacticpersonalities/identities again. In Phase 1, you are still fully aware andalready know the challenges you will experience.
You areconnected with your selves and are fully aware of your spiritual/galacticidentities and their connections with Source. You know where you came from andwhy you are in Gaia/Terra. You know that in the next dive you will remembernothing more. You are in the first layer of Earth, of the Terran experience.
Beginning Of The Immersion – Phase 2
整合的开始 — 阶段2
Theincarnations begin in the physicality with a preincarnation, this one in theastral of the Earth, which I will call “Plasmic Incarnations” or “Astral”(incarnations in the Astral Plane).
At thattime the Earth’s Astral/Plasmatic Plane was very similar to what is the thirddensity of the Earth today. There was only greater subtlety.
Tobetter understand, it is as if at this time the Earth’s Astral/Plasmatic Planewere as Earth is now at this density, and the physicality itself is even moredense and heavy.
So bythis time, when you entered this second phase, you were already forgetting allthe package you previously had in Phase 0 and 1. Here in Phase 2, you arealready in deep dive.
In thisPhase, you incarnated and disembodied more quickly in your Astral/Plasmaticbodies and did not become aware “on the other side” that, in this case, itwould be Phase 1 (or Zero), as naturally happens now on Earth.
Whenyou disincarnate, most of you immediately “wake up” on the other side, thespiritual side, knowing that there is a spiritual side.
At thetime mentioned, at this stage, you were disembodied and already quicklyreincarnated into another body. These bodies were adults. (In this phase youalready entered the adult bodies, did not go through the phase of the child andadolescence) and built so that you were already adapting to the new phase tocome, Phase 3, the incarnation in physicality.
In thefuture, these phases would adjust. I will explain more below.
The Phase 2 you can also be considered an incarnation, you had a glimpse of thechallenges as you already received the strong and intense energies of density,with their emotions and conflicts.
Youwere already beginning to know and experience duality. But in this phase ofincarnation, when you were disembodied and quickly entered another body, youdid not remember the “other life.” You already had the layers of forgetfulness.
Beginning Of The Immersion – Phase 3
整合的开始 — 阶段3
This isthe actual incarnation in the physicality (already passing through the phase ofthe child, adolescence and reaching the adult phase).
It ismuch denser, being seven times more dense in the early period, than theincarnations in Phase 2.
At thetime, ready physical bodies would undergo constant adjustments in their DNAsthat were, in many cases, energetically painful adjustments.
Verydense bodies compared to all the other bodies you had ever experienced, not tomention the extremely oppressive energetic atmosphere unmatched by the subtlevibrations of the worlds from which they came, and even dense than the Astral/Plasmatic Zones of the Earth.
The incarnationprocesses in this phase were slow, as adjustments were needed to be made foreach group of souls descending into this Phase, for continuous improvement ofthe experience.
Meanwhile,other “higher” soul groups in the early stages of the experience began theirdescent from Phase Zero to Third.
It wasa constant up and down in an elliptical movement of souls down and up, thevibration of experience, and throughout the ages, all movement softened.
As thisrising and falling of souls takes place, an energetic ellipse is formed by thismovement and in the center of that ellipse – which is the heart of Gaia – theenergy from the core expands considerably and gradually reaches the layers ofconsciousness from the Phases going from the heart of the planet to the surface.
随着灵魂的上升和沉降,这样的运动会促成能量环路的形成,而在这个环路的中央 —也就是盖亚的内心 — 来自地球内心的能量大大地扩展,逐渐到达了经历过这些不同阶段的灵魂的意识中,这样能量就从盖亚的内心到达了地表。
Theenergy of the entire upper energy field from Phase 1 and 0 projects from thecosmos, the energy coming from “above” from the Cosmos meets the energy comingfrom “below” from the most subtle layers of the earth, the heart of Gaia, both crashinginto the surface of the planet, causing the phenomenon “compression” andbreakthrough, of which COBRA talked several times.
Then agreat“ explosion ”of Light on the physical surface of the planet, which willcompletely dissolve the veil, promoting an accelerated movement of expansionand reconnection in the consciousness of all beings present in Gaia. (Thisentire phase of intense elliptical activity is currently underway near a largeapex.)
Thisexplosion will be felt in all hearts.
It will not be something to be “seen” but felt so intensely thatsome will weep with excitement even without knowing exactly why, then seized byan indescribable feeling of Love, a spiritual joy and a peace like neverbefore.
At this point, the physicality of the earth will rapidly mergeinto the planes and the separations of the vibrational planes will be rapidlydiscontinued.
Needless to say, there will still be those resistant to that,but no problem. Most of humanity will be ready to deal with them lovingly.
And let me say more: “the bell has already started ringing…”.
That is what you weredoing there. As you become aware of your true galactic, cosmic and ascendedidentity, you accelerate this process and deconstruct the game.
作者:Gabriel RL
資料來源: 灵魂与扬升