Dear Ones,
Once again Congratulate yourselves. You have moved through some very transitional 8/8 energies in these last few weeks. It has been relentless!
And now with the Full Moon energies clearing out the old, it is readying each of you for some very new beginnings.
Now is the time to rest, breathe, integrate all that your HU-man bodies have endured.
The HU-man aspect feels, tired, exhausted, sick even - but the Soul/Spirit that is the true YOU is exhilarated, knowing just how important these energies of change are. YOU Dear HU-man are incredible Beings of Love and Light. Now more than ever before, you have assimilated so much more Light into your bodies. Your bodies are changing rapidly because of it.
You sense these changes in your daily life. Your eating and drinking habits are changing almost daily - what was tolerated in the past no longer works in this new up-graded YOU.
Be gentle on yourselves Dear Ones. Lifetime habits are hard to break - and there is no right way for all - it is a very personal journey - do not judge yourselves or others. Be kind to yourselves and each other. Baby steps. The Universe is conspiring with YOU to instigate the changes necessary for your forward movement. Ask for assistance and assistance will be given.
Your whole Planet is transitioning. YOU are witnessing so many Earth changes, personal changes, weather and political changes. Nothing will be as it was.
Do not despair Dear Ones - CELEBRATE - All of these changes (sometimes daily occurrences) needed to happen so that the New Earth can birth. These are the very times you agreed to step into. You were excited then and you are becoming excited once again as you lift the veil to your remembering.
Look around, do you still really want the old status quo??
New Life and Light is being breathed into all areas of your Planet. Look with loving eyes upon what is unfolding, knowing full well everything is in its perfect place and timing - that includes YOU.
There is still so much more to unfold in these ever changing days ahead - all incremental, to allow each of you time to acclimate and prepare for what is to come.
You have chosen a time when Peace would be returned to your Earth. You chose to be the ones to accomplish that mission. You also chose a time when full Sovereignty and Abundance would be returned to all. And for full measure you through in Perfect Health and Well-Being for All. So I remind you Dear Ones you are the Architects of this new Golden Age - no small feat my dear friends. However, you were the SOULS chosen for this mission. And you have stepped up - all Beings are extremely proud to walk beside you as you remember your Earthly mission.
Staying fully in each NOW moment is key for your stability. Routinely ask yourself: how do I feel in this now moment? When you are able to release the past - fully, and stop yearning to the unknown future, then just breathe into the NOW - that’s when you will find PEACE ON EARTH for yourself. Continue with the next NOW moment and the next, continue to live your day like this - let go of fear. Each moment you will become more balanced, less fearful, more alive in the moment. You will be able to witness your life unfolding effortlessly. This is living as the Divine Soul/Spirit that you came to BE.
Breathe deeply Dear Ones, it connects you to the All that is - to the true YOU. It allows you to leave the HU-man experiment you came to participate in, time to readjust, time to REMEMBER - who you truly are.
We walk beside you in each of those moments dear HU-man/Spirit.
And so it is.
通灵:Leslie-Anne Menzies
翻译:Nick Chan