A spiritual transformation, whether for individuals,planetary, or cosmic requires spiritual energy ! Dimensions allresonate to a certain frequency, and all entail bringing in morespiritual Light.
It takes a tremendous amount of spiritual work, effort oneveryone's part, and living in the NOW to assist a shift indimension. As I have blogged for years here about the importance ofthe Now moment and how expansive it is to have this space that itcreates to fill it with Light, many still laughed and poked fun andthought that spiritual teachings from the Masters were rather 'oldhat and old-fashioned.'
The Ascension workers on earth now have come from evolvedplanets and evolved dimensions. We have come well-equipped with thenecessary ascension codes in our lightbodies that get activatedwhen we, ourselves, have brought in the necessary Light andexpanded it sufficiently. We descended in order to help bringhumanity up out of the dire-ness of earth life as it is now, with adistinct lack in awareness of the fundamentals of the true self,away from the life of an 'average human.'
现在处于地球上的扬升工作者都来自进化了的星球和演变了的维度。我们带着在我们光之身体中激活了的必要扬升代码 --- 当我们,自己,带来必要的光并充分地扩展了它 --- 准备充分地到来。我们下降是为了帮助把人类带离如现在这样的悲惨地球生活,随着在意识中明显缺乏真实自我的基本原理,远离“普通人”的生活。
We don't beat our chests and expand our egos, we goquietly among our communities to integrate and share our energieswhich they may not have experienced before. The love is pure thatemanates from our bodies and people are drawn to this. The worldhas been starved of the kind of divine love that earth-life hasshut off from their awareness. We have come to restore thatconnection to divinity.
我们不拍打自己的胸口并膨胀小我,我们安静地与我们的团体一起整合并共享我们的能量,它们可能之前会是没有体验过的。 爱是纯净的,来自我们的身体,人们被它所吸引。世界已缺失神圣的爱,地球生命已关闭了他们的意识。我们前来修复那与神性的连接。
It is a personal journey for each soul as they slowlyawaken from a deep slumber. The shock of what is goingon around the world, the injustices and atrocities have broughtmany to war and crime. For others, it has brought them to pray andto go within and find solitude in peace and love. It is a person'sattitude that blocks any awakening within. The anger of not seeingwith the eyes any physical changes is another way to block theenergies that are flooding and permeating the planet at this andevery moment.
When the mind is on judgment, hatred and anger it cannotpossibly be open to these energies. It takes work on every souls'part to transition from the awareness of a third dimensional humanto bringing in the attributes of divinity - humility, gratitude,love, compassion and seeing all as spiritual beings experiencing aphysical life (to name but a few).
当头脑在评判、仇恨与愤怒,它是不可能对这些能量敞开的。这需要每个灵魂继续致力于转变人类第三维度的意识,引入神圣的属性 --- 谦卑、感激、爱、慈悲,把所有人都视为体验物质生活的灵性存在(仅举几例)。
Change your attitude, change your life.
We are in the thick of a massive transformation right now,and it can prove to be too strong for some. With raising one'svibrations through aligning with the energies of Mantra, meditationon the Divine, any spiritual practice that raises you above thephysical existence to realize the divine within. One can alsomentally ask any of the spiritual teachers in the higher dimensionsor even the Avatars, Buddhas, who will assist any soul who asks. Bychoosing an aspect of the Divine to assist you, it helps your ownvibrations to lift up and merge with theirs'.
我们正处于大规模改变的最激烈的时刻,对于一些人来说这可能会过于强烈。随着通过与 Mantra (咒语)能量的对齐而提升一个人的振动,神圣的沉思,任何灵性的实践提升你超越物质的存在好意识到内在的神性。一个人还可以精神上询问任何更高维度中的灵性导师或者化身、佛陀、请求协助任何灵魂的人。通过选择神圣的一个面向来协助你,这帮助了你振动的提升并与他人的合并。
I am writing this with the assistance of the Masters whoare more than willing to listen to your questions and assist youwherever they can with your journey of awakening. The best way tocontact them is in meditation. The way in which you receive theirmessages can vary - they can come through as strong feelings thatthey impress on you, they can put a picture in your mind, or theycan guide you later to a place where you will find what you arelooking for. These are just a few examples.
我在非常愿意聆听你们的疑问并在你的觉醒之旅中尽他们所能地协助你的大师们的协助下写着这则信息。 与他们连接的最好方法就是冥想。在这个方式中你接受到的信息会很不同 --- 他们的到来会给你一股强烈的感觉,他们会把一副图片放在你的脑海中,或者随后他们可 以引导你到达你会找到你正在寻找的东西的地方。这只是一些例子。
Love, Light and friendship, Tara *~~
音頻來源: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xWPNxRyXXIk