Greetings to You! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am KejRaj(KayRy). The information expressed here is that of my perspective, my point of view. For all truth awaits you in your heart. Tune in to the light within you.
问候!衷心地,我是 KejRaj(KayRy) 。这里所表达的信息是我的观点。因为所有的真理在你的心中等待着你。协调到内在的光
The obsoletion of the Federal Reserve is very near.
Contrary to some reports on the Fed being “transformed”into something else, still to remain in existence and in conjunct with the Republic’s Treasury, the decision on this has all ready been made, and such action will not be allowed, period.
与一些报道 --- 美联储正“转型”成别的东西 --- 相反,它依旧存在,与共和国的财库连接,对此的决定已经做出,这样的行为不会被允许。
The Federal Reserve is being dismantled as we speak. And will be completely dissolved into nothingness.
The Republic has been restored, and all of its original “components”are being put into place. The priority being the gold backed dollar. Which is soon to be announced.
We reiterate, what is unfolding here on Earth, would have not been possible without the assistance of the Galactics. It is that simple.
Whether you believe in the existence of extraterrestrials or not. Whether you believe in higher realities, higher dimensions, and higher dimensional beings or not. Without the intervention of these higher dimensional beings, our world would have perished in the hands of the former dark rulers.
We will live to witness full disclosure of many truths, including the existence of extraterrestrials.
We will also live to witness open contact with these extraterrestrials, as Earth has entered the 5th dimensional reality.
As the light is rising, the dark is collapsing.And the true natural way of life on Earth is being restored.
Together You Can Change Everything
Archangel Michael: Anyone who is connected to God’s light, the source of all life, knows their missions –and anyone who knows their missions but can’t complete them for the reasons mentioned, is called upon to take these steps into freedom. »Source
大天使麦克:任何与神之光、所有生命的源头连接的人,知道自己的使命 --- 任何知道自己使命的人但出于提及的原因无法完成它们,被呼唤去步入自由。
It’s the Federal Reserve Seeking to Meddle in Our Elections
Ron Paul: The US Constitution never granted the federal government authority to create a central bank. The Founders, having lived through hyperinflation themselves, understood that government should never have a printing press at its disposal. »Source
Ron Paul: 美国宪法从没有授权联邦政府去建立一个中央银行。创始人,自己经历过恶性通货膨胀,明白,政府永不应该能够使用一台印刷机。来源
A Sacred Redesign
The Pleiadians: Beloved Ones We Greet You!A sacred redesign is underway on your earth plane and we are working as part of the Universal team to bring clarity and understanding to you at this time. » Source
Cherokee Nation Wants Representation in Congress
The Cherokee Nation has announced that it wants the United States government to uphold the 1835 Treaty of New Echota, which promised them representation in congress. Cherokee Nation Principal Chief Chuck Hoskin Jr. announced on August 22 that the tribe is enacting the Cherokee Nation’s treaty right to send a delegate to the U.S. Congress. »Source
切罗基族国度已经宣布,它想要美国政府维护 1835 条新爱可塔条约,也就是承诺他们在国会上拥有自己的代表。切罗基族国度首席 Chuck Hoskin Jr. 在 8 月 22 日宣布,部落已经颁布切罗基族的条约权利,去把代表派到美国国会。来源
The Human Collective Consciousness
In the energy of the Creator of All That Is, everything and everyone in the universe is One. There is no separation from the Source of Creation, even though many people on the Earth believe or feel it to be so. »Source
Economic Battle Lines Being Drawn Across the Globe
Battle lines criss cross the globe as President Trump declares both internal (Jay Powell, the Federal Reserve Chairman) and external (China) enemies. Additionally, he “clashed with world leaders over the U.S. trade war with China and a host of foreign-policy issues at a Group of Seven summit”AKA the G-7. »Source
Big Drug Companies Considering Settlements To Resolve Opioid Suits
Confronted with a torrent of lawsuits across the U.S., several major drug companies are in discussions with authorities to resolve thousands of opioid-related suits filed against them. »Source
美國內部 (美聯儲主席傑伊.鮑威爾)和外部(中國) 都是敵人時,
翻译:Nick Chan