(2017-07-01 18:22:03)
轻飘飘 --- 感到不接地
下载 ~ 高音调的耳鸣(顺风耳)
高度的能量 --- 然后长期的休息
顶轮刺痛 / 紧密感
23 号巨蟹座的新月依旧被感到,伴随着占星术的影响被添加到沉重的情绪感受中(与过去包裹的浮现连结)。影子自我在引诱许多人的注意
通过这些重大的能量波,已经很清楚过去,现在和未来是一。因此,每个人在更加快速地显化他们的现实。非常重要去维持有意识的自我交谈,因为这是一个与宇宙能量和法则的交谈。我们得到我们所发送出去的 ... 几乎在瞬间!处于当下,总是注意你收到的信号
你的守护天使,大天使,精神指导在这里指引着你,爱着你,保护着你,总是展示你下一步该怎么走 ... 如果你注意他们给予的微妙信号。当我们看到与一切的连接,我们会开始意识到我是的力量和更大画面中的神性。这不仅是关于我们个人层面上的,如果我们所做的一切都会在集体意识中产生涟漪效应
一如既往,感到你心中的爱,把爱稳固于你的存在,然后与世界分享它。你是造成集体中涟漪的鹅卵石。这会创造 100 只猴子效应。随着你这么做,别人也会这么做。你,我,我们,都是榜样
Energy Report Update
astroscopeA sunspot has developed on the sun. The sunspot itself is the size of planet Earth! It’s massive! It is directly facing Earth, and it is spewing beta-gamma energy frequencies towards the planet now. This could result in an M Class Solar Flare, but even if it doesn’t the gamma frequencies are still being felt by the energy sensitives.
Floaty – feeling ungrounded
Visions (Clairvoyance)
Downloads~ high pitched ear ringing (Clairaudience)
High energy – then long periods of rest.
Creativity and creative expression hightened.
Third Eye throbbing
Crown Chakra tingling/tightness
Body Aches as the body detoxes toxic emotions and environmental toxins.
Emotions all over the place as densities rise up for clearing, healing, releasing.
Higher perspectives are gained through introspection.
Heart palpitations can be felt as the heart’s electromagnetic field expands into connectedness of the 3rd Eye and Crown, connecting higher heart and higher self.
The New Moon in Cancer on the 23rd is STILL being felt with astrological influences adding to the heavy emotional feelings tied to past baggage surfacing. The shadow self is beckoning the attention of many.
There are many who are just losing their shit right now, as they are not able to process the Energies that are coming into the planet. And are really clueless as to what is transpiring from an energetic standpoint within their bodies. For those who live a low vibrational negative existence, these energies will really have a profound affect on the mind, body, spirit disconnection to bring this to full attention. Fighting against the flow only brings more lack, and more of the same of what is not wanted!
Through these major energy waves it is being made clear that past, present, future are one. Therefore, each is manifesting their realities much quicker than ever before. It is so important to remain ever cognizant of your self talk, as it is a conversation with the Universal energies and Laws. We get back exactly what we put out… almost instantaneously now! Be present, be in your here and now, and always pay attention to the signs you are being given.
Your Guardian Angels, the Archangels, and your Spirit Guides are here to guide you, love you, protect you and always show you the next steps to take….if you pay attention to the subtle signs they give. When we see our connection to all that is, that is when we begin to realize our I AM power and Divinity in the whole, larger picture here. It’s not just about us on an individual level, for all we do has a profound rippling effect on the entire collective consciousness!
As always, feel the love in your heart and ground this into your BE-ing, and then share it with the world. You are the pebble that causes the ripple in the collective consciousness. This creates the 100th Monkey Affect. As you do, others do. You, me, we, are the example.
Shine On Beautiful Souls!
I love you!
Love, Light and Divine Blessings on your continued journey,
~Tiffany Stiles
原文: https://eraoflight.com/2017/07/01/energy-report-update/
翻译:Nick Chan