(2017-07-01 03:07:01)
The Light Outside The Darkness
On occasion dark moments will enter your life. That darkness will feel and seem all encompassing, never-ending and may engulf everything. Like a flashlight beam in reverse, you sometimes forget that outside that darkness, the light continues to shine. If you are in one of those moments, The Universe is there to remind you that the light has, and always will be, there. It all depends on where you choose to put your focus. ~ Creator
有时候黑暗的时刻会进入你的生命。黑暗会看似无所不在,永不完结,吞噬一切。就像手电筒,有时候你忘记了黑暗之外,光继续闪耀着。如果你处于那个时刻,宇宙在提醒你光总是在那。要看你把注意力放在哪。 ~ 造物主
In…Or In Your Own Way
You can continue to move along your current path, taking whatever ‘hits’ come your way…or…you can change that path. You may decide that staying where you are energetically is less challenging. You can also make the decision to move forward. Please remember; you are in…. or in your own way. All it takes is one thought, one decision, one action to change everything! ~ Creator
你可以继续你当前的道路,拾起任何前来的“打击”或者你可以改变那条路。你可能会决定处于你的所在会是较轻松的。改变一切所需的只是一个想法,一个决定,一个行为! ~ 造物主
Make Love!
Of all the things you make every day, how often does that include love? This is not just the intimate love shared between humans, but a way to view the world. If you start each of your creations with love, it will grow and become something so much bigger than you ever imagined. Make love the basis of all you do! ~ Creator
在你每天所做的事情之中,有多少是包含爱的?这不仅是关于人们之间分享的亲密之爱,还有看待世界的方式。如果你开始伴随着爱创造,它会成长,成为比你想象的还要巨大的东西。让爱成为你所做之事的基础! ~ 造物主
Self Love First
Guess what?! I have a surprise for you; you do not have to tolerate or condone negative behavior. Yes, it can be a positive thing to look at the other person’s perspective, however, you need not put up with name calling, mental, emotional or physical attacks.
As always you have a choice. You can choose to stay in an ‘attempt’ to change a person, but that will most likely never happen. Be it from a lover, friend or acquaintance; change starts from within and you may never be that catalyst. Be loving to yourself first and the rest will follow. ~ Creator
一如既往,你有着选择。你可以选择处于“试图”改变一个人,但这很可能永远不会发生。无论是关乎爱人,朋友还是熟人;改变始于内在,你可能永远无法成为那个催化剂。先爱自己,剩下的会自行到来。 ~ 造物主
Limitless & Lovely
Each breath you take is a moment in Becoming. What you have become in this space will change in an instant to Become something else. You are limitless and lovely in this process. Release the thought of having to change; the world and all of its infinite beauty awaits you. ~ Creator
你的每一次呼吸都是一个成为的时刻。你在这个空间所成为的会马上变成别的东西。在这个进程中你是无限的和有爱的。释放必须改变的想法。世界和它所有的美丽等待着你。 ~ 造物主
The Release In Dying
For some of you it may feel like a little part of you is dying. Those last heavy sighs from what needs to be released are causing ripples throughout your body. It is important to remember that this is not permanent…but a temporary transition time. Notice, honor and send Love to that part of you that will be moving along soon. It deserves no less than the greatest honor for protecting and keeping you safe. ~ Creator
对于一些人来说可能感到你的一小部分在死亡。那些需要被释放之物的最后沉重的叹息在你的身体中造成了涟漪。很重要去记住这只是暂时的 ... 只是一个暂时的过渡时间。留意,荣耀,把爱送给继续前进的那部分自己。它值得拥有你最大的荣耀,因一直保护着你。 ~ 造物主
Freedom Of Choice
Just about the time you feel like giving up; that is the time to keep going.
Just about the time you want to stop completely; that is the time to keep moving.
Just about the time you wish to sleep; that is the time to stay awake.
I know these recent changes have been very trying for some of you and I am truly amazed and in awe of the tenacity you show every moment of your day! Changing can be challenging…remaining static even more so. My beautiful child, you have always the freedom to choose a better tomorrow. Use it! ~ Creator
我知道最近的改变对一些人来说很艰难,我对你在每时每刻所展现的毅力感到惊讶和敬畏!改变可以是具有挑战性的 ... 更多地处于静态。我美丽的孩子,你总是有自由去选择一个美好的明天。使用它! ~ 造物主
原文: https://thecreatorwritings.wordpress.com/page/2/
翻译:Nick Chan