(2017-06-22 01:50:17)
I am Judas Iscariot and I have much news to share today.
First of all – RV has started my friends. It is in full swing.
Secondly – Peace has spread out in the world. People can draw a sigh of relief and start to rebuild their homes again.
Thirdly – The Cabal has given up and is now abandoning ship with their tail between the legs.
There are wonderful times coming my friends. You just spit in your hands and take the shovel and start digging. Now is a time for manifestation dear friends. It is a time for rebuilding this Earth with better technologies and gentler methods than what Mother Earth has endured up until now. Pure water, dear friends, our Earth and many who live on it thirst for pure water. Food for the hungry and all they need to do well in their bodies and souls. Let creativity flow and look up and search for all technology there is, as new ones can appear. There is nothing that can stop you any longer. Everything is open and ready to go ahead for the creation of your new world.
Mother Earth smiles and blesses your gifts and your work so that it may become the best it can for you and Earth, which is your home. It is the era of love now, so it is with love in your hearts that you undertake your new tasks. It can never go wrong if the focus is on love and compassion. It is this wave that you surf – the love wave full of compassion for all beings that live on our Earth. This is when you perform you grand work that spreads its wings across the whole of our Earth – your common Earth. You all belong to Earth and work towards the same goal, which is to live in unison with all that lives here. This includes having great respect for life and all life on Earth. Earth is full of life at different levels in its development and which have varying and completely different perspectives on society. There is an array of life and movement on Earth and all cannot be seen with the naked eye. Use all the love and respect that exists within you when you now go to work to change this Earth’s structure and help that which is halting to become completely whole again.
We have full trust in your ability and with a warm hand we put the work in your hands. You have a tremendous job in front of you, but it is blessed work that gives much love and joy back.
God be with you.
Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah
We are here and help you now and all is perfect and well, exactly as it is right now. The ball has started rolling and the joy is great in Heaven.
Peace be with you.
I love you so much.
通灵: Ann Dahlberg
翻译:Nick Chan