(2017-06-23 03:58:34)
God bless you. I am Julia and Gabrielle is beside me. We have come to give you a blessing today. As always we give blessings and love. We stand aside now for there is one who wishes to speak to you.
I have taken over this vessel to give a message into this machine. I am Brother Paul. That message is: go forward now in your life without fear. Fear is rampant about the world at the moment. Love is the strongest vibration that you can give out to the planet Earth and I have come to say to you today, fear not. Fear not but go forward bravely.
Children of the Light, Light Workers on this planet are gathering the Light that is sent from the planet Earth, surrounding the aura of the earth, cleaning and clearing all the debris that is still there. Negative forces are happening in the world today, some of them affecting souls in different ways, but I tell you this: there is a great love vibration rising from the Mother Earth and it comes from the love of individuals who now want justice. The only way to have justice is to go within yourselves, sit quietly and go up in your minds to the glorious Light that is within you. I speak with experience and I am telling you all now: go forward with courage. Find moments when you can sit quietly and go upward to the Light that is within you. This Light you will send out. It will go before you and it will absolutely meet all other Lights until it becomes, has become, the Light of the world. To the Light of the world, the angelic forces are also adding their Light. I can assure you – be still, fear not, go forward now with courage. Do not let the happenings around you affect you to the extent that only fear has a place in your heart. Go forward.
This is a stern message from me today. Brother Paul speaks. I have always given a gentle prayer but today, no. Today I say there is love coming from many parts of the world and this beautiful vibration is gathering force. You are a part of this because you are lifting yourselves up to the glorious Light that is within you, sending it out. Let me reassure you that it will overcome all negative conditions. As we have said before, think of what you are doing for your children. Think of what you are doing by sending out this love, this warmth that comes from Mother Earth. Other planets can tune in to this and it helps them because of their communication with us, here on earth. Many things are going on that you cannot see. Many things are going on that you cannot understand but nevertheless, walk forward with courage. Send out Light, love, because it is this that is going to overcome all the negative conditions that Spirit is trying to, not trying to but are, clearing away. Great help is given to you as this is your heritage, great help for you to go forward.
If you could only see this new world that is waiting on the brink, shall we say, of Mother Earth, With your love, which means power, power, the clearance can happen. Because of your determination to be positive,when this golden New World comes, what a change there will be. Oh, the upliftment of life, the joy of living, the joy of learning, the joy of seeing your children’s children bask in this beautiful uplifting Light of knowledge. The earth will be pure. All that you grow in the earth will grow in purity and will provide the vitamins that the body needs. There are other factors that this new world will bring to you. This new world means the upliftment of your soul. It means knowledge, knowledge that you have never had before, and your minds will be open for the new world to come.
Now, I have said all that I need to. It is in your hands to do as I have asked you today, for you to open yourself, to be quiet, to go up, to find that beautiful higher self and then to go forward with courage knowing full well that before you, you send out this wonderful Light that will clear the way for this new world. Oh, children of the world, if you could see the wonderment of it all. Now it is your job, all of you in this world, to play your part.
Go forward. Go forward and in your hearts you will know that you are playing your part in the clearance of the toxic poisoning that has been built up over eons of time. You are doing it for your children and their children. Remember,before I go, that this golden world is there waiting to come forward and when it does, it will be heaven on earth, heaven on earth. Now I have spoken. I say God bless each one of you. Play your part because not only are you clearing the aura of the Mother Earth but you are also making a clearer passage, a right of way, to the wonderful planets. Each planet has knowledge. Each one can give so much knowledge – how they live and the wonders that they have reached. Some have reached the very height of knowledge, which you have yet to attain. So you see, by listening to your inner self, by going forward and searching within, by quietude, you will find your Light within. When you do so, send it out because it will be strong and together with all the other Lights, it will become an army of Light. Can you imagine what that will mean? A clearance, a clearance so that this Divine Light and the golden world can come.
Now, God bless you. This has been a stern message today. Remember, you are not doing this for selfish reasons, you are doing it for your beloved children. You are in the keeping of The Lord Christ Jesus and you have my assurance that He has control of the earth. However, He emphasizes that Light is needed from each one of you so go forward, and when I say go forward, I mean go upward. Find the Light. Send it out and believe in your future and the future of your children. May God bless each one of you. It is a privilege that I am able to speak through this lady today for we have taken her over to deliver this message. Now with the peace of God and the tranquility that He brings you, I say Amen. Amen.
翻译:Nick Chan