大角星人与 圣哲曼大师指导 (part 5)(3-2): 20130126
“双重维度生活”与 “回归自己的高我”
Multiple Realities 5\About Bi-location
Posted by Veruska Angel on January 26, 2013 at 3:11am
中文翻译: 林琚月20130127
Multiple Realities 5
About Bi-location
Consciously experiencing two physical locations at once creates the activation of too much ego. Furthermore, there are many physical locations that still hold dark energy. Hence, they are not safe. What we are saying is that to safely bi-locate it is best to allow your fifth dimensional expression, or Higher SELFwith, to guide you through out your bi-location journey.
清醒的同时存在于两个 ‘ 物质时空现实 ’ 体验中会启动太多 ( 膨胀 ) 的 ‘ 小我 ’ 的 .--- 除此之外 , 在许多 ‘ 物质时空现实 ’ 中仍然存有 ‘ 黑色负面能量 ’--- 因此很不安全 !--- 所以我们在说的是 --- 要做安全的 “ 双重维度存在体验 ”--- 要让你第五维度的高我 , 或是你更高的高我来全程引导 !!!
Ascended Masters are "masters" at bi-location. Therefore, St. Germain will be working with many of the ascending ones as they gain their "bi-location wings." Since, St. Germain is well known for his skills at bi-location, he is joining us now to further instruct you...
回转大师们都是 “ 双重维度存在体验 ” 的大师们 . 因此 , 圣哲曼大师将会指导许多 ‘ 扬升中的一们 ’--- 帮助他们获得 “ 双重维度存在能力 ” 的翅膀 . 由于圣哲曼大师 “ 双重维度存在的能力 ” 很有名 ---- 现在他要加入我们来做下面的指导 …
My beloved ascending ones, I am quite pleased to assist you, the ascending ones of planet Earth, with your innate ability to bi-locate. As you may know, there are many rumors of my appearance on Earth over many different locations and centuries. These rumors are correct. In fact, I am currently wearing a form now on Earth.
我亲爱的扬升中的一们 , 很高兴来协助你们 , 在地球上准备好要扬升的一们 , 使用你们内在的能力来做 “ 双重维度的存在 ”! 如同你们现在知道的 --- 关于我曾在地球四处出没超越几个世纪的传言很多 . 这些传言都是正确的 . 事实上 , 我目前在地球上还是维持有一个身体 .
I am involved in certain projects that have been planned for many decades but could not manifest while Earth was enshrouded in darkness. Now that Cosmic Light surrounds Earth, our plans are finally, yet slowly, moving forward. However, I am with you now to assist you with the process of bi-location. Therefore, I will concentrate my energies on that topic. However, if any of you dear ascending ones wish to know more about our great plans for Gaia, please feel free to call me. I am available for communication with as many ascended ones who wish to communicate with me.
我在地球上目前有参与数个计划案 --- 都已经规划了几十年了 --- 但还无法在地球上显化落实 – 就是因为地球以前被黑暗能量所遮盖 . 现在宇宙光能量包围住了地球 --- 我们的计划也终于 , 缓慢的 , 向前推移出来了 . 无论如何 , 我现在跟你们在一起来协助你们 “ 双重维度的存在 ” 的学习程序 .--- 所以眼前让我把能量聚集在这件事上面 . 但是 , 如果你们任何扬升中的一们想要知道关于我们为盖亚所做的伟大计划 --- 欢迎你们呼唤我 ! 任何扬升中的一们想要和我沟通的话 --- 我随时可以 .
You see my primary resonance is far beyond even the fifth dimension. Thus, I am not bound by the limitation of time or the sequential thinking that time creates. Hence, I can easily commune with myriad Beings within the NOW of the ONE. However, allow me to return to the purpose of this communication, which is remembering your innate ability to bi-locate. I will begin by outlining a few important points:
你们要知道 --- 我主要的共鸣频率 --- 是远超过第五维度的 . 因此 , 我完全不受时间所创造出来的限制所限制住 , 或是被 ‘ 线性思考 ’ 所限制住 . 因此 , 我可以很容易的与任何人在 ‘ 合一的当下 ’ 里同时沟通 .
无论如何 --- 我们还是回到这个沟通的目的 --- 是协助你们记忆起你内在的能力而能做到 “ 双重维度存在 ”. 我给大家指出几个重点做为开始 :
First, as the Arcturian said, make sure that you are desire-free and that you ego-self remains in it present, physical location.
1) 就像大角星人所说的 --- 确定你 ‘ 没有任何欲望 ’--- 把你的 ‘ 小我 ’ 保持在目前物质的身体的地方 .
Second, make sure that your physical body is in a safe place and totally protected.
2) 确定你的物质的身体是在一个安全的地方 , 完全受到保护 .
Third, remember that bi-location does not happen within 3D "time." Consequently, you can bi-locate to a higher dimensional reality, spend what may appear to be a lifetime there and return mere seconds later in your earth-time.
3) 记住 “ 双重维度存在 ” 不存在 3D 时间中 ! 但是你却同时可以 “ 双重维度存在 ” 在一个更高的维度实相中 --- 也许过了别人认为是一生的时间在那里 , 然后回转到地球时间中 --- 却只花了几秒而已 !
Fourth, ONLY bi-locate to a reality that welcomes you with the FEEL of unconditional love. We realize that many of you do "Rescue Work" just above the Lower Astral Plane during your sleep.
4) 只有当你 “ 双重维度存在 ” 到高维度时空现实中时 , 你会感受到 ‘ 无条件的爱 ’ 的欢迎 ! 我们明白你们很多人都在睡眠中在星光层的低点做 ‘ 拯救工作 ’!
Bi-location is different. When you are volunteering to do Rescue Work with those trapped in the Lower Astral Plane, you are under the direct protection of the Angelic Kingdom when you "take your shift" to assist those trapped in that dark world. When you take your first solo flights it is important to go to the fifth dimension or beyond where a higher expression of your SELF is waiting to welcome and guide you. Remember, dear ascending ones, that ALL of you are great Multidimensional Beings of Light.
“ 双重维度存在 ” 是不一样的一件事 .--- 当你志愿去做 ‘ 拯救工作 ’ 时 --- 拯救那些在 ‘ 星光层的低点 ’ 被困住的人 --- 你们是受到 ‘ 天使团 ’ 的保护的 !--- 你才能 ‘ 改变自己 ’ 来协助困在黑暗世界的人 .--- 可是当你 ‘ 独行 ’ 时 --- 很重要的是你去 ‘ 第五维度 ’ 或更高处 --- 在那里你的 ‘ 高我 ’ 等着欢迎你并引导你 ! 记住 --- 你们扬升中的一们 --- 你们本来就是 ‘ 多维度的光体存有 ’!!!
We are now speaking with the lowest frequency of your total expression, the YOU that is encased in your human form. Of course, YOU are not of a lower frequency, however the components of you that are still intermingled with your physical form, as well as your third dimensional reality, are "pulled into the drag" of that extremely low resonance.
所以我们现在是和你们所有 ‘ 存在 ’ 中最低频率的 ‘ 你 ’ 在说话 .--- 就是这个卡在肉身中的你 .--- 当然 , 你不是 ‘ 来自 ’‘ 低频率 ’--- 但是 , 所有部份的物质的你 , 以及你所在的第三维度现实 --- 是被扯绊入 --- 被绑在非常低的共鸣频率上的 .
Our dear, sweet volunteers for ascension, we see the immense sacrifices that you have made in order to fulfill your Mission of assisting Gaia with her ascension. Fortunately, many of you have expanded your consciousness enough to attach to the Parallel Reality that is in the process of returning Gaia into Her true expression of Her Star SELF. However, there are still many mundane acts that now feel like trudging through mud.
亲爱的 , 扬升的志愿军们 , 我们看到你们为了地球的扬升所做的绝大牺牲 --- 来完成对地球扬升的协助 . 幸运的是 --- 你们许多人已经扩大了足够的觉知来进入 ‘ 平行时空现实 ’--- 而这是让地球盖亚回返她的高我的程序 .--- 她银河星际的真实自我 . 无论如何 , 地球上目前仍有很多 ‘ 世俗的行为 ’ 造成现在的进展像走在烂泥巴中一样的蹒跚 .
It is for this reason that we of the ONE are here to assist you with bi-location. Through bi-location you are able to "take a vacation" from the toils of a third dimensional reality. However, as the Arcturians have recently said, if you can fill those toils with unconditional love they will become much less burdensome. We also wish to remind you that there are aspects of your physical life that you will greatly miss. In fact, many of you will maintain a body on Gaia's physical expression, just as I have done. In this manner, you can easily step-into that form to assist those still trapped in illusion.
就是为了这原因 --- 我们一们来到这里来协助你们做到 “ 双重维度存在 ”. 透过 “ 双重维度存在 ”, 你们将可以从第三维度的劳累中 ‘ 渡个假 ’! 但是 , 就像大角星人最近所说的 --- 如果你能用 ‘ 无条件的爱 ’ 来 ’ 充满 ’ 那些 ‘ 劳累困顿 ’ 的话 --- 那些事会变得没那么沉重 . 同时我们也要提醒你 --- 你肉身生活的一些层面将会是你将来会很怀念的 .--- 事实上 , 你们大部份人会跟我一样 --- 维持一个肉身在地球上 .--- 这样一来 , 你可以随时 ‘ 穿上肉体 ’ 来协助那些困在幻象中的人 .
Now, with the completion of our introduction we wish to move into the details of bi-location. We will do this by taking you on a trial run. This trial will be a journey in your imagination. However, remember that your imagination is fifth dimensional thought. Therefore, your imagination is much more powerful than any form of third dimensional thought, as it is a merging of your multidimensional thinking with unconditional love.
现在 , 我们的基本介绍 ( 开场白 ) 结束了 --- 我们现在进入 “ 双重维度存在 ” 的细节 . 我们会带着你们 ‘ 练习一次 ’! 这 ‘ 练习 ’ 是在你的想象力中做的旅行 . 无论如何 --- 记得你的想象力是 ‘ 第五维度的思考 ’! 因此 , 你的这个 ‘ 思考 ’ 是比你任何的 ‘ 第三维度思考 ’ 更有力量多了 .---- 因为那是你的 ‘ 多维度思考 ’ 与 ‘ 无条件的爱 ’ 融合的结果 .
轉自:Rebecca_林琚月的博客 http://blog.sina.com.cn/rebeccahjlin