

大角星人与 圣哲曼大师指导 (part 5)(3-1): 20130126

“双重维度生活”与 “回归自己的高我”


Multiple Realities 5\About Bi-location

Posted by Veruska Angel on January 26, 2013 at 3:11am

中文翻译: 林琚月20130127

Multiple Realities 5

About Bi-location





Mytria and I arrived early at out holoschool, which is the name we had given this holosuite, expecting to again find the Arcturian sending another Transmissions to Earth. To our surprise, It was patiently waiting for us, even though we were early. The Arcturian warmly greeted us and asked if we were ready for our bi-location into the timeline in which our Pleiadian society ascended.



In sequential time that ascension occurred long, long ago. However, in the no-time of the fifth dimension and beyond, time flows like a great ocean. Hence, one can enter the Flow of any Timeline to participate in that reality. The Arcturian told us that the ascension of our Pleiadian society was quite similar to the ascension of Earth. Therefore, our bi-location into that event would provide us with important information that would help us to assist with Earth's ascension process.



Since Mytria and I had both had previous experiences of bi-location we would be able to maintain our ascended state of consciousness while we bi-located into our third/fourth dimensional forms and levels of consciousness. In this manner, we could more deeply understand the dynamics of pre and post ascension states of consciousness. On the other hand, the ascending ones from Earth would eventually bi-locate into their fifth dimensional SELF to assist them to further expand their consciousness and learn more about ascension.




 “We were about to begin our Earth Transmission,” spoke the Arcturian, actually using a voice. “Please watch and listen.” The Arcturian then turned towards some form of membrane, similar to the Akashic Membrane, and began It’s transmission:



Dearest Ascending Ones of Planet Earth,

Today we are preparing you for your first experience of bi-location. Since bi-location is a fifth dimensional and beyond endeavor, you will leave one area and return back to it within only seconds of time. Of course, "leave" is not the correct term.




However, during your first few bi-locations it will be difficult for you to remain in constant contact with both of your realities. Therefore, you may feel as though you have left your body. Therefore, I will be important for you to check in on your body in order to train your thinking to encompass more than one location at a given time.



Before we begin our transmission, please tune deeply into our FEEL of unconditional love and relax into that sensation. The secret to bi-location is to NOT want anything, but instead to enter into the Flow of the ONE. In this manner, you are ensured that your lower frequencies of expression are "in the back seat." These aspects of your Desire Body are of a third/fourth dimensional resonance.



Hence, as a safety mechanism set up by your own Soul, desires of this resonance are limited to your physical expression. Therefore, in order to bi-locate, especially while one of your realities is still wearing an earth vessel, you must "turn off" ALL third dimensional thinking. Then, you can more easily surrender into the FEELING of the inner call that beckons you to bi-locate into a higher frequency of reality.


In other words, all bi-location must be ego free. This rule is a protection to you, as the drag of your low resonance ego limits your bi-location to another location on 3D Earth. While you are first remembering this innate multidimensional ability, it is best that you only bi-locate to a fifth dimensional and beyond reality.  



Bi-locating to this frequency of reality insures that you will be met with unconditional love. Your secret governments have often experimented with bi-location into another physical location, which has greatly harmed those who were their "test subjects." The fact is that one physical location is almost too much ego involvement for you to maintain your connection with your Higher Expression.

















【大角星人母舰指导】(6)上《多维度生活 复育 “胚胎的真我” 完成 ‘全意识’ 》





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