(2017-06-27 02:26:14)
I am Judas Iscariot and I want to thank you for your work on Earth. You have done a solid job and it is now in the process of ending. A great responsibility now rests in your hands to do the best you can with the resources you now have at your disposal. Take one step at a time. Go slow, taking it as it comes. Let people get used to the new situation that now is emerging in the world. In order to avoid chaos one needs to implement things at a calm pace. It is then easer to receive. Start at a small scale and increase as you go along. More people will then have time to get used to the new and you will have tailwind rather than headwind. We humans are such that we need to get used to new things before we can accept them completely. We sometimes get stuck in old beliefs and have a hard time to let go of them. However, if one can see that the result is good interest is immediately woken up and more are drawn to what is happening. So, once again, start at a small scale and add to it as the interest for what you are doing grows larger. This also makes it easier for you and your abilities. You grow with the task, so to speak.
It is humane and human to make sure that everybody has food and water during the time when your world is slowly rebuilt with a new and more effective technology. All of you now have the possibility to do the best for your neighbor, even as it is advantageous to slowly introduce new technologies of a kind that is good for people and the Earth. Focus inside, as you now go forward with Earth’s development. Follow the steps that your heart tells you to take. Be the kind of person that you want others to be for you. Be in your own integrity and make sure you have energy for yourself. You need your energy now to be able to help others. They in turn need to build up their own energy in order to in turn help others. This is the way you support and help each other now when the hour of the dawn has arrived on Earth and your new Sun is on the way up.
The Earth finds itself in a fantastic place, but yet fragile place. So, it is important that you focus on what is good for you and your Earth today. Look at the animals and the plants. They all take it at its own pace and everything becomes perfect anyways. This is my important piece of advice to you now to take one step at a time and carefully weigh what your next step is going to be. You will win by taking it easy – hurry and stress belong to the old paradigm. The new includes going forward at a calm pace with great confidence and trust. The answers are in your heart so find guidance and wisdom there. You have shown yourselves patient while waiting for this dawn so I think you understand what I mean. Patience is a virtue and you have practiced this virtue well now. It is a good tool to bring with you in this work that you now are starting up.
It is a great day on Earth. It is great and bright day for Earth and all her inhabitants. Tears of joy are pouring down many a cheek today. It is a mild and welcoming energy that is spreading around Earth today. Are you sufficiently sensitive so that you can feel it around you now? It is here right now at this moment of writing. It brings with it mildness and release. It is a mild and loving energy that is spreading over Earth today. Many tears may fill your eyes when you feel its effect. It is as if a load has been lifted from your shoulders and you can breathe out in joy and release. This is your creation dear Earthlings. You release humanity from the chains that so long have kept them captive. It is the greatest and finest one can do for each other. I humbly bow to this great gift and my eyes are also filled with tears. These are tears with joy and love for Earth and its people.
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah,
哈利路亚... ... ...
I take leave of you now in great love.
通灵: Ann Dahlberg
翻译:Nick Chan