I am Uriel, the ascension’s guide and light.
It is with gratitude and joy that I now and in the future will be able to channel through this channel.
The ascension process is proceeding according to plan and at a flow that is convenient enough for everybody. Even if we have great knowledge about what you can manage and need there are many of us on this “side”that never have incarnated on Earth and more than that, left our highest frequency to evolve back and expand further than that.
This means that we in a sense are “new”on this job and not always in full knowledge of how hard it is for you. With this I want to ask you for help to convey to us when you want to push forward more with your ascension, when you can handle more, but also the opposite. When it goes to fast and becomes to painful and hard, let us know then and ask us to lower the intensity a bit.
It is a job that we are doing together and a clear communication and intention will help all us along the way.Primarily you here on Earth, you warriors who experience the transformation from a three dimensional perspective, even if the journey basically is loving it is in some way painful, hard and tough for you. We are aware of this truth, but as mentioned before many of us cannot feel it, experience it and understand it as you do.Communicate with us and remember that we are doing this together, your journey is our journey –your journey is the journey of the whole humanity and that of the Universe.
You are the light warriors, the light bearers and it is with such great a pleasure that we now are approaching the end of Project Earth.This phase is the most exciting, most developing and most fantastic phase of your missions –when you again reunite with each other, when you fully remember who you are as unique light souls and integrate this truth on a cellular level, when you through your memories, your eyes, your feelings and experiences finally get to see the truth, God and love show his eternity, his infinity and his love.
It is with an overwhelming happiness that we soon get to see each other close again.
All of God’s love,Uriel
通灵:Angel Skog
翻译:Nick Chan