原创 2017-09-09 佛陀 新纪元扬升之光
Channeled through Natalie Glasson – 8th September2017 –
Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa
Re-codingTime by Lord Buddha
With pure Planetary Level consciousness, I, Lord Buddha, comeforth to greet you. I am the overseer of the Planetary Level and a guardian of thelight of the Creator. It is my purpose to oversee the spiritual evolution ofall within the Planetary level and deliver all that is the Creator to you.Every shift in ascension flows from higher dimensions through my being to youand all of humanity. Today I share with you the light, messages and divine willof the Creator as they divinely flow through my being. Please be open toreceive, and I will fill you with a pure white light of great wisdom andempowerment.
Contemplating Time
I amdivinely guided to communicate with you about time. Time is a natural part ofyour reality upon the Earth; it encourages you to create structure in yourlife, to distinguish between days that you have already experienced and daysyou have yet to experience. Time creates a seemingly linear movement to yourlife which helps you comprehend your role, purpose and presence in the world.If the process of following a clock and calendar was erased from the world, youmight feel relieved for a while, feeling that you had finally grasped yourfreedom. Due to being previously dependant on time, you may find yourself lost.Days would continue because of the cycles of the sun. However, the illusion ofyour current reality being your only reality would fall away. As if a veil isremoved, you would be able to see, sense and acknowledge all of your lifetimes atonce. Not only would you be aware of every lifetime you have experienced on theEarth and inner planes, you would experience every moment of every lifetimesimultaneously. Contemplate for a moment what this would feel like.
Your consciousness and awareness would be everywhere and ineverything. You would be expansive and omnipresent. No longer would you befocused upon one reality with the goals and lessons of that lifetime. You wouldbe learning and growing through multiple lives, realities and experiences. Withthis in mind recognise how blessed you are that you only have to move throughone reality and have the space to give the aspect of yourself that you are nowcomplete attention. Time can be limiting; it can also be a blessing, creating aspace for accelerated growth and empowerment. Even within the limits of time,the challenges of other lifetimes are transferred into your current reality;sometimes this is the only way that healing can take place.
While time is valued by your soul as a limitation that bringsforth focus, the ultimate goal of your soul is to move to an awareness that isbeyond time. Where there are no limitations between lifetimes, only theexperience of simultaneous living. This is essential because it allows you tomove into a space of oneness. By observing and experiencing all of yourlifetimes and existences simultaneously, you are expanding yourself to oncemore become and recognise that each is a part of and aspect of your being. Whenyou accept and integrate with all aspects of your whole, you create the onenessthat you are. Essentially you move beyond being many aspects with manyrealities, ascending into a newly recognised form of yourself, where you are nolonger many beings. Instead, you are one whole source of light andconsciousness, remembering and recognising yourself as being one with theCreator.
The Purpose of Re-coding Time Within You
I, LordBuddha, am reminding you of this information now as I am guided to support youin experiencing an activation within your being. This activation is connectedto releasing the limitations of time by re-coding with light the presence oftime within your mind, body and being. Time is only a belief and yet everythingthat is in manifestation is energy and consciousness. Therefore, time althoughonly a concept exists as energy and consciousness within your being, or hascreated a particular vibration within your being that aids its continuedcreation in your reality. I, Lord Buddha wish to re-code time within your beingto support a greater experience of the wholeness and oneness of your being.This process may also allow you to glimpse other lifetimes which will bringunderstanding and healing to those lifetimes and your current existence. A newawareness of being as one with everything that has been created and that is theCreator will dawn. You may even feel, even if only for a few moments, that youare at peace with everything and are everything. This allows judgment to fallaway; you cannot judge yourself unless you wish to cause yourself pain andhurt. Expansion into your truth will take place. While you will stillparticipate in the presence and concept of time on the Earth, you may find youare able to see beyond the illusion of time when needed, communicate with otheraspects of the Creator without boundaries and observe the greater picture ofall.
Re-coding of Time Activation
‘Dear Lord Buddha, please transport me to your Planetary LevelAshram to fully experience, accept and embody the re-cording of time activationwithin my being. May I experience a greater perception of my expandedconsciousness, oneness with all and the wholeness of the Creator. Help me tosee time anew, with an evolved understanding that allows me to see beyond thelimitations and illusions of time, recognising myself in all my aspects. Let mealso value and be grateful for the limitations and boundaries of time, whichallows me to focus my energy on one aspect of my being, experiencing a deepintimacy with myself as the Creator. I know it is not appropriate for me to letgo completely of time. Instead, I move through the illusions of time seeing thetruth of the Creator with ease and grace. I now fully accept the new codes oflight concerning time into my being allowing a re-coding of my being to takeplace and a divinely guided activation of light and enlightenment. Ingratitude, always.’
The re-coding of time within your being will takeplace with the support of myself, Lord Buddha, and the Twelve Buddhas presentwithin my Planetary Ashram. When you visit the Planetary Ashram, you will beasked to lie down. Many clear and white energetic crystals of all shapes andsizes will be placed purposefully upon your body to connect with energyreceivers in your body and auric field. We, Lord Buddha and the Twelve Buddhaswill then send to you the energy transmission we have received from the Creatorwhich holds the codes to awaken a new perception of time within your being. Thecodes will travel and anchor into your being through us as we direct the energyinto the crystals placed upon your body. The crystals will assist all aspectsof your body and being in absorbing the light and codes with ease andperfection. They will do so by opening up your energy points in your being andoscillating your cells to align with the new vibrations anchoring into yourbeing. The old programs connected to your perception of time will then bereleased as your cells oscillate with a new frequency. We will then surroundyou in pure love which will seep into your being to support you as areas ofyour being activate creating beautiful transformations within the way youperceive yourself, the world and your other lifetimes. It is important toremain within our light for as long as feels appropriate and necessary so thatthe re-coding of time can take place fully within your being.
After the Activation
When youfeel the process is complete, you can simply ask us to ground you appropriatelyinto the Earth and your current earthly reality. We will do so aligning thetransformation taken place within your being to your physical body and reality.This activation only needs to be experienced once, although if you feel guided,please experience it as many times as you wish. In the days that follow theactivation take time to be in peace and stillness. Meditate in silence focusingon the peace and expansion within your being. In doing so, you will furtheractivate the codes placed within your being allowing an awareness of yourselfbeyond time to dawn within you. It could be that you see, sense or acknowledgeyourself beyond the limitations of time, recognising the many aspects of yourbeing and the wholeness that you are, even if it is only a glimpse. It willempower the codes of light placed within your being and allow a continuousactivation and transformation within your perception of time, your reality and existence.
This isthe beginning of a journey of you discovering yourself beyond that which youcurrently recognise yourself to be.
音頻來源: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zY8xSYhs-Ic