2017年4月30日 16:05
2017 年 4 月 30 日
Lord Ashtar
To Begin Monday, May 1, 2017
三位一体冥想 No.758
周一, 5 月 1 日
Greetings, Ashtar here. Let’s get right to it, shall we? Theenergies coming to earth from your sun have eased a bit, however,the planet’s electromagnetic grid still requires some attention. Sofor the first five minutes of your meditation you are asked to onceagain send the energy of Love to that grid, holding the DivineIntention of ‘Balance’.
问候大家,我是阿斯塔。让我们直接开始吧。现在从太阳来到地球的能量放缓了些,然而地球的电磁网络仍然需要些关注。因此冥想的第一个 5 分钟,请发送爱的能量给那个网络,保持平衡的神圣意念。
For the next five minutes you are asked to send Love and Lightinto the Lightworker Grid. This is our base, so to speak, and wemust strive to keep it strong.
下个 5 分钟,请发送爱和光给光工网络。这是我们的基础,因此我们必须使它保持健壮。
For the last five minutes you are asked to send Love to theWater grid on your planet.
最后的 5 分钟,请发送爱给地球的水网络。
Lastly, we would ask that each of you go through your comingweek as the Lighthouses, the Wayshowers that you are, beaming Lightand Love to everyone you meet, all circumstances you come upon.This is your Mission, and we walk it with you in Love. I am Ashtar.Salute!
來源 : 丙辰甲己的文章 http://t.cn/RXgYiKj
如是說痞客邦 : http://russ999.pixnet.net/blog
( 圖文 转自网络 , 版權歸屬原作者)
2017 年 4 月 30 日
Lord Ashtar
To Begin Monday, May 1, 2017
三位一体冥想 No.758
周一, 5 月 1 日
Greetings, Ashtar here. Let’s get right to it, shall we? Theenergies coming to earth from your sun have eased a bit, however,the planet’s electromagnetic grid still requires some attention. Sofor the first five minutes of your meditation you are asked to onceagain send the energy of Love to that grid, holding the DivineIntention of ‘Balance’.
问候大家,我是阿斯塔。让我们直接开始吧。现在从太阳来到地球的能量放缓了些,然而地球的电磁网络仍然需要些关注。因此冥想的第一个 5 分钟,请发送爱的能量给那个网络,保持平衡的神圣意念。
For the next five minutes you are asked to send Love and Lightinto the Lightworker Grid. This is our base, so to speak, and wemust strive to keep it strong.
下个 5 分钟,请发送爱和光给光工网络。这是我们的基础,因此我们必须使它保持健壮。
For the last five minutes you are asked to send Love to theWater grid on your planet.
最后的 5 分钟,请发送爱给地球的水网络。
Lastly, we would ask that each of you go through your comingweek as the Lighthouses, the Wayshowers that you are, beaming Lightand Love to everyone you meet, all circumstances you come upon.This is your Mission, and we walk it with you in Love. I am Ashtar.Salute!
來源 : 丙辰甲己的文章 http://t.cn/RXgYiKj