The message that I have for you, Dear Reader, is for you to continue to go within for that is where you will find me, for that is where you will find you, for that is where we will find each other for there is no going back in this your Spiritual and in this your Soulful journey for you are needed to be the wayshowers, for you are needed to be the waydoers, for you are needed to be the waygivers for all those around you who have yet to go within themselves, and so I call upon each and every one of you, Dear Readers, for it is you who was called to do this work for those who cannot yet do the work themselves, and so I call upon each and every one of you, Dear Readers, to continue to go within into your HeartSoul, to continue to go within into your HeartSpace, and to continue to go within into your SoulSpace, for that is where you are, for that is where I am, for that is where WE, together as ONE will be, for that is where WE, together as ONE, will meet, for that is where WE, together as ONE, will do what it is that WE came here to do, and that is to be the way, that is to be the light, that is to be the guiding force for all those around you who have yet to know, who have yet to see, and who have yet to believe that they too came to be the light, that they too came to be the guiding force, and that they too came to be the way, for that is what is needed right now, the showers to show us all the way this day, this most wonderful and this most greatest day imaginable here on Earth as it is here in the Heavens.
And this is the message that I have for you, Dear Reader, right now.
Your loving God the Creator.