



The message that I, God the Creator, have for you Dear Reader today is for you to KNOW that YOU ARE FROM GOD, is for you to KNOW that YOU COME FROM GOD, is for YOU to KNOW that YOU LIVE WITH GOD, for God is within each and within every one of you reading this God Channeled Daily Message, for that is who you are and for that is where you come from, and so what I need you, Dear Reader, to know right now is that YOU ARE ONE and that YOU ARE WITH GOD the Creator there on Earth as it is here in the Heavens, for that is WHO YOU ARE and for that is WHAT YOU CAME THERE TO DO, to be like God, to live like God, to love like God for that is who you are and for that is where you come from, and so what I need you to know, Dear Reader, is I need YOU TO KNOW that YOU ARE FROM GOD, that YOU ARE FROM THE GREATEST and FROM THE GRANDEST CREATION THAT YOU WILL EVER KNOW and that YOU WILL EVER IMAGINE there on Earth, for YOU ARE FROM ALL OF US HERE IN THE HEAVENS, for YOU ARE FROM GOD, THE CREATOR OF THE HEAVENS, FOR YOU ARE FROM GOD THE CREATOR HIMSELF and FOR YOU ARE FROM GOD THE CREATOR HERSELF, for that is WHO YOU ARE and for that is WHAT YOU CAME THERE TO BE and that is GOD, that is GOD LOVE and that is GOD SOUL.




And this is the message that I have for you, Dear Reader, right now.




Your loving God the Creator.






翻译:Nick Chan


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