Awaken to see the morning in all of its glory. The world looks anew and everything is full of promise. No matter how dark the road behind or in front of you may be, bask in this beautiful moment and be grateful for all that you have. This moment is all that you have and is all that matters. See it as a promise of what is to come – the dawning of a new era in your life where the Earth and Universe provides all that you need.
On this new day, life is a gift and the world is your oyster. Feel the energy of creation flow through your veins; you are alive and all that is on the Earth is yours to experience. What is it that you have been putting off? What have you been too timid, too tired or too busy to do? Seize the moment and make time. Make a promise to yourself right now, in this glorious moment, to do for yourself the things you have never had the time, energy or confidence to do. When you make this decision, the Universe will hear you and will assist you to follow through with your plans.
Change your thinking and you can change your life. How have you been denying yourself the opportunities that are open to you, should you believe in them? What excuses have you been making for not allowing yourself to be the best that you can be. Have you been allowing others to influence your beliefs because you do not feel you are worthy enough? Now is the time to change your thinking and take control of your life. Believe in yourself and others will do the same. Now is the time!
Renew your enthusiasm and you will see things afresh. How has your life been dreary, without excitement or interest? Or perhaps you have been so busy that the world is simply passing you by? No one else can change your situation but you! What can YOU do to change your life, even if you need to work within the restrictions of your work or home life? What can you tell yourself that will help you to change the way you view others and the world around you? How can you use this glorious moment to inspire you to take a leap of faith and do what you have always wanted to do, or to at least dare to dream that it may be impossible? When you believe it, you can create it because it will suddenly seem possible and achievable.
As you start the day, give thanks for all that you have, even if it doesn’t seem like much to you. Wealth can be measured in many ways, but no material object on Earth can be taken with you when your soul departs your body. What do you have in your life that can be measured but not held in your hands? Love, family, friendship, health, children, beautiful surroundings….give thanks for your blessings and the abundance in your life IN THIS MOMENT. Feel the joy as you embark on your day and know that your intentions and affirmations are powerful manifestors of your dreams.
I AM the one you know as Jesus
Love and blessings to you.
约书亚 20180424 觉醒至新的黎明
通灵:Victoria Cochrane
翻译:Nick Chan