Seek out your Inspiration
When you expect your creativity to flow, it does! Set your intentions towards creating the life of your dreams and dream big while you are at it.Set no limits on the bounds of creation for this is truly an unlimited universe and the sooner you make that your knowing, the faster the universe can respond to those dreams.Trust is an important part of the journey...and truly, what have you got to lose except this opportunity that is before you now.
You can choose to isolate yourself and continue to go it alone or you can take the risk of creating what you truly desire.The choice is entirely yours and the risk of vulnerability is worth it.Trust! If it is healing you desire, set your intention and watch for the signs.If it is love that you seek, set your intention and then become more loving.And so it goes, what you seek, you will find when you get out of the way and take some chances and trust in the Universe.
The mantra for today is:"I trust in the Universe to respond to my requests and assist me in creating them."
And so it is
You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels and guides