Mother Mary says, dear heart, I am Mother Mary. I come today with important news. Divine has decreed that the Divine ascension effort has paid off. There are enormous numbers of light workers who are ascending at the moment. Yes, the effort to bring our light workers home is tremendous, and the result is indeed very rewarding. After Mother's call and Divine's call for the ascension of the light workers, souls heard the calls and ascended in numbers we have not seen before. And that is the good news. For that, Divine is convinced that all our light workers eventually can and will come home with the Mother, ascend and start the next phase so that the Divine plan can move forward without delay. That is our goal, and we are feeling pretty good about it.
I love you dear heart, I am Mother Mary. In the recent shift, Divine Mother called our light workers and asked them to ascend. After the call, we, the Divine, did a tremendous amount of work in order to make our light worker's ascension smooth. In just the last few days, we have had quite a big wave of light workers ascend, coming with Divine Mother's ascension Rays, arriving in the 5th dimension. For that, the Divine feels such relief because now we know that our light workers heard Mother's calling.
In this ascension process, from time to time, Divine sends out clarion calls to our light workers. Some times, our light workers hear the calls and other times get lost. In other words, sometimes there is little response to the calls. And other times, our light workers hear the calls right away and action is followed. So, it is a tricky thing. It is almost like you never know what kind of response we get after the clarion calls are sent out. This time is different because the call was sent out directly from the Mother. And Mother's calls are the universal laws. In other words, every time Divine Mother sends out a clarion call, that call automatically becomes the law and every soul will need to obey that Divine law. That is how this universe functions, and how we manage the light workers and beyond.
Due to the dense environment on the planet earth, our clarion calls sometimes get lost, and that was caused us concern in the past. In order to fix that problem, our Divine Mother made calls lately. She wants to make sure the Divine laws get implemented on the planet so that Souls listen to the Divine and their high callings. That is why you see Divine Mother's calls more often now, and that is going to be the trend from this point on.
Divine Mother wants our efforts to pay off and she wants our light workers to know the protocols and act on the Divine protocols. That is why you will see more and more of the Divine messages being delivered by the Divine Mother. In other words, our beloved Divine Mother will be the voice from now on, carrying out our Divine mission and voicing what is to come.
So, be prepared dear heart. Know our Divine Mother is the ultimate Divine force and voice. She is the Divine. She is the laws. She carries the Divine plan with her, and she can send whatever messages she sees fit. our light workers need to obey the Divine laws and messages, and that is the soul calling, the ultimate calls from the Mother. At the soul level, you all know this well. But when you come into human form, you mind tends to get in the way. Sometimes, ego gets you into trouble, and that is unfortunate, because at the soul level, you know you need to obey the Mother, the ultimate source, with no condition whatsoever. But in human form, you forget your soul condition, you forget who and what you are. You pay no attention to Divine laws, and you violate the Divine laws sometimes without even knowing it. And that price you have to pay nevertheless, and sometimes that price is so high that your soul suffers a great deal. And yet, at the human level, you still might not know why and how you get yourself into trouble. That is so unfortunate dear heart. Listen to the Mother. Know she is the ultimate Divine. She represents the laws and carries the laws. Every word she utters is the Divine law. No questions asked, only actions to follow. That is the Divine order, and that is what souls should do.
So, next time when you hear a call from the Divine Mother, or a message from the ultimate force, know it is the law. It requires your full attention and follow up. No argument needed. All you need to do is to obey and take action. Know at soul level, it is required of you to obey the Divine laws and Divine Mother is the Divine laws and Divine Mother is the Divine laws carrier. She is the universe. She is the laws. No soul is higher than her. She represents the ultimate truth. She is the truth. So, no questions asked.
I love you dear ones, I am Mother Mary. In this ascension journey, we, the Divine, have repeatedly told the Divine Mother that the planet earth is a lawless place, and that has to change. Now, our Divine Mother has arrived. And she is going to do just that. She is going to make sure the planet has laws, and the Divine laws get established on the planet over the next couple of years and decades. She has appointed the Divine ambassadors who will carry out her will, implement the universal laws in this lawless planet. She has the team ready. They are all on alert, waiting for the right moment. It is all in Divine's timing. We have all the ingredients now on the planet. We have all the light workers being appointed, and we have the Divine team ready.
In the next twelve months or so, the changes will be enormous. We, the Divine, are going to roll out all the new systems, systems for the Divine government, and the brand new system for the planet and individuals on the planet. We have downloaded on the planet. We have downloaded a brand new civilization for the human race, and we have the full intent to implement the new systems and new laws so that when all of this is done, the planet will be a brand new civilized place where the other civilizations can come to visit, and other races can actually come and stay if they so choose.
I love you dear heart, I am Mother Mary. In the next few days, Divine is going to continue the push for our light workers to ascend. We know that a high percentage of the light workers are ascending. Some may ascend sooner, but there are still small numbers of the light workers who are deeply rooted in the 3rd dimension. We, the Divine, will do whatever it takes to help them to get out there and ascend on time. It is the Divine order, and we need to follow it so that no one should worry about whether she or he could or should ascend. At this moment, all should ascend, and at a fast speed. No more questions. All need to ascend. That is Mother's call, Divine's will. We need to hear it and act on it. That is all. We are all in it together dear heart, let's make the journey smooth, and ascend so that we can start the next phase, and your next phase will be easier. That is quaranteed. I love you dear heart, I am Mother Mary. So it is.
通灵:Linda Li
翻译:Nick Chan