You are now existing within a period of the Earth’s ascension where a multi – dimensional shift is taking place. While ascension waves and activation’s take place all the time, impacting numerous dimensions, the shift occurring now is different. Each person on the Earth and each soul on the inner planes is connecting with every aspect of themselves on all 352 dimensions of the Creator’s Universe. It is important to remember each person is born from the Creator, manifesting in numerous forms in diverse areas of the Universe. This means you are connected to every expression of the Creator. In this ascension shift, you are being asked to reconnect with all expressions and manifestations of yourself. It is impossible to understand or even acknowledge each expression and existence of yourself, therefore, an intention of connection is enough. The aspects of yourself which are most important, influential, or inspirational will make themselves known to you.
As each person/soul connects with greater aspects of themselves so they will absorb and reactivate wisdom, healing, spiritual awakening, and enlightenment. Allowing a surge of clarity and inner knowings to ground into each being and Mother Earth. While the wisdom anchored will create deep awakenings into a new way of existing for many, the most important manifestation is the presence of unity. As each soul connects with their multi – dimensional self so the entire Earth and the Universe of the Creator is united in oneness, unity, and harmony. It is the conscious awareness of unity which is the key. Each being is always connected, however, to experience and embody this fully is a powerful conscious engagement with the Creator.
Imagine if in your current reality you experienced a deep resonance of unity and oneness with every being in your world whether physical or energetic. Imagine you constantly experienced a complete togetherness with the Creator. How would this impact your reality and experience on the Earth? Would you feel more grounded, have greater clarity concerning your pathway on the Earth and trust in your own healing journey?
The Universe of the Creator and the Earth are uniting in order to create and manifest the presence of the Creator in all realities. Humanity is being asked and invited to witness this, to embody the shift and learn to express it through their beings, actions, and reactions. Never has humanity had the opportunity to consciously feel so supported and embraced by each other and the Universe of the Creator.
Illusion and Truth
You are a unique blend of different energies, influences, and expressions on many levels of your being. At a physical level, you may be influenced by your nationality, culture, historical events, family, rules, judgments and so forth. At an energetic level, you may be influenced by your soul, soul group, team of guides, angelic guides, and the Creator. Mother Earth and her cycles impact your being as does the collective consciousness of humanity. There are numerous factors that create you as the way you recognise yourself today. When we add a connection with your multi – dimensional self, we can recognise that it may be challenging to recognise what is illusion and what is truth. You may begin to question who you really are, experiencing confusion and uncertainty. The aim of the multidimensional shift taking place now is to bring forth a clear understanding which continues to evolve your truth and who you are.
There is a need to explore and exist for a while in this space of realising the numerous influences upon your being. As you begin to contemplate why you make certain actions, reactions, and creations, you will begin to acknowledge what is illusion and what is truth. Another perspective is to acknowledge and observe what serves you and what does not. You have the divine right to let go of any influences or impacts which do not serve you in your current reality and ascension. You also have the divine right to more fully embrace the influences which serve and fulfil you. The more you take time to access, explore and exist from this space, the more you will receive yourself as a unique blend, with everything you need and require available to you and accessed through you.
To release influences which no longer serve you, use the following invocation:
‘Saint Germain, I invite you to be present with me, embracing me in your transformational and liberating energy. Please release from my being any influences and impacts from outside or inside of me which do not serve and fulfill me. Please eternally release and liberate me from the impacts and influences which create illusion and a false identity in my reality and being. May I receive the necessary healing to support this powerful shift of awakening, self-realisation, and truth. Thank you.’
Allow me, Saint Germain, to come forth and work energetically with you to achieve the appropriate healing.
The Dawning of Your Unique Perspective of the World
When you recognise your Multi – Dimensional Self you also need to recognise the same in others. It is a recognition that you are greater than your existence on the Earth and sum, therefore so is everyone else. You are connected to and able to express the entire Universe of the Creator, as does everyone else. You are a unique combination of different and diverse energies carefully drawn from the Universe of the Creator to manifest and be expressed on the Earth, creating a specific reality and purpose. This is the same for everyone else on the Earth. Your specific existence then merges and synchronises beautifully with each person on the Earth creating a greater picture and collective mission which further manifests the Creator. It is your divine mission and purpose to exist in harmony with yourself, then with all beings and expressions of the Creator. Simply holding the intention of doing so, will create a deeper awakening and remembrance of your unity and divine purpose with all beings.
The Multi – Dimensional Ascension Shift of the Earth
As each soul connects with their multi-dimensional self, and therefore, unites with all expressions of the Creator at an energetic level, so a power surge is created which will flow into each being. Thus, each being has the power to create and manifest their reality aligned with their truth and Creator expression. With the deep connection to all aspects of self and truth, each creation and manifestation will not only serve the individual, it will also fulfill all beings and the Ascension of the Earth. This is the purpose of the multi – dimensional shift, to reinstate unity consciousness, so each creation serves the greater purpose and divine plan. Everyone will experience their creations and manifestations anchoring and connecting with greater speed and potential because each person is being supported by the whole; the complete nature of the Creator.
It is important to recognise that each person because of their current level of spiritual awakening and belief systems exists at different and diverse energy frequencies. Therefore, through each person the truth of the Creator is anchoring into all frequencies, this in itself creates a powerful ascension shift.
With each person being energised and enthused with so much light so there are powerful opportunities for humanity and all beings within the Universe of the Creator to create a numerous impactful and fulfilling guided ascension shift to serve all. This is a multi – dimensional ascension shift.
Embrace your multi – dimensional self and ascension purpose, recognise the truth within yourself and all being, including the Creator.
With eternal love and blessings, Saint Germain.
传导:Natalie Glasson
翻译:Nick Chan