
Pearl翻譯 │ 2018-05-09






 【本傑明·富爾福德】 201857 新聞快訊

Purge at highest levels of secret government spells doom for the satanists

Benjamin Fulford, 7 May, 2018


A change of guard and a purge of secret power brokers is breaking the deadlock in the battle for the Earth, say Pentagon, Vatican, agency, and other sources. This is expected to result in the official disclosure of 9/11 and 3/11 truth as well as the removal of several G7 leaders, according to the sources. To kick off this process, Admiral Mike Rogers, the head of the NSA who “resigned” on May 4th, “will testify before Congress to deal death blow to the cabal,” Pentagon sources say. A publicly visible sign of this change was the formal election of Fra’ Giacomo Dalla Torre as the 80th Grand Master of the Knights of Malta on May 2.




This is important because the Knights of Malta is not just a charity, but a military order whose members, the tip top of the Western elite, must obey orders. At one point MI6 sent me a list of the members of the order and I saw that it included enough senior U.S. military officers and agency officials to control the military-industrial complex.




Unfortunately, somebody was so concerned about my having it that it was removed from my computer along with a removable backup hard drive I thought I had hidden away. Nonetheless, other public lists show the order includes people like George Bush Sr. and Jr., Henry Kissinger, David Rockefeller, Queen Elizabeth, etc.




What is interesting about Dalla Torre is that he obeys Pope Francis, unlike his predecessor, Fra’ Robert Festing, who reported to Cardinal Raymond Burke. This is what self-described satanist Leo Zagami had to say about this move:




Our worst fears became real when the last traditionalist Order that poses a threat to Francis, the Knights of Malta, still immensely powerful within the military and intelligence community worldwide (including the conservative side of the C.I.A), have seemingly lost their battle for the defense of tradition and Christianity.”




Zagami has told this writer he has eaten human fetuses and participated in occult ceremonies to “summon demons” and other entities. I suppose that it is this “tradition” that he is defending. He also said Christianity was “a religion for the slaves.” So the “Christianity” he is defending is the continued enslavement of humanity.




In any case, these changes are not just connected to religion, but are also intimately linked to the highest levels of world finance and power. This is because the Vatican secretly controls most world governments and leaders by giving them a choice between “lead or silver,” i.e. assassination or a large deposit in their name at the Vatican bank, confirmed by P2 Freemasons and other sources.




On this front, Vatican #3 and person in charge of Finance, Cardinal George Pell, has been removed from power ostensibly because he faces criminal charges for covering up sex abuse in the church. Coincidentally, his trial began on May 2, the same day the Knights of Malta elected their new leader.




This means that the apex of Western finance, the essence of the Deep State, is under new management.




These changes coincide with a huge move by Pope Francis to use high-level financial instruments to finance a massive campaign in South America and Africa to fight poverty and environmental destruction, P2 Freemason sources say. There is a lot we are being asked not to write at this time, but we can confirm this move has seemingly unlimited funding behind it.




Also, CIA sources in Asia and Rothschild family sources both say high-level intrigue involving gold and rights to historical assets is going on. A Rothschild source, for example, says that “Julia Divinagracia, aka Alpha & Omega, was kidnapped.” Alpha & Omega, according to both CIA and FSB sources, financed both the West and the Soviet Union during the Cold War. The CIA sources, for their part, report new Rothschild-connected moves to take over the gold mines of Bougainville and other parts of Southeast Asia. Photographs of certain “individuals of interest” are being circulated by the CIA in relation to these intrigues, the sources say.




In any case, apart from this Byzantine-type intrigue, there is a clear unity inside the U.S. military-industrial complex and a determination on their part to permanently end cabal rule, Pentagon sources say.




To this end, the above-mentioned “White-hat Rogers (NSA) now joins former intelligence officials Mike Flynn (Defense Intelligence Agency), Buzzy Krongard (CIA), Louis Freeh, Bob Mueller (FBI), and military brass as Trump’s praetorian guard to deep six the Deep State,” the Pentagon sources promise.




The new head of the NSA, General Paul Nakasone, will also control the CIA and will report to the joint chiefs of staff, the sources note. Former CIA head Mike Pompeo, who now heads the State Department, has reported to active duty, meaning the U.S. State Department is also under control of the U.S. military government now, the sources note.




A visible sign this means real change, of course, is the move towards peace in the Korean Peninsula. Another sign has been the State Department’s decision to cut off funding to the fake “white helmets” propaganda outfit in Syria.




As the sources note, “the Deep State is reeling as sealed indictments exceed 29,000, the Department of Justice, the CIA, the FBI, and the State Department are being purged, and Bush Sr. was kicked out of hospital.”   Entering a hospital is a tried-and-true method used by Deep State operatives to avoid arrest.




It is interesting to note that John “Daesh” McCain has announced that he will invite George W. Bush and Barack Obama to speak at his upcoming “funeral” as he dies of “natural causes,” but will not invite Trump.




Of course, the elephant in the room that everybody avoids by using the euphemism “Deep State” is Israel and the Zionists who were McCain’s sponsors. For them, events are unraveling very quickly. Satan-worshipping Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been “summoned to Moscow on May 9 to watch a victory parade where Putin will deliver an ultimatum to end the final conflict that has been holding up the global currency reset,” the sources say.




Zionism is in its death throes, as Israel is globally isolated in its quest to kill the Iran deal and will be soon exposed for 9/11 and 3/11,” the Pentagon sources add. In addition, top Zionist White House agent Jared Kushner has been sidelined, they note. Israel is now “surrounded by superior Russian weapons, targeted by global boycott, divest, and sanction (BDS), unable to force Congress to pass an anti-free-speech law that punishes BDS supporters, defeated in lawfare when it lost the U.S. Supreme Court case Jesner v. Arab Bank, and was denied a seat on the UN Security Council.”


五角大樓的消息來源接著說:“猶太復國主義正在垂死掙扎,因為以色列正在要求撕毀《伊朗核協議》而被全球所孤立,並且將很快被曝光它在911311事件當中所扮演的角色。”除此以外,他們指出,頂級猶太復國主義者兼白宮裡邊的特工——賈里德·庫什納,已經被邊緣化了。以色列現在“已經被俄羅斯的先進武器包圍,成為全球抵制、剝奪、和制裁 (BDS)的目標,無法強迫美國國會通過反自由言論法,無法懲罰那些支持抵制、剝奪、和制裁的人,輸掉了傑斯納起訴阿拉伯銀行的美國最高法院案件,並且被拒絕提供聯合國安全理事會的席位。”


The other thing the Pentagon sources said was that the U.S. Second Fleet was reactivated to “protect the East Coast and EU while keeping China and Israel away in a joint U.S.-Russian security architecture.”




The mention of EU in the context of a “joint U.S.-Russian security architecture,” implies that Russia and the U.S. have reached some sort of deal over the EU. It is intriguing because Amsterdam’s Schiphol Airport was shut down all night on April 29th due to a “power failure.” Since modern airports have multiple redundant backup power supplies, it is a good guess the airport was shut down to allow special forces to deploy throughout Europe in order to remove top cabal targets.




Over the next week we need to keep an eye on visible remaining cabal leaders like Theresa May in the UK, Angela Merkel in Germany, and Emmanuel Macron in France.




Regarding Macron, sources in the French National Transition Council say he is so isolated from his own security forces that he uses foreign bodyguards to whom he speaks in English. Imagine what Americans would feel like if the U.S. President used non-American, Spanish-speaking bodyguards.




On May 5th, over 5,000 demonstrators, many of them military and other government officials, marched on a mental hospital in Paris to demand the release of Marc Granier, a member of France’s elite CRS VIP protection force. Granier was forcibly placed in an insane asylum after he exposed high-level government malfeasance (including multiple assassinations of government officials, police officers, journalists, etc.) in a YouTube video released on May 2nd, , the council notes. The video (in French) can be seen here:




Granier left detailed evidence with the Transition Council as well as with the Russian Embassy in Paris as insurance in case something happens to him. Well, it has happened, so we shall see how long the satan-worshipping Macron and his fake government remain in power.




On a final note, several Japanese right-wing leaders and members of mutual self-defense organizations (mislabeled as organized crime syndicates) have contacted this writer to inform him that Japan’s various underground organizations are uniting under a single banner. This means the Yamaguchi-gumi, the Inagawa-kai, and the Sumiyoshi-kai will be joining forces to make sure Japan becomes an independent country once again.





Pearl 翻譯









《清洗最高層秘密政府   意味撒旦崇拜的墳墓》


據五角大樓、梵蒂岡、機構和其他消息來源透露,一場針對秘密權力掮客的保護和清洗,打破了解放地球戰的僵局。消息人士表示,這將促使官方公佈 911 事件和 311 事件的真相,以及數名 G7 領導人的下台。五角大樓消息說,為了啟動這一進程,本月 4 日「辭職」的美國國安局局長邁克·羅傑斯( Mike Rogers )上將「將在國會作證,作為對付陰謀集團的致命打擊。」


在此變化中,顯而易見的是,馬耳他騎士團的第 80 代大宗師的選舉在本月 2 日舉行。






對達拉·托瑞( Dalla Torre )來說,有趣的是,他不像他的前任羅伯特·費斯汀( Robert Festing )那樣聽命於羅馬教皇,他是向紅衣主教雷蒙德·伯克( Raymond Burke )效忠的。下面是撒旦信徒里奧·扎卡米( Leo Zagami )對這一舉動的看法:



Pope Francis (R) receives the Grand Master of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, Giacomo Dalla Torre del Tempio di Sanguinetto during a private audience at the Vatican, 23 June 2017. EPA/ALBERTO PIZZOLI / POOL

教皇法蘭西斯() 2017623日在梵蒂岡的一次私人聽證會上接見馬爾他騎士團大師吉亞科莫.達拉.托雷..桑金內托






在這方面,梵蒂岡的 3 號人物,負責金融事務的紅衣主教喬治·佩爾( George Pell )被炒掉,表面上是掩蓋教堂性侵犯醜聞而面臨刑事指控。巧合的是,他的審判開始於本月 2 日,就在同一天,馬耳他騎士在進行新領導人的選舉。

 紅衣主教喬治·佩爾(George Pell






此外,美國中情局在亞洲和羅斯柴爾德家族的消息來源都表示,涉及黃金和歷史資產權利的高層陰謀正在進行。例如,羅氏的一位消息人士說,「茱莉亞·查里亞奇亞( Julia Divinagracia ),又名阿爾法·奧米加( Alpha & Omega )遭到綁架了。」


根據中情局和俄羅斯聯邦安全局( FSB )的消息來源, Alpha Omega 在冷戰期間為西方和蘇聯提供了資金。而中情局的消息來源則報導了羅氏聯營採取新的行動,以接管布干維爾和東南亞其他地區的金礦。消息人士表示,中情局正在傳閱有關「個人利益」的照片,這些照片與這些陰謀有關。




為了達到此目的,上述的「白帽子羅傑斯( Rogers/ 美國國安局)現在加入前情報官員邁克·弗林( Mike Flynn/ 國防情報局)、布茲·克朗德( Buzzy Krongard/ 中情局)、路易斯·弗里、鮑勃·米勒( Louis Freeh Bob Mueller/ 聯邦調查局),以及軍方的高級官員的陣營,他們都是特朗普的禁衛軍,他們的目標是陰森國度的六個州。」五角大樓消息如此表示。


消息來源指出,美國國安局新任局長鮑爾·中曾根( Paul Nakasone )將軍也將控制中情局,並將向參謀長聯席會議報告。消息人士指出,前中情局局長麥克·龐培( Mike Pompeo )現在是美國國務院的負責人,他向美國政府報告了現役軍人的任務,這意味着美國國務院現在也受到軍方的控制。




正如消息來源所指的,「陰森國度正受到嚴重的打擊,因為已有超過 29000 人被查封,司法部、中情局、聯邦調查局和國務院正被清除,老布什被踢出了醫院。」入院避難是一種有效的方法,被陰森國度的國家特工使用,以避免被逮捕。


值得注意的是,約翰·麥凱恩( John McCain )宣佈,他將邀請小布什和奧巴馬在即將到來的「葬禮」上發表講話,因為他死於「自然原因」,但不會邀請特朗普。




消息人士表示,以色列總理本雅明於本月 9 日被「召喚」前往莫斯科觀看一場勝利遊行,在那裏,普丁將發出最後通牒,以結束一直阻礙全球貨幣復位的最終衝突。


五角大樓消息表示:「猶太復國主義在走向滅亡,因為以色列為了扼殺伊朗的協議而在全球範圍內孤立無援,很快就會面臨 911 311 事件的曝光,」此外,猶太復國主義的高級官員賈里德·庫什納( Jared Kushner )也被擱置。


以色列現在是「被俄羅斯先進武器包圍、全球抵制的目標、剝離和制裁( BDS ),為懲罰 BDS 支持者,不惜迫使國會通過一項反言論自由的法律,但無法得逞,在法律上遭到的挫敗,是因為他在美國最高法院案件【 Jesner 控告阿拉伯銀行事件】失敗了( Jesner v. Arab Bank/ 在美國開業的阿拉伯銀行,因為該銀行涉嫌和恐怖分子做生意 ...... ),並被聯合國安理會否定其席位。」




在「美國聯合」的背景下提及歐盟。俄羅斯的安全架構暗示着俄美在歐盟問題上達成了某種協議。這很有趣,因為上個月 29 日,由於「停電」的原因,導致阿姆斯特丹史基浦機場關閉了一整夜。








本月 5 日,在法國,多達 5000 多名示威者,其中許多是軍隊和其他政府官員,在巴黎的一家精神病院外遊行,要求釋放法國精英保護部隊的成員馬克·格拉尼耶( Marc Granier )。


於本月 2 日發佈的一段的 YouTube 視頻中,格拉尼耶被強制安置在一家瘋人院裏(涉嫌包括多次暗殺政府官員、警察和記者等)。視頻(法語)如下:






貨幣重置與第納爾或越南盾的 RV 沒有任何關係,兩者都與美元掛鉤,因此如果美元發生了什麼變化,兩者也會一樣。


【原文】2018-05-07 Benjamin Fulford

Purge at highest levels of secret government spells doom for the satanists

A change of guard and a purge of secret power brokers is breaking the deadlock in the battle for the Earth, say Pentagon, Vatican, agency, and other sources. This is expected to result in the official disclosure of 9/11 and 3/11 truth as well as the removal of several G7 leaders, according to the sources. To kick off this process, Admiral Mike Rogers, the head of the NSA who resigned on May 4th, will testify before Congress to deal death blow to the cabal, Pentagon sources say.

A publicly visible sign of this change was the formal election of Fra’ Giacomo Dalla Torre as the 80th Grand Master of the Knights of Malta on May 2.

This is important because the Knights of Malta is not just a charity, but a military order whose members, the tip top of the Western elite, must obey orders. At one point MI6 sent me a list of the members of the order and I saw that it included enough senior U.S. military officers and agency officials to control the military-industrial complex.

Unfortunately, somebody was so concerned about my having it that it was removed from my computer along with a removable backup hard drive I thought I had hidden away. Nonetheless, other public lists show the order includes people like George Bush Sr. and Jr., Henry Kissinger, David Rockefeller, Queen Elizabeth, etc.

What is interesting about Dalla Torre is that he obeys Pope Francis, unlike his predecessor, Fra’ Robert Festing, who reported to Cardinal Raymond Burke. This is what self-described satanist Leo Zagami had to say about this move:

Our worst fears became real when the last traditionalist Order that poses a threat to Francis, the Knights of Malta, still immensely powerful within the military and intelligence community worldwide (including the conservative side of the C.I.A), have seemingly lost their battle for the defense of tradition and Christianity.

Zagami has told this writer he has eaten human fetuses and participated in occult ceremonies to summon demons and other entities.I suppose that it is this tradition that he is defending. He also said Christianity was a religion for the slaves. So the Christianity he is defending is the continued enslavement of humanity.

In any case, these changes are not just connected to religion, but are also intimately linked to the highest levels of world finance and power. This is because the Vatican secretly controls most world governments and leaders by giving them a choice between lead or silver, i.e. assassination or a large deposit in their name at the Vatican bank, confirmed by P2 Freemasons and other sources.

On this front, Vatican #3 and person in charge of Finance, Cardinal George Pell, has been removed from power ostensibly because he faces criminal charges for covering up sex abuse in the church. Coincidentally, his trial began on May 2, the same day the Knights of Malta elected their new leader.

This means that the apex of Western finance, the essence of the Deep State, is under new management.

These changes coincide with a huge move by Pope Francis to use high-level financial instruments to finance a massive campaign in South America and Africa to fight poverty and environmental destruction, P2 Freemason sources say. There is a lot we are being asked not to write at this time, but we can confirm this move has seemingly unlimited funding behind it.

Also, CIA sources in Asia and Rothschild family sources both say high-level intrigue involving gold and rights to historical assets is going on. A Rothschild source, for example, says that Julia Divinagracia, aka Alpha & Omega, was kidnapped.

Alpha & Omega, according to both CIA and FSB sources, financed both the West and the Soviet Union during the Cold War. The CIA sources, for their part, report new Rothschild-connected moves to take over the gold mines of Bougainville and other parts of Southeast Asia. Photographs of certain individuals of interest are being circulated by the CIA in relation to these intrigues, the sources say.

In any case, apart from this Byzantine-type intrigue, there is a clear unity inside the U.S. military-industrial complex and a determination on their part to permanently end cabal rule, Pentagon sources say.

To this end, the above-mentioned White-hat Rogers (NSA) now joins former intelligence officials Mike Flynn (Defense Intelligence Agency), Buzzy Krongard (CIA), Louis Freeh, Bob Mueller (FBI), and military brass as Trumps praetorian guard to deep six the Deep State, the Pentagon sources promise.

The new head of the NSA, General Paul Nakasone, will also control the CIA and will report to the joint chiefs of staff, the sources note. Former CIA head Mike Pompeo, who now heads the State Department, has reported to active duty, meaning the U.S. State Department is also under control of the U.S. military government now, the sources note.

A visible sign this means real change, of course, is the move towards peace in the Korean Peninsula.Another sign has been the State Departments decision to cut off funding to the fake white helmets propaganda outfit in Syria.

As the sources note, the Deep State is reeling as sealed indictments exceed 29,000, the Department of Justice, the CIA, the FBI, and the State Department are being purged, and Bush Sr. was kicked out of hospital. Entering a hospital is a tried-and-true method used by Deep State operatives to avoid arrest.

It is interesting to note that John Daesh McCain has announced that he will invite George W. Bush and Barack Obama to speak at his upcoming funeral as he dies of natural causes, but will not invite Trump.

Of course, the elephant in the room that everybody avoids by using the euphemism Deep State is Israel and the Zionists who were McCains sponsors. For them, events are unraveling very quickly.

Satan-worshipping Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been summoned to Moscow on May 9 to watch a victory parade where Putin will deliver an ultimatum to end the final conflict that has been holding up the global currency reset, the sources say.

Zionism is in its death throes, as Israel is globally isolated in its quest to kill the Iran deal and will be soon exposed for 9/11 and 3/11, the Pentagon sources add.In addition, top Zionist White House agent Jared Kushner has been sidelined, they note.

Israel is now surrounded by superior Russian weapons, targeted by global boycott, divest, and sanction (BDS), unable to force Congress to pass an anti-free-speech law that punishes BDS supporters, defeated in lawfare when it lost the U.S. Supreme Court case Jesner v. Arab Bank, and was denied a seat on the UN Security Council.

The other thing the Pentagon sources said was that the U.S. Second Fleet was reactivated to protect the East Coast and EU while keeping China and Israel away in a joint U.S.-Russian security architecture.

The mention of EU in the context of a joint U.S.-Russian security architecture, implies that Russia and the U.S. have reached some sort of deal over the EU. It is intriguing because Amsterdams Schiphol Airport was shut down all night on April 29th due to a power failure.

Since modern airports have multiple redundant backup power supplies, it is a good guess the airport was shut down to allow special forces to deploy throughout Europe in order to remove top cabal targets.

Over the next week we need to keep an eye on visible remaining cabal leaders like Theresa May in the UK, Angela Merkel in Germany, and Emmanuel Macron in France.

Regarding Macron, sources in the French National Transition Council say he is so isolated from his own security forces that he uses foreign bodyguards to whom he speaks in English. Imagine what Americans would feel like if the U.S. President used non-American, Spanish-speaking bodyguards.

On May 5th, over 5,000 demonstrators, many of them military and other government officials, marched on a mental hospital in Paris to demand the release of Marc Granier, a member of France’s elite CRS VIP protection force.

Granier was forcibly placed in an insane asylum after he exposed high-level government malfeasance (including multiple assassinations of government officials, police officers, journalists, etc.) in a YouTube video released on May 2nd, , the council notes.The video (in French) can be seen here:

Granier left detailed evidence with the Transition Council as well as with the Russian Embassy in Paris as insurance in case something happens to him. Well, it has happened, so we shall see how long the satan-worshipping Macron and his fake government remain in power.

On a final note, several Japanese right-wing leaders and members of mutual self-defense organiz

翻譯: 醒覺大勢頭



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