I am Sananda. I am here at this time, and in these moments to continue this awakening process with all of you. To continue to guide you, assist you wherever that is possible.
You all have a saying, “the times they are a-changing.” And these times are certainly about that. It is about change. It is about awakening. It is about remembering who you are.
But not only you, the Light-workers and warriors, but the Collective Consciousness as well must come along. And you are the Way-showers to bring this about.
But you can only do so much. You can only do what you are able to do in the moment. Do not feel in any way if you are not making a dent. If you are not making a difference. Do not condemn yourself for this. For you must awaken first, and then assist others in their awakening as they are ready to do so.
But as you are finding out, not all are ready at this time. Not all come to understand what you have come to understand. So many are still continuing to sleep. So many are continuing to be within their slumber, and have been for many, many lifetimes, and continuing in this one.
But do not fear at all that everything is not going to change, because it is. You are coming out of the storm. The storm is upon you now, and you have been in the eye of the storm. Many of you have been very comfortable there.
But the comfort is now leaving for many of you. You are finding that you can no longer be in that storm and be comfortable in it. You must go beyond it, now. You must realize that everything is certainly happening for a reason and being orchestrated. And that The Plan is continuing to be in the works. Do not despair, as many of you are tending to do, now.
Many of you find yourselves becoming ensconced again within the three-dimensional illusion at times. But at other times you realize that you can come to your center within you and you can feel the Universal Source of your being fully enveloped within you. And in those times, you realize that everything is exactly as it needs to be, and you are in the exact place in that moment that you need to be there.
So have heart, people. Have heart that you are moving ahead exactly as you need to right now. There is nothing to be concerned about, even though it appears that all around you are bringing concern to the picture. All around you are continuing to hold fear.
But is up to you, the Light-workers and warriors, to help to extinguish that fear, to help to raise it to be higher vibrational frequencies within you, and to help them as well to come out of that fear. Not in a way that is detrimental to you. We would never suggest to take a chance like that to bring anything to you that is not for your better and highest good. But know that as you are working for your highest good and for the highest good of all around you, that you have everyone’s best interest in mind.
So continue to trust in The Plan because it is exactly The Plan that you have been a part of creating for many thousands of years. And that plan is coming to a culmination now. It is not far off at all, where you will find salvation, and all around you will find that salvation as well.
You will find your freedom. Because freedom is what your destiny is, what your right is. Freedom. Freedom to be whoever you are. Freedom to reach to the very stars above you. Freedom to become the highest good within you that you can be in the moment. It is your birthright. It is your destiny. It is The Plan.
I am Sananda, and I leave you now in peace, and love, and harmony, and joy. And ask you each one now to continue to reach out to your brother and sister, to reach out and bring them the Light whenever they ask for it.
传导:James McConnell
翻译:Nick Chan